The Gashlycrumb Children Live
A is for Amy who donates to CARE.
B is for Basil who goes to Ren Fairs.
C is for Clara who swims in the bay.
D is for Desmond, born in mid-May.
E is for Ernest who was out of death's reach.
F is for Fannie who oft tanned at the beach.
G is for George, collector of bugs.
H is for hector who drank tea in a mug.
I is for Ida who still loves to bake.
J is for James who liked to eat cake.
K is for Kate, computers she hacks.
L is for Leo who owns PCs and Macs.
M is for Maud who wins spelling bees.
N is for Neville who oft watched tv.
O is for Olive who lived down the hall.
P is for Prue who played basketball.
Q is for Quentin, who flattened your tire.
R is for Rhoda who sang in the choir.
S is for Susan who sold First Aid kits.
T is for Titus who played Classic Hits.
U is for Una who moved down to Maine.
V is for Victor who was very vain.
W is for Winnie who bet with marked dice.
X is for Xerxes who skated on ice.
Y is for Yorick whose room oft was locked.
Z is for Zillah whose manner was mocked.
In the summer it's best to give thanks,
For twenty-six children they all seem to thrive;
For the Gashlycrumb children they're all still alive.