- The Gentleman and His Briefcaseby jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level
Spiral Out of Control
The Gentleman and His Briefcase by jmdg1954
Artwork by helvi2 at


"Good morning," Michelle said to the customer approaching her tellers window. He smiled and handed her a note;

Put all your cash in this briefcase and hand it over to me

Do this with a smile and no one will become suspicious

Michelle looked at and read the note again. 

He looked straight at her. She fell into his hypnotic stare, took the briefcase and frantically began filling it. 

”Slowly, Michelle," he whispered. "Smile. You're doing fine." 

Her hands trembled as she tried to comply. With a now empty money drawer, she handed over the briefcase. At the last minute, she remembered to smile.

Gale, the bank teller beside her, asked if she was alright.

”Um, yea. I'm good. It's just…it's getting hot in here,” she said, looking at the man with the briefcase.

Gale looked over at the handsome customer. Their eyes met as he winked at her. Oh yeah…It is getting hot in here!

He gave them both his most flirtatious smile and headed towards the exit. Both Michelle and Gale watched him getting into a silver Maserati before disappearing. 

Michelle shook her head and thought to herself,  

Why did I give him all that money? He wasn’t holding a gun. I was such an easy target for him and his looks! 

She grabbed the note and started reading it over and over again thinking she missed something. Her blood pressure rose. She had to go to the Branch Manager immediately before that handsome man, that thief could do this again. 

Michelle's jaw dropped as he suddenly entered the bank, again. This time there was no briefcase. 

He slowly approached Michelle's window and passed her another note.

His cell phone number! The nerve of this guy! Isn’t he afraid at all?

”I would love to have dinner with you tonight,” his lips whispered.  

”I'll call as soon as my shift is over,” her lips told him. 


Author Notes
A few nights ago I was watching Point Break with Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves and afterward I got to thinking of this story.


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