- Behind the door by Caroline slator
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Family and the love once shared
Behind the door by Caroline slator
Rhyming Poetry Contest contest entry

Behind the door

You walked away and shut the door,
took one last glance at your childhood floor.
The final page of yesteryear,
a book of memories held so dear,
As unshed tears flood your hearts,
the home they built you must now depart.
It's hard to capture what it meant ,
those happy years were heaven sent,
laughter joy and so much more
behind that splendid bright red door.
A lot more than just bricks and mortar,
a loving home that raised four daughters.
An open fire with two armchairs,
where love and laughter filled the air. 
Welcoming smiles that beat all others, what an infectious laugh that was your mother's.
Her soft spoken voice,
her ease with grace.
Her loving, gentle, warm embrace.
 Where " while your on your feet" meant get it done,
 or "will you have a cuppa ?
sure I'll have one"
Sarcastic banter thrown around the table,
through tears of laughter,
sure we were all well able!
Cherished memories held so near,
a place of love,
a home so dear. 
A family man that gave his life,
to his precious girls and his loving wife.
He stood with those who fought the Irishman's war,
with honour and value at his very core.
He took such pride and worked too hard,
church on Sundays then tended his yard.
Gardens kept in constant bloom,
such care he gave,
so nurtured, so groomed.
Always taught to help each other, 
 a loving father, husband and brother. 
So before you shut that bright red door, 
take one last glance at your childhood floor.
For this is what you're taking with you,
the home they built it lives with in you,
I see it in you everyday,
in each of you in different ways.
Even though some words were spoken,
those bonds were built,
they remain unbroken.
The time has come,
you must  depart.
the joy still echoes in your hearts, for so much love passed down the line,
behind the door of twenty nine.

Author Notes
This was written for my mother and her sisters after my grandfather passed and they had to sell their childhood home, hope you enjoy it.


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