- Had a Childby Treischel
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A Blitz Poem
Commentary and Philosophy
: Had a Child by Treischel

Had a child
Had a boy
Boy was wild
Boy was joy
Joy to father
Joy to mother
Mother raised him
Mother anxious
Anxious of dangers
Anxious outside
Outside for play time
Outside for fun
Fun playin’ Injuns
Fun playin’ cowboys
Cowboys ride horses
Cowboys shoot guns
Guns are for shooting
Guns all around
Around with the street gangs
Around all the town
Town has a problem
Town swamped with crime
Crime kills the future
Crime on the rise
Rise up against it
Rise with the time
Time carries message
Time for recruitment
Recruitment of soldiers
Recruitment for country
Country is calling 
Country of freedom
Freedom from dangers
Freedom for all
All so defenseless
All wanting heroes
Heroes with courage
Heroes with guns
Guns killing bad guys
Guns holding borders
Borders of countries
Borders unknown
Unknown the worries
Unknown the dangers
Dangers surrounding
Dangers grow worse
Worse even than death
Worse to our boy

Author Notes
This message blitzed through several streams of thought, like a Blitz Poem is supposed to do. Went from birth to death courtesy of the military. Now, I didnâ??t mean this to be anti-military, or anti-gun. It doesnâ??t always work out that way. It just flowed the way it did through the word connections. I thank all military for their patriotic service. But some do end up dead. If we donâ??t get better leadership soon, more will.

This poem is a Blitz Poem. The Blitz Poem is an invented verse form that is a kind of twisted Chain Verse. It was created by Robert Keim and is found on line at Shadow Poetry. The poem is a rush of phrases and images with rapid repetition as if creating a sudden and intense attack on the senses. The poem throws thought afterthought at the reader in quick succession, with the repetitions of words being the only thing reminiscent of a real pause or break. The blitz poem has 50 lines, and they can be any length you like, though shorter usually works best. There is no rhyme scheme and no set rhythm. The first forty-eight lines follow a pattern where each pair of lines starts with the same word, and this word is the last word of the preceding line.
Your third and fourth lines must begin with the last word of the second line. Continue in this pattern for 48 lines. Line 49 is simply the last word of line 48, and line 50 (the last line of the poem) is the last word of line 47.


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