- Broad brushstrokes on the canvasby Wendy G
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Broad brushstrokes on the canvas by Wendy G
Your Life in 150 words writing prompt entry

My childhood … dominated by feelings of being unwanted, awkward, inadequate.

I turned to my heavenly Father for love and strength to cope with the bitterness of home and family.

My early adulthood … dominated by feelings of insecurity. Living in this world of confident and capable achievers?

I asked Him for security and guidance. He told me I was precious and esteemed.

My lifetime … compensating for a difficult start, I learned to love, think for myself, explore the world, dream, and overcome.

All I ever wanted was a happy family, to be a good teacher … and to write.

Family life is imperfect, funny, sad, hard – but there’s love.

I enjoyed a fulfilling teaching career, where hard work and love equalled success.

My writing? Just beginning. Loving the process, thinking, exploring the writing world, dreaming, believing, and hoping. Working hand-in-hand with my Father.

Never too late ....

Writing Prompt
Write the entire story of your life in no more than 150 words. You can be experimental, creative, funny, serious, provocative, reflective, whatever style you best feel represents your life. You must write about your entire life, not just a moment of it. No poetry (too easy). No fiction (YOUR life), although metaphors are acceptable so long as they are directly interpretable to be about your life. You'll be surprised at what your life looks like in 150 words.

Author Notes
Too many experiences to give details.
These are broad brush-strokes of the painting of my life - a canvas of His creativity and dedication to one of His children.


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