- My Emerald Dreamby Violet WolfChild
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Longing for freedom
My Emerald Dream by Violet WolfChild
Pastoral Poetry writing prompt entry
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The mountains are calling
they're calling my name.
I long to let go of
this life that's so plain.
The hustle and bustle.
The ol' nine-to-five.
Surrounded by nature,
my soul comes alive.

Please join me on the patio
let me share my dream with you.
There is a fairytale cottage
with a stunning mountain view.
Where a symphony of wild birds
serenades from overhead.
And the fragrance of fresh-turned-earth
drifts up from the garden bed.

Mother Earth is calling me.
She has been calling me back home.
To where I am meant to be
My spirit is longing to roam.
To sit by a waterfall
and feel the earth beneath my feet.
Go racing through the forest
and explore the rivers and streams.

To live off the land.
Reconnect with the earth.
I'll watch the sun rise.
And begin my rebirth.
I will cleanse my soul
underneath the moonbeams.
This is the picture
Of my emerald dream.

Writing Prompt
A pastoral poem explores the fantasy of withdrawing from modern life to live in an idyllic rural setting. All pastoral poetry draws on the tradition of the ancient Greek poet Theocritus, who wrote romanticized visions of shepherds living rich and fulfilled lives. Write a rhymed poem with its focus on idyllic country life that would be characterized as pastoral poetry.

For an example read: The Bait BY JOHN DONNE

Author Notes
This is the life I've been dreaming since I was a little girl


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