- The Alpha and The Omegaby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Free Verse Tercets, lower case, minimum punctuation
2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: The Alpha and The Omega by Gypsy Blue Rose

I wake where dew-covered grass grows

when the demure sun

steps forward into the light

gaining power step by step

till his flames remind him 

he is an old god reigning above 

and his children are planets and stars

heat warms the plants and trees

that create the air we breathe

but his airs of grandeur

blow in the wind

as he dies every night

our true God

is the alpha and the omega

He is the Christ

I know He is in my mind, heart, and soul

He is everything there is and more

and he dwells in us


Author Notes
the symbol between tercets is the Alpha and the Omega, the sign of Christ in revelations.

airs of grandeur = thinking one is grand and magnificent, egotistic and a false sense of importance

thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem


pictures from my Pinterest account
i have complete copyright of my poems and presentations


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