- Chapter 28 Bby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Emma and Seth have a moment.
Guided by Faith
: Chapter 28 B by barbara.wilkey

Depend on God in every part of your life, and He will guide, protect, and comfort you. Will God guide Emma's life? If He does, will she listen?

Seth and Emma met 29 days ago.


After they left the craft shop with numerous colors and containers of face paint and brushes, Seth asked, "Before we leave Cedarville, do you mind stopping by the house Abbey and her family will move into? I haven't checked it for a few months."

"Sure. Is this another property you inherited?"

"It is. My grandparents willed it to me."

"What about Abbey? What did she inherit?"

Seth blew out air. "Nothing. She made our grandparents angry. She was specifically written out of their will, and it stated she'd never own any of their property."

"Wow! I can't imagine she could do anything that horrible."

"She didn't. Just in their eyes." As Seth drove, he glanced toward Emma. "She's your age." He paused. "You're from May to August older than her."

"And she already has two children. I'm behind."

Chuckling, Seth said, "I wouldn't worry about it. When she graduated high school, she and Gary wanted to get married immediately. He's four years older and had just graduated from college with a teaching degree and had a job. Our grandparents raised us after our parents died and refused to give her permission. She was still underage. The day after she turned eighteen, they married. Our grandparents never forgave her. After they married, he continued his education."

"What about Abbey?"

"She's been working on her degree between having children." Seth parked in front of the house.

"Their marriage appears to be working. Abbey seems happy."

"She is." He exhaled. "More than once she's ended up on my doorstep in tears."

"So you're used to drying tears and listening to young women. No wonder you're good at it."

"I wouldn't say I'm good at it. I still mess up, but I've had practice. It's what big brothers do, they protect their baby sisters."

Emma placed her hand on Seth's arm. "You've done a good job drying my tears."

"I've also caused some." Seth removed the key from the ignition, got out, and opened Emma's door. "Ready?" He offered his hand.

Accepting his hand, they went into the house.


Chapter 28 B

Back inside the pickup, Emma said, "The house is really nice. I like the large open rooms."

"I think they'll like it there. With the master bedroom and three bedrooms each child will have their own. Maybe the third can be a playroom or a guest room." Seth paused. "I was going to let them live there for free, but Gary wouldn't accept that. So I'm asking they pay the property tax and insurance. It comes to six hundred a month."

"That's more than reasonable."

After they got the dart board and darts from the police station, Seth asked, "Before we head home is there anything else we need?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay." He headed toward their homes.


"What'd you forget?" Seth pulled off to the side of the road.

"Nothing really." When his eyebrows rose, she said, "I'm not sure what else we're having besides pulled chicken."

"What were you thinking?"

"Maybe some kind of potatoes, buns for the pulled chicken, coleslaw, and a dessert."

"What do you already have?"

"Chicken and cabbage."

"So, we need to stop by the grocery store."


Shaking his head, Seth made a U-turn in the street. "In the glove compartment, there's paper and a pen. Make a list."

"You're being bossy, again."

"Probably or we can make a second trip to the store later this afternoon."

She opened the glovebox. "I get your point."

He grinned at her pout.

After leaving the grocery store, Emma said, "We didn't need more ice cream. There's plenty."

"I didn't want to take any chances."

"I was thinking." She hesitated. "For potatoes why don't we try your air fryer and do French fries?"

"Good idea."

"I'll get it and the instructions. I think the Insta-pot's still at your place."

"It is."

Inside Emma's house, they worked together, read the instructions, and turned it on for the French fries.

After Emma made coleslaw, and put it in the refrigerator, Seth asked, "How about a play-off Scrabble game?"

"There's time before dinner." Emma set up the board and the game began. As it came toward the end, Emma put RR beside a G. "I win."

"Grr is not an official word."

"Is too. I use it all the time, plus Daddy always lets me use it when we play."

"I'm sure he does."

"Are you saying Dad lets me do whatever I want?"

"Not really." Seth paused. "I'm pretty sure when you bat your big green eyes, he struggles saying no." When she crossed her arms over her chest, he added, "It's not just him. I'm willing to bet they affect most men."

"But not you?"

Seth shook his head. "I've fallen for them on more than one occasion."

"But you won't accept Grr as a word?" Emma stood. "I happen to have an official Scrabble Dictionary. I'll prove it."

After she took the dictionary from her bookshelf, she found the word and pointed. "I win."

Grinning Seth said, "So, you do."

Both heads turned when the air fryer beeped.

Emma walked toward the kitchen. "Dinner's ready. I hope you're hungry."

"I am."

Scanning the area, Emma said, "Why don't we just leave everything where it's at and fill our plates?"

After lifting the air fryer's lid, Emma blew on a French fry and then took a bite. "This is good." She took another fry from it, blew on it, and offered it to Seth.

He opened his mouth and accepted it. "You're right. It's pretty good."

As music started playing, Seth said, "What's that?"

"A radio station I grew up listening to. I have it set to come on at six o'clock. It's a cross between sixties and seventies rock and country."

"Why haven't I noticed it before?"

"Somehow the radio got unplugged. I noticed it this morning and plugged it in." Emma walked toward it. "I'll turn it off."

"Keep it on. I just never noticed it before."

As they ate, Emma asked, "Want to play another Scrabble game after dinner, or something else? I have a few more games."

"Any you don't normally win at?"

She laughed. "Let me think about it." After a few moments, she said, "While in college my friends and I used to play a game on our phones where you listen to a snippet of a song and have to guess the name of the song and the musician."

Seth studied her. "You've got to be kidding. You're a musician. I wouldn't have a chance."

"I guess that's a no."

"It's a maybe." He hesitated. "We can try it." When she smiled, he shook his head. "Like I said, I fall for those big green eyes, often."

After the dishes were finished, Emma found the music game on her phone.

Emma won five straight games before Seth took her phone and set it on the counter. He turned up the radio and held out his hand. "Will you dance with me?"

She accepted his hand. "I guess that game's over."

"You'd be correct. I didn't have a chance."

As the dancing continued, they moved closer to each other, their movements slowed. Emma laid her head against Seth's chest, and he rested his head against hers. The dancing stopped, and they stared into each other's eyes.

I can't do this. Seth exhaled and whispered, "Goodnight, Emma." He left, leaving Ace and his pickup.

Emma stood in the center of the living room. Moisture filled her eyes.

Almost an hour later, Emma answered her phone.

"Is everything all right?" asked Susan. "Mother's intuition said I needed to call." Emma sniffled. "You're crying. What's wrong?"

"Seth walked out. He didn't say anything. He just left. I don't know what I did wrong."

"Did something happen?"

"No. We had a great day together. After dinner, we were dancing, and he suddenly left."

"Tell me about dancing. Fast or slow? Describe it."

"We were dancing, and then the dancing slowly became slower."

"Where was your head?"

"Mom? Really?"

"Emma, I think I know why Seth left, but before I say anything I need details."

"Against his chest. His head rested on mine. Our eyes met, the dancing stopped, he said, 'goodbye,' and walked out. He left Ace and his pickup. Why?"

"I'm sure he'll explain tomorrow. I'm guessing he left to protect you. You did nothing wrong."

"What? Protect me from what? It was only him and me."

"From himself. I think he left because his feelings or desires for you were so strong, he wasn't sure he'd be able to trust himself if he stayed. He respects you that much."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm sure you felt something too," interrupted Susan.

All I wanted was for him to kiss me. "Mom, what do I do?"

"Nothing. Wait for Seth to come to you. When he does, just be understanding. He cares so much for you that he won't risk..."

"Mom, Seth's calling," interrupted Emma.

"Okay. Be careful. He's vulnerable right now. Men don't like that feeling. Especially men like Seth."

By the time Emma said goodbye to her mom, Seth had hung up.

Emma put her thoughts together before she returned the call. When he answered, she said, "Sorry I missed your call. Mom called."

"Is there a problem? Are they all right?"

"Mother's intuition told her she should call."

"I'm sure." He hesitated. "I'm sorry I left like I did. I'm sure you were hurt."

"A little hurt but more confused. I thought we'd had a good day. I don't understand what happened."

"You didn't do anything wrong."

"That's what Mom said."

"You told her!" Seth took a moment to compose himself. "What did she say?"

"She said you care about me and left to protect me."

"She's right."

"Do you want to get Ace and your pickup?"

"No. I'll get them tomorrow. I'll be by to escort you to church."

"Okay. I can send Ace home."

"Let him stay with Fur Ball."


"Emma, I'm not good at putting feelings into words. Please understand you did nothing wrong. I left because I didn't want to risk hurting you or damaging our relationship. I care about you."

"I care about you, too."

"Thank you for saying that. I'll see you in time for church tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." After she hung up, she whispered, "I had those feeling too."

Move your coffee table aside grab your partner and slow dance in the living room to Johnny Rivers.

Johnny Rivers - 'Slow Dancing Swayin' To The Music'

Character List:

Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief

Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.

Winters - the bakery/bookstore Emma's parents own.

Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man

Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore

Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian

Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9

Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather

Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend

Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery

Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth

Linda Holton - the town librarian

Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton

George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot

Marc Elliot - troubled teenager

Ronald Calhoun - dated Emma her senior year of high school

Dr. Mason - veterinarian who took care of Molly

Mickey Casey - Man stalking Emma and she killed him

Elizabeth Higgins - 'Lizzy' pregnant teenage girl

Calvin and Gretchen Higgins - Parents of Elizabeth Higgins

Charlie Michaels - Sports store manager, donated gift certificates


Author Notes
Today's quote from what I've learned from my research. "With the right person, you won't need to ask for attention and time. You will be spoiled with care." by Rahul Kaushik

Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of a couple dancing.

This is the second part of Chapter 28 and is a little under 1500 words. There are 37 total chapters, so Seth and Emma's story is close to the end. Of course, when I continue to break the chapters into two part it's still plenty of weeks away.

I appreciate the time you took to read this post. I appreciate the help editing. Thank you.


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