- Bored and Needing to Talkby BethShelby
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A chapter in the book, Phone Calls from Caroline.
Phone Calls from Caroline
: Bored and Needing to Talk by BethShelby



Is this Beth?

Yes, it’s me … How are you, Caroline?

Well, I’m not so good.  I’m bored. What are you doing?

I just walked into the house. I was about to sit down and eat the sandwich I bought.

You’re eating every time I call. Do you eat all the time?

Usually, I’m just getting ready to eat. It is because you always call at mealtime.

Well, like I said, I’m bored. I need to talk to somebody. There is nothing to do around here.

Did you finish reading the book I wrote and sent to you?  Last time we talked, you said you were on chapter 17.

No, I put that thing away. I was scared of how it was going to end.

Why? It’s the story of my life. How did you think it was going to end? My life isn’t over yet.

No telling what you were going to make up. I figured it was all going to end up being a dream. Nobody could have that much bad luck. You’ve got to be making that stuff up.

I didn’t make any of it up, and besides, it wasn’t all that bad. I think I've had a pretty good life.

In the first place, How can you remember all that stuff? You’re supposed to let things go after they happen, like I do. Tell me about the cat you got.  Is she doing anything cute?

The other night, she got her claw inside one of my nostrils and made my nose bleed.

Beth! You get rid of that cat, right now. That cat is planning to kill you. She is trying to tell you something. Do you hear me? I’m not joking. You’ve got to get rid of her. I mean it. Cats aren't supposed to get up your nose.

I’m not getting rid of my kitten. She didn’t mean to scratch me. She was just playing. I knew I shouldn’t have told you that. Let’s talk about something else. I found out something about that caul or veil you were born with. There was a lot of information about that on the internet.

I was born with what?  What are you talking about? I haven’t ever worn a veil.

Caroline, you told me about it, yourself. You’ve forgotten. Everybody knew about it. I’ve heard that story all my life. It was very rare, so people talked about it. My mother was there when you were born. It was a little scary because you looked purple, but it is a good sign. It is supposed to be lucky.

Well, I don't remember that. You say it's good thing? Is that how come I'm still here at 94? I always knew there was something special about me.

What I read said people who are born with a caul or veil are supposed to be psychic.

Oh, that is why I know more than other people. It must be why I see angels and things. I've got to go tell the other ladies about this. They’ll have to listen to me, because I know things.

Listen, I just heard a noise. Someone is trying to hear my phone call.  I’d better go, so I can tell everybody here about my veil. I've got something to talk about now.

Bye Caroline. Call me again when you need to talk.



Author Notes
Caroline is my real cousin, but the name is changed. She is in in Assisted Living. She may have slight dementia, but she is pretty alert most of time, and at 94 she feels free to say whatever is on her mind. She always makes me laugh. I care about her, and I am always available when she wants to talk. Being born with a caul is rare, like one baby in 88,000. You can read about it on Google.


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