- A Faraway Futureby Ginda Simpson
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#9 - NaPoWriMo 2024 - We cannot see into the future
Love is in the Air
: A Faraway Future by Ginda Simpson

Our future once seemed far away,
when I agreed to be your bride.
We could not see, nor could we say;
we promised Love would be our guide.

When life was easy, we were gay;
blessings gathered, no wish denied.
We could not see, nor could we say;
we trusted in the knot we tied.

When storms blew in and skies grew gray;
from our heartache, we could not hide.
We could not see, nor could we say;
we sought shelter, God did provide.

We have learned when to sing and play,
and not to fear the rising tide.
We could not see, nor could we say;
our love is strong, stay by my side.

Author Notes
This is my 9th poem for NaPoWriMo 2024. It is a kyrielle. A kyrielle is made of quatrains that rhyme. Each stanza (that is a quatrain) has a line that repeats, so a line from a previous stanza. That line usually (but does not necessarily have to) be the last line in the stanza. Each line in the poem has eight syllables. There is no limit to the number of stanzas. Usually there are three or more stanzas. Any type of rhyme scheme can be used.


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