- Looking at the Moonby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Choka Poem
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: Looking at the Moon by Gypsy Blue Rose
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looking at the moon

under a veil of longing

covering desire

and red sweltering passion

I want to kiss you

all over your sun-kissed skin

tastes like salty sea

I'll wait till the end of time
where the shore meets the ocean

Author Notes
CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated.

Start your choka with a couplet that introduces your theme or sets the tone for your poem. This can be a concise statement or an image that captures the essence of your topic.
Next, you develop your poem by expanding on the initial couplet. Each subsequent couplet should build upon the previous one, forming a thematic progression. You can explore different aspects, emotions, or perspectives related to your chosen theme.
for examples and more information click here

for examples and more information click here

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem. If you want to join the Japanese Poetry Club, click here to join club

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

I use two programs for my presentations. I have copyright for all my graphic art and poems. Pictures from my Pinterest account.


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