- Party Animal (maybe)by Terry Reilly
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A sonnet exploring what really makes me happy.
Party Animal (maybe) by Terry Reilly
What Makes Me Happy writing prompt entry
Artwork by cleo85 at

To strut my stuff upon life's stage brings joy;

to hide behind the curtains is a ploy
to shun the scrutiny of doubting peers.
Much better, then, to chase applause and cheers.
Luxuriate in plaudits richly earned.
No pleasure flows from skulking, I have learned.
To entertain my friends with fun and flair
rewards much more than lurking in my lair.
Still, solitude may soothe a fretful mind,
while foolish frolics leave good sense behind.
A restful evening buried in a book
can find the peace which revelling forsook.
But extraverts and introverts both seek
the joie de vivre to get them through the week.

Writing Prompt
Write a rhymed poem, minimum three stanzas long, on what makes you happy. Any rhyme scheme. Any style poem.


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