- Seattle Travelsby jake cosmos aller
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love Seattle
the world according to Cosmos
: Seattle Travels by jake cosmos aller

my postings from my blog the world according to cosmos

Seattle Travels

Family Seattle connections

I just got back from a trip to Seattle, one of my favorite cities in the world. I have a long family connection to Seattle.  My grandfather met my grandmother at the University of Washington and they were a campus couple before he settled in the Yakima Valley in the 1920s.  He was German-American and fought in World War One under his German name despite the widespread prejudice of the time,  his wife was Norwegian, like many people in Washington State in those days.

My father went to the University of Washington in the 1940s and was a student activist vice president of the university students association and led a successful fight to integrate the University of Washington. For that, he was rewarded by being put on the FBI list of possible suspicious people because in those days the communist party was the leader in the early civil rights movement and was in favor of integration.  After the university capitulated and allowed black students to attend the university,  they required black students to live off-campus or in black dormitories. Right after my father led the fight to integrate student housing. The. FBI investigated my father and put him on the list of suspected suspected suspected people. They interviewed my father's roommate who told them to go "f...themselves".

My father got a PH.D. and was offered a position at the University of Washington in the economics department, but opted to move to UC Berkeley where he ended up being my mom. He had been married briefly in Seattle and had a daughter who grew up in Seattle.

I went back and forth to Yakima during the summers because my father had a summer home there and I visited Seattle once or twice as a child.  Later in my 30s, I went to the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington and the Evans School of Public Affairs also at the University of Washington,  My Korean-born wife and I became a campus couple as well.  She attended the ROTC and was commissioned an officer after graduating from UW.  While there we met a lot of the Korean- American community.  Seattle has long had a large, vibrant Asian community and is the fifth-largest Korean community in the united states.  We also visited Vancouver a lot and Yakima, Washington to visit my uncle who had taken over the family's fruit business.  Sadly, my father died in 1985 and we buried him in yakima. We visited his grave in  Yakima in 2019.

Seattle weather blues

We liked Seattle very much, but only during the summer and springtime. The winters are cold, wet, and gloomy, with the sun setting at 4:00 pm and rising at 8:00 am. And we were gonna going to and from campus. In the dark, my wife did not like it. Neither did i, frankly.

I learned that in Seattle during the winter, the common greeting is

"nice weather for ducks"

because only the ducks like the cold, wet, rainy days. It rains there everyday for three or four months, but in the summer,  it is delightful with sunset at about 10  p,m and sunrise at about 4:30 a.m.

Revisiting UW

So this time around. I spent a full day driving around with my wife and my Korean brother-in-law and my Korean niece. On the sides, when we drove up from Portland, where we were spending the night and spent the afternoon and early evening. We drove to the University of Washington campus, took a lot of pictures, and went out to old student housing at Sand Point Way, located at an abandoned navy base.

Visiting Seattle Center

We drove down to.the Seattle center and rode up to the space needle and took great pictures, i recalled my two memorable meals at the space needle.  In 1988 my wife and i went there for my last meal in Seattle after graduating from UW.  I also went there in 1979 for a pre-departure meet and greet when i joined the peace corps meeting in Seattle before flying to Narita, japan and onto Korea.

Pike Place Market â€" original Star Bucks

then we went to Pike Place Market and the original Starbucks and drove around.

Great food

Seattle is a foodie delight town.  We left town around 8:00 pm and had a delightful seafood dinner in, of all places, federal way, where we found a restaurant called crawfish island which had some of the best crayfish, clams and. And fish that I've had in a long time. Ohh no, it was a great trip.

The previous time i've been in Seattle was a few years before when we drove up to Seattle, spent the night before taking my cruise to Alaska. . On that trip, we drove around the town as well and saw the things that had changed. Things had not changed. Ohh no. I was very impressed with Seattle this time around and i realized why it has become  become a world-class city.

Northwest poems

I have had a long history

With the city of Seattle

Dating back to my grandparents

Who met there at UW and were

A  campus couple.

And my father who attended UW

And became a student leader

Fighting to integrate the university.

I first visited the city

When i was a young man.

When we spend the summer

In Yakima

Where we had a family home.

Decades later, i visited the city

Before I went to the peace corps.

Then my wife and i lived there

For four years

While we were

Attending graduate school

At the University of Washington.

And we fell

under its seductive spell

Living and breathing Seattle.

Falling in love again

With the city in 1988.

We left the city

And traveled the world

Came back twice

Once to take

And pass the foreign service

Oral exam

And once decades later

To take a cruise to Alaska

And found that the city

Had changed in many ways

But the old Seattle remained

And i wanted to come back.

And now my nephew lives there

And my half-sister lives there

Adding another element to our family's

On-going Seattle family history.

Why I had been there before

I cannot say, but this much I do know

Seattle remains a part of me

And i remain a part of its history.

Yakima Dessert blues

Yakima, Washington

The ancestral home

Of my father's aller family

Since 1920.

Kept alive

In my family's history

Went back and forth

Like a yo-yo between Yakima

And the Bay Area,

mostly when

I was a young man.

In 2019, i visited

The ghosts

at my father's grave.

I did not realize

How much Yakima

had not changed

Ever since i was a child.

i thought that Yakima

Simply was too much

Of a desert outpost

Even then i knew.

Why my father

Had led the town

Rarely did I think

That my father

Would want to return

But, he did over

And over until

the day he died.

And was buried

In the ancestral homeland

Next to his parents.

But for me,

The Yakima of my childhood

No longer remained

The lesson learned

From all of this

Is Yakima

Remains in my heart.

Until the day i die,

i know that my family's

History in Yakima

Even now Yakima

The desert town

of my father's birth

Will not be

A home for me anymore.

It remains a foreign outpost

and is not anymore for me.

Because of you, i'm in a Seattle kind of mood

Because of you,

i'm in a Seattle kind of mood

When I look out my window.

And see the raindrops gently falling all around

And i feel that special Seattle kind of chill.

In my bones,

I think of you

With a Seattle kind of mood.

In the morning

Wherever I am in this

Crazy world

If i see raindrops.

Gently falling all around

Blue mood dissolves.

In the rain's gentle mist

And I cry out

With all my heart

Because of you

I am in

A Seattle kind of mood.

As I walk down the street

In distant foreign lands.

Whether I am in Bangkok,

Barbados, Madrid.,  New York, Medford, Portland,

Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo,

San Francisco, Washington, DC

Whether I am in  China, India, Thailand, or Spain

Whenever i feel

The rain's gentle embrace

I get into that Seattle kind of mood

Seattle, a Seattle kind of mood.

Fresh salmon sizzling

Over a hickory smoke fire

Ivar's clam chowder.

And red hook ale

Pike Place Market

Bums in pioneer square.

Great Asian food

In the international district

Or in the U district.

And angry hippies

preaching in red square.

Yuppies drinking downtown

Geeks in Redmond.

Making the world safe

For the Amazon, Microsoft,  Nordstrom

Starbucks, Seattle corporations.


And the Mariners

loose again

While the Huskies dream

Of Rose Bowls to come

and the Seahawks

Dream of a Future Superbowl.


And everywhere

Rain falling down

Oh yeah.

A  Seattle kind of mood.

Because of you

I get into

That Seattle kind of mood.

In the morning

As I fight the horrendous traffic

And breathe in deadly, killer air.

I cough, cough, and remember

The green, green air of Seattle.

And because of you,

I get into that Seattle kind of mood

Seattle, Seattle, kind of mood.

The huskies

And the Seahawks

Are always number

one in my heart

While the mariners

Are always last in the nation.

But what the hell

I'm in a Seattle kind of mood.

I sit in the international district

Eating dim sum

And drinking ballad bitter.

Watching the crowds

Dodge the ever-present raindrops

Walking the streets

under their Bumbershoots.

Seattle kind of mood.

As I wake up

Each day in crazy foreign lands

I hear the falling raindrops

calling me home.

Oh why did you leave me

They cry out

In a Seattle sort of voice.


In the gently falling rain

Seattle, Seattle kind of mood.

And so my dear

Wherever I roam

In this wide planet of ours.

From here to entreaty

And beyond.

All the way to

The red plains of Mars

Whenever I hear

The gentle patter of raindrops.

I'll get into that

Seattle kind of mood

And dream of

Spending eternity with you.

Watching the Seattle rain

Gently falling

On our Bumbershoots.

As we walk down

The beach hand in hand

Digging the gooey ducks.

While drinking rainier ale

All because of you

I'll always be in

A Seattle kind of mood.

Monkeys Run Amuck in Seattle

I am a member of Earth First, based in Seattle.  We decide that we will do one action per month to radically change the environment and generate publicity for our efforts and gain recruits.

After much discussion we decide to liberate all the animals being used for testing at UW medical school and in other labs in the city and to free the animals in Zoo.  We would take the animals out to the woods outside of town and let them run free.

We plan our attack with great care and we strike with military precision in the middle of the night one week and liberate 5,000 animals.  We release the animals and film it on U Tube.  The U Tube goes viral.

The animals run free and soon establish themselves in the forests near Seattle.  The Tigers and lions soon breed and become established eating deer and other animals.  The monkeys move into the city and the City of Seattle soon becomes their home.  The monkeys do very well, and even survive the winter.

They soon become a tourist attraction.  The zoo is closed down as they can't afford to round up the animals who have all gone native.  The UW Medical school denied that they were engage in animal testing so we publish their secret research on line.

It is a great victory for Earth First.   Other animal liberation actions take place across the country.

Within five years monkey troops have become established throughout the US.  Lions and Tigers have also flourished eating deer and helping to keep deer populations in check.  There were isolated lion and tiger attacks on humans but for the most part the lions and tigers stick to deer meat.

Other animals also flourished â€" Elephants take to the Central valley and most of the African animals we had released were released into the Central Valley which became known as America's Severgetti.

The wild animals become a huge tourist attraction.


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Seattle Travels
Audio FIle


Family Seattle connections

I just got back from a trip to Seattle, one of my favorite cities in the world. I have a long family connection to Seattle.  My grandfather met my grandmother at the University of Washington and they were a campus couple before he settled in the Yakima Valley in the 1920s.  He was German-American and fought in World War One under his German name despite the widespread prejudice of the time,  his wife was Norwegian, like many people in Washington State in those days.

My father went to the University of Washington in the 1940s and was a student activist vice president of the university students association and led a successful fight to integrate the University of Washington. For that, he was rewarded by being put on the FBI list of possible suspicious people because in those days the communist party was the leader in the early civil rights movement and was in favor of integration.  After the university capitulated and allowed black students to attend the university,  they required black students to live off-campus or in black dormitories. Right after my father led the fight to integrate student housing. The. FBI investigated my father and put him on the list of suspected suspected suspected people. They interviewed my father's roommate who told them to go "f...themselves".

My father got a PH.D. and was offered a position at the University of Washington in the economics department, but opted to move to UC Berkeley where he ended up being my mom. He had been married briefly in Seattle and had a daughter who grew up in Seattle.

I went back and forth to Yakima during the summers because my father had a summer home there and I visited Seattle once or twice as a child.  Later in my 30s, I went to the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington and the Evans School of Public Affairs also at the University of Washington,  My Korean-born wife and I became a campus couple as well.  She attended the ROTC and was commissioned an officer after graduating from UW.  While there we met a lot of the Korean- American community.  Seattle has long had a large, vibrant Asian community and is the fifth-largest Korean community in the united states.  We also visited Vancouver a lot and Yakima, Washington to visit my uncle who had taken over the family's fruit business.  Sadly, my father died in 1985 and we buried him in yakima. We visited his grave in  Yakima in 2019.

Seattle weather blues

We liked Seattle very much, but only during the summer and springtime. The winters are cold, wet, and gloomy, with the sun setting at 4:00 pm and rising at 8:00 am. And we were gonna going to and from campus. In the dark, my wife did not like it. Neither did i, frankly.

I learned that in Seattle during the winter, the common greeting is

"nice weather for ducks"

because only the ducks like the cold, wet, rainy days. It rains there everyday for three or four months, but in the summer,  it is delightful with sunset at about 10  p,m and sunrise at about 4:30 a.m.

Revisiting UW

So this time around. I spent a full day driving around with my wife and my Korean brother-in-law and my Korean niece. On the sides, when we drove up from Portland, where we were spending the night and spent the afternoon and early evening. We drove to the University of Washington campus, took a lot of pictures, and went out to old student housing at Sand Point Way, located at an abandoned navy base.

Visiting Seattle Center

We drove down to.the Seattle center and rode up to the space needle and took great pictures, i recalled my two memorable meals at the space needle.  In 1988 my wife and i went there for my last meal in Seattle after graduating from UW.  I also went there in 1979 for a pre-departure meet and greet when i joined the peace corps meeting in Seattle before flying to Narita, japan and onto Korea.

Pike Place Market â€" original Star Bucks

then we went to Pike Place Market and the original Starbucks and drove around.

Great food

Seattle is a foodie delight town.  We left town around 8:00 pm and had a delightful seafood dinner in, of all places, federal way, where we found a restaurant called crawfish island which had some of the best crayfish, clams and. And fish that I've had in a long time. Ohh no, it was a great trip.

The previous time i've been in Seattle was a few years before when we drove up to Seattle, spent the night before taking my cruise to Alaska. . On that trip, we drove around the town as well and saw the things that had changed. Things had not changed. Ohh no. I was very impressed with Seattle this time around and i realized why it has become  become a world-class city.

Northwest poems

I have had a long history

With the city of Seattle

Dating back to my grandparents

Who met there at UW and were

A  campus couple.

And my father who attended UW

And became a student leader

Fighting to integrate the university.

I first visited the city

When i was a young man.

When we spend the summer

In Yakima

Where we had a family home.

Decades later, i visited the city

Before I went to the peace corps.

Then my wife and i lived there

For four years

While we were

Attending graduate school

At the University of Washington.

And we fell

under its seductive spell

Living and breathing Seattle.

Falling in love again

With the city in 1988.

We left the city

And traveled the world

Came back twice

Once to take

And pass the foreign service

Oral exam

And once decades later

To take a cruise to Alaska

And found that the city

Had changed in many ways

But the old Seattle remained

And i wanted to come back.

And now my nephew lives there

And my half-sister lives there

Adding another element to our family's

On-going Seattle family history.

Why I had been there before

I cannot say, but this much I do know

Seattle remains a part of me

And i remain a part of its history.

Yakima Dessert blues

Yakima, Washington

The ancestral home

Of my father's aller family

Since 1920.

Kept alive

In my family's history

Went back and forth

Like a yo-yo between Yakima

And the Bay Area,

mostly when

I was a young man.

In 2019, i visited

The ghosts

at my father's grave.

I did not realize

How much Yakima

had not changed

Ever since i was a child.

i thought that Yakima

Simply was too much

Of a desert outpost

Even then i knew.

Why my father

Had led the town

Rarely did I think

That my father

Would want to return

But, he did over

And over until

the day he died.

And was buried

In the ancestral homeland

Next to his parents.

But for me,

The Yakima of my childhood

No longer remained

The lesson learned

From all of this

Is Yakima

Remains in my heart.

Until the day i die,

i know that my family's

History in Yakima

Even now Yakima

The desert town

of my father's birth

Will not be

A home for me anymore.

It remains a foreign outpost

and is not anymore for me.

Because of you, i'm in a Seattle kind of mood

Because of you,

i'm in a Seattle kind of mood

When I look out my window.

And see the raindrops gently falling all around

And i feel that special Seattle kind of chill.

In my bones,

I think of you

With a Seattle kind of mood.

In the morning

Wherever I am in this

Crazy world

If i see raindrops.

Gently falling all around

Blue mood dissolves.

In the rain's gentle mist

And I cry out

With all my heart

Because of you

I am in

A Seattle kind of mood.

As I walk down the street

In distant foreign lands.

Whether I am in Bangkok,

Barbados, Madrid.,  New York, Medford, Portland,

Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo,

San Francisco, Washington, DC

Whether I am in  China, India, Thailand, or Spain

Whenever i feel

The rain's gentle embrace

I get into that Seattle kind of mood

Seattle, a Seattle kind of mood.

Fresh salmon sizzling

Over a hickory smoke fire

Ivar's clam chowder.

And red hook ale

Pike Place Market

Bums in pioneer square.

Great Asian food

In the international district

Or in the U district.

And angry hippies

preaching in red square.

Yuppies drinking downtown

Geeks in Redmond.

Making the world safe

For the Amazon, Microsoft,  Nordstrom

Starbucks, Seattle corporations.


And the Mariners

loose again

While the Huskies dream

Of Rose Bowls to come

and the Seahawks

Dream of a Future Superbowl.


And everywhere

Rain falling down

Oh yeah.

A  Seattle kind of mood.

Because of you

I get into

That Seattle kind of mood.

In the morning

As I fight the horrendous traffic

And breathe in deadly, killer air.

I cough, cough, and remember

The green, green air of Seattle.

And because of you,

I get into that Seattle kind of mood

Seattle, Seattle, kind of mood.

The huskies

And the Seahawks

Are always number

one in my heart

While the mariners

Are always last in the nation.

But what the hell

I'm in a Seattle kind of mood.

I sit in the international district

Eating dim sum

And drinking ballad bitter.

Watching the crowds

Dodge the ever-present raindrops

Walking the streets

under their Bumbershoots.

Seattle kind of mood.

As I wake up

Each day in crazy foreign lands

I hear the falling raindrops

calling me home.

Oh why did you leave me

They cry out

In a Seattle sort of voice.


In the gently falling rain

Seattle, Seattle kind of mood.

And so my dear

Wherever I roam

In this wide planet of ours.

From here to entreaty

And beyond.

All the way to

The red plains of Mars

Whenever I hear

The gentle patter of raindrops.

I'll get into that

Seattle kind of mood

And dream of

Spending eternity with you.

Watching the Seattle rain

Gently falling

On our Bumbershoots.

As we walk down

The beach hand in hand

Digging the gooey ducks.

While drinking rainier ale

All because of you

I'll always be in

A Seattle kind of mood.

Monkeys Run Amuck in Seattle

I am a member of Earth First, based in Seattle.  We decide that we will do one action per month to radically change the environment and generate publicity for our efforts and gain recruits.

After much discussion we decide to liberate all the animals being used for testing at UW medical school and in other labs in the city and to free the animals in Zoo.  We would take the animals out to the woods outside of town and let them run free.

We plan our attack with great care and we strike with military precision in the middle of the night one week and liberate 5,000 animals.  We release the animals and film it on U Tube.  The U Tube goes viral.

The animals run free and soon establish themselves in the forests near Seattle.  The Tigers and lions soon breed and become established eating deer and other animals.  The monkeys move into the city and the City of Seattle soon becomes their home.  The monkeys do very well, and even survive the winter.

They soon become a tourist attraction.  The zoo is closed down as they can't afford to round up the animals who have all gone native.  The UW Medical school denied that they were engage in animal testing so we publish their secret research on line.

It is a great victory for Earth First.   Other animal liberation actions take place across the country.

Within five years monkey troops have become established throughout the US.  Lions and Tigers have also flourished eating deer and helping to keep deer populations in check.  There were isolated lion and tiger attacks on humans but for the most part the lions and tigers stick to deer meat.

Other animals also flourished â€" Elephants take to the Central valley and most of the African animals we had released were released into the Central Valley which became known as America's Severgetti.

The wild animals become a huge tourist attraction.


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Spotify Podcast

Author Notes
love Seattle lived there from 1984 to 1988 just got back from a visit


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