- Mother Natures Proseby Douglas Goff
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A beautiful new day.
Mother Natures Prose by Douglas Goff
3 Line Poetry Contest contest entry
Artwork by seshadri_sreenivasan at

mother paints the sky

brush strokes tracing vibrant blues

dancing with the suns gold rays 


Author Notes
I decided to forego punctuation for a more raw look.

People have asked for an explanation, so here it is.The poem has dual meaning. The first line is addressed to my mother as she really does paint the sky in my world. She is a treasure to me and my family. It is a tribute to her. Also, this is a reflective notion that we need to treat Mother Nature like my family treats my mother, as a loved one, or we WILL lose her. The balance between nature and industry must be maintained had guarded. Just my two cents.

Brilliant picture by:

Sunrisetime in Abstract
by seshadri_sreenivasan


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