- Recipe For Success by yaboiivy
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A wife has troubles with wanting to cook for her husband
Recipe For Success by yaboiivy
Dialogue Only Prompt writing prompt entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

“This book is stupid.”

“It’s not stupid, Marley. Maybe you’re stupid.”

“Oh shut it, bonehead.”

“Do you need me to explain it better to you? I don’t understand why you need me on the phone with you when you have a cookbook right there.”

“Because the cookbook is stupid!! I don’t get it!!”


“It’s not… It’s just too complicated, Alex.”

“Marley it’s not rocket science.”

“It might as well be!! Making anything from scratch is a hassle in itself… Lord, why in the world did I decide to make pierogis??”

“Because you felt as if you needed to prove something to your Polish husband??”

“Don’t talk for me, asshole.”

“You asked me a question!!”

“I was asking myself a question.”

“Didn’t sound like it.”

“Ugh, I think I’m gonna rip my hair out by the end of this night.”

“If you do that you’ll look like Sinead O’Connor.”

“God rest her… Ugh, DAMNIT!!”

“What? What happened?”

“I think I overfilled this piece. Damnit, now the pasta’s gonna be all messed up I can’t–Ugh, I hate this stupid cookbook–”

“Marley put the cookbook down.”

“–I’m never making anything from scratch again.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, very.”


“Because it sucks!! Cooking sucks!! I suck!! You were right, I’m stupid.”

“...Marley, I’m sorry I called you stupid. Please just put the cookbook down and breathe for a second.”


“Good, that’s good. Now tell me in detail what is so difficult about this cookbook and these pierogis??”

“...Everything is difficult, Alex. I want them to be perfect for Filip. Our anniversary is tomorrow and my boss couldn’t give me time off so I wanted to do everything tonight, and if it’s not perfect then that means I’m not perfect which means–”

“Marley, your husband is not going to leave you over pierogis, but if he does I know some people so don’t hesitate to call me, ya know?”

“Shut up, Alex. I just–I don’t think I’ve been a good wife recently. I feel like I’m always working and when I’m not I don’t wanna do anything but just rot in bed. The one time I actually put in any effort for my husband, I’m just proving that I’m not a good wife, and I never was…”

“Marley, you don’t need to be the ‘perfect’ wife. I think you’re putting too much pressure on yourself. When has Filip ever actually asked you to be the ‘perfect wife’ huh?”



“–I still want to make him happy!!”

“–Don’t worry about it! You’re an amazing wife, I’m sure. The fact that you’re even attempting this is more than most people would ever do. If they’re not ‘perfect’ then the two of you can laugh about it in the future with your kids. It’ll be ok, trust me.”

“...Fine, you win… Thanks, Alex.”

“No problem, I gotcha… And if Filip won’t eat them I’m driving over so I will.”

“Yeah, fat chance.”

“Oh come on!! Just one teeny tiny pierogi??”

“No. These are for me and Filip, no outsiders.”

“I’m not an outsider, I’m your brother!!”

“Do you live here?”

“I’ll be there tomorrow after you’re done with your shift at the hospital.”

“Alex, it’s just pierogis, calm down. Get some frozen ones from Walmart or something.”

“Nah, they wouldn’t be as good as yours.”

“Aww, you’re being sweet for once.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

“You’re still not getting any pierogies.”


“Marley, I’m home!!”

“Oh shit, Alex I gotta go. Filip just got home.”

“Have fun without me I guess…”

“I always do.”


“Who were you talking to, darling?”

“Alex. He was helping me with something.”

“With what?”

“This! He was also helping me not rip my hair out because it was really difficult and I was stressing out because I wanted you to like them–hey get your hand out of the mashed potatoes!!”

“What, I can’t have a taste test?”

“You can but you’ll get sick.”

“Well, then I guess my lovely wife will have to take care of me…”

“Just because I’m a doctor doesn’t mean I’m your doctor.”

“You could be…” 

“Just shut up and help me make these, ok?”

“Alright my love, I will… I love you, please don’t stress over me.”

“I love you too… I promise I won’t again…”

Writing Prompt
Write a story using only dialogue. No narration, descriptions, or sentence tags. Maximum word count: 1,000.


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