- The Fix - Chapter Tenby Jacob1395
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Stacey contacts Lucie
The Fix
: The Fix - Chapter Ten by Jacob1395
Book of the Month contest entry

Stacey knows her son Joshua is innocent of killing a young woman, and when a jury finds him guilty, she's certain the police have made him a scapegoat.

For a summary of what's happened in previous posts, please see author notes.


26th August 2023

It’s ten a.m. by the time Rachel leaves to go to the shops. I watch her pull out of the driveway from the living room window. It still amazes me sometimes that both my children are now old enough to drive. It only seems like yesterday I was making sure they were both strapped into their travel seats.

Once she’s out of the way I pull out my phone, open my contacts and stare at Lucie’s number, heart thumping. Before I try to dissuade myself from calling her, I dial it. It’s not going to connect. She’s not going to answer. But then her soft voice appears on the other line.

‘Stacey,’ she says. ‘How are you?’

‘I’m . . . I’m fine,’ I say, holding my hand up to my sweaty forehead. ‘I . . . I hope you don’t mind me contacting you so soon.’

‘No, not at all. I hope you’re feeling better.’

‘Yes, I am. Did you, I’m sorry to chase you, but did you manage to speak to your friend?’ I ask. ‘The journalist.’

I move away from the window and edge back into the cool hallway. Rachel better not have forgotten something, she could already be on her way back if she has. I press my phone tighter to my ear.

‘OK, yes, I did. I spoke to her last night and she’s interested in meeting you. She wanted to do today, but I said that was way too soon. When did you want me to arrange for us to meet?’

I sit on the stairs. This is going to have to be thought through carefully. Perhaps I could say to Rachel that I’m going off in search of volunteer work, like she suggested. But what if she insists on coming with me? Of course she won’t, she’s got her own work to be getting on with.

‘Erm . . . can we say tomorrow, say ten a.m. perhaps?’ I suggest.

‘Sure, I can let her know now. Leave it with me and I’ll suggest a place for us to meet.’

‘Erm, nowhere too public,’ I say.

‘Of course, I’ll make a note of that. I’ll see you tomorrow, Stacey.’

Lucie rings off. It’s still hard to believe she’s interested in helping me. Any other person in her position would’ve wanted to have pressed charges against me for following them, I’m sure.

I pick myself up, spin around and hurry up the stairs and back into my bedroom. I hadn’t drawn the curtains this morning when I got up. It’s as I yank them apart that the back of my neck prickles. There’s something out in the front garden, I lean closer to the glass, heart banging against my chest. That’s when I spot it. If it hadn’t have been for the madness of the last few months, I would never have noticed it at all, but then there wouldn't have been a reason for it to be here. There’s a camera lens poking through the bush at the front of my drive.



Stacey (mother of Joshua) 

Lucie (foreman of the jury)

Joshua (Stacey's son)

Susannah (murder victim) 

Rachel (Stacey's daughter)

Daniel (Stacey's ex-husband) 

Author Notes
Stacey attended the last day of her son's trial and was devastated when he was found guilty of murder, when she knows he is innocent. She is certain one of the jury members, the foreman, knows this too. Stacey is now desperate to prove her son's innocence. On her way out of the courtroom, Stacey spots the foreman and decides to follow her, following her to her home in Romford, before Stacey has the chance to speak to her she collapses outside her front door. Stacey has a brief conversation with the foreman, who she now knows is called Lucie, but before they can have a proper chat, an ambulance arrives and she's taken to hospital. In a flashback scene to a year before the trial, Stacey discovers her son, Joshua, is seeing someone. Her ex husband, Daniel has now urged her to move on with her life and to forget about what's happened. Stacey has now had a visit from Lucie who tells her she will try to help her prove her son's innocence. In the previous chapter, a flashback scene from over a year ago, Joshua tells her that he has started dating a girl called Susannah. Stacey returns home from hospital, and her daughter, Rachel tells her she needs to try and move on with her life.


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