- Summer Swelterer Seeking Reliefby Reese Turner
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Summer again? Seems to come 'round every year about now...
Summer Swelterer Seeking Relief by Reese Turner
Naani Poem writing prompt entry

Dog day's heat is here! 

I’m suff'rin’ a warmth swelter! 

Need cold beer, shade, no sunny 

House. Please gimme shelter! 

Writing Prompt
Write a Naani poem. A Naani consists of 4 lines, the total lines consists of 20 to 25 syllables.

Author Notes
You know, it's my own damn fault. I grew up around here. Summer swelter is no surprise. I should have moved away years ago. But, never did and now I'm too old. (I'm just a fool for the food, the music and the pretty ladies in these parts!) Oh well, with cold beer and air conditioning, I can survive... Like Hank Jr. sang, "A Country Boy Can Survive!"


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