- The Untamed Medical Monsterby Claire Tennant
This work has reached the exceptional level
a little known medical issue is explained
The Untamed Medical Monster by Claire Tennant
Teach Me Something writing prompt entry
Artwork by Renate-Bertodi at

Pardon the intrusion, but I would like to introduce you to the Untamed Medical Monster. Fear not; it is not contagious, so you can leave the tissues where you left them! You don't need masks, either. The Monster of which I speak is not well known, but it is a result of a known medical condition.

As background, I was born with cerebral palsy, which is often caused by a lack of oxygen in the birth canal. In my case, in a matter of seconds, therefore, the brain is damaged. The injury affected the left side. Later, as a result of the injury, I developed a mild dose of epilepsy at the age of twelve. Although often triggered by stress, there was rarely an instance that identified the exact reason for the fit; they came and went like showers of rain.

Eventually, the fitting stopped in my early thirties, but I remained a very anxious lady. Even my less-than-supportive supervisor suggested out of genuine concern, I speak to my doctor. It seems very few know the problem, though most supervisors, school teachers and the like are taught how to deal with fits.

This doctor concerned was a darling, but he posed the question.
"Did no one tell you about transient anxiety?"
The stunned mullet expression spoke volumes. While Medical information can explain this in a language few would understand, I learned this out of necessity.

Mild or transient anxiety is a normal response to a threatening or unpleasant situation or to contradictory feelings toward something. (Google)

From experience, Transient anxiety shows its tentacles when the things that you controlled and shoved to the back burner, as it were, create a build-up of stress 'somewhere'.
There is no warning, but suddenly, anger, tears, and panic occur for no apparent reason. It goes as quickly as it rears its ugly head, except for the patient.
Helpful friends say you can control it, but because of the quiet accumulation of stress, there is no guarantee that you can. What is more, you need not look unhappy or stressed when the volcano erupts.

The usual treatment for anxiety prevails. Exercise, physical and breathing, is suggested. Get involved with your hobbies, grandchildren, and music, and if your diet allows, treat yourself to something sweet.

I am no medical guru, but if you know of anyone who stresses out periodically and there is no known ailment or reason, it might be the untamed monster.
Here endeth the lesson. Mr Google will be able to answer most questions.


Writing Prompt
Everybody knows something that not everybody knows!
Choose something interesting or unusual that you know a bit about and craft it into an informative article.
It could be related to:
Your job or hobby or passion
A location where you've lived or visited
A how-to guide for a process
Something you researched for your own interest

The sky's the limit for this informational exchange.
No poetry
No stories (ex. Don't tell us about your vacation but rather something you learned/observed while on it)
No word limit, but articles and attention spans are generally maxed out by 1000 words.
Nonfiction. Don't make it up!

Author Notes
Most of this is from personal experience Please refer to Google if you are interested


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