- Life Remains a Dreamby Tom Horonzy
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This I swear is true...
Life Remains a Dream by Tom Horonzy
The time of my life: writing prompt entry

Today, I continue to find that true because of a girl who, once upon a time, rescued a heart that was dark, lonely, and self-centered. 
The year was  1977.  I was twenty-nine and believed myself to be a B.M.O.C.  Standing 6'6 with an athletic body; I was a modern-day Adonis, save I had neither an Aphrodite nor a Persephone on either arm in spite of lettering in two sports.
Many a filly eye would follow my strut, but being eight to ten years older was a difficult challenge to overcome. Even teammates and fraternity brothers held me at arm's length, as I held no interest in getting stoned or fall-down drunk. My fraternal call sign was Silent Eddy. My position therein was Chapter Advisor. 
Then came the night when my life began to change. A frat brother brought a sweet young thing of nineteen to party hardy at the ΠΚΦ house and left her standing alone after he over-imbibed in a tub of suds. I stepped to the rescue by sharing a dance or two before escorting his date back to the dorm. I found her fascinatingly mature for such a young thing and I became smitten immediately. Sadly, she felt not the same and avoided my advances on campus.
That wouldn't change voluntarily. Fate had to enter in, and did after she refused my offer to attend the Military Ball that Spring. She had already committed to be escorted by our chapter's Archon.
Still, I had become fully bewitched, so I went to the lad and pled, "If for any reason you cannot survive, would you call me to sub" or something to that effect. Who would have thought that three hours before that night commenced, I would receive a call at my off-campus apartment asking me to visit? I did and found an ice pack over his eyes, a hole in the wall, and an empty fifth of vodka on the floor. He couldn't stand and asked while lying parallel to the floor if I would step in for him.
Of course, with an obliquitous smile, he couldn't see; I replied, "I will." Then, he ponied up two pre-paid meal tickets to the best steak house in town, an Antebellum establishment where all things were Southern.
Dashing home, I showered, shaved, and donned a tux from my military days before heading out for a date with the girl who had frequented my dreams many a night for what seemed to be forever. It had been three months since I met her.
 An unseen problem soon after arrived when I realized no one told his planned date, her escort, had been replaced. So, after the front desk rang the belle's room announcing, "Your date is here," she soon sashayed down the stairs smiling brightly in a formal gown, only to have it change to a grimace in saying, "No way." 
With glassed-over eyes, I escorted her to the parlor, explaining the wherewithal of passing events and suggesting we at least dine out, and if she insisted on going no further, I'd return her safely home. 
Dinner went well, and I was not disappointed when she suggested we go to the dance, kick up our heels, and show the Commandant of the R.O.T.C. that his hopeful candidate for commissioning was decommissioned for the night, to our delight.
Ten days later, and I swear this is true, I asked the gal to marry me. She conditionally agreed but with terms. The first was no 'hanky-panky' activity until she finished her degree, the first in her family. If I thought the three-month wait to date her was a challenge, imagine the trial I faced for another two and a half years. 
She was worth the wait, and now, with nearly a half-century in the rear-view mirror, I can only hope another half-century lies ahead.

Writing Prompt
Write a short story. The topic is: The best time you ever had in your life. It can be as an adult or as a child. Please keep it clean. Minimum length 100 words. Maximum Length 4,000 words.

Author Notes
I cannot tell a lie. None of this story is fabricated. Even the picture selected is of us back when we married and us a few years ago.
I can only wish everyone can have their dream come true like Pinocchio and me.

� �?�¦ - Greek letters for Pi Kappa Phi
BMOC - Big Man on Campus


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