- I Held a Stoneby Treischel
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Commentary and Philosophy
: I Held a Stone by Treischel

(The viewpoint of a Jewish Zealot present when Jesus was challenged about stoning a prostitute)


I am ashamed to say, I held a stone

that day that Jesus freed the prostitute

from ploy that Pharisees would Institute,

with evil based instructions at its root.

A Torah-trap devised for Him alone.


To stone adulterers is Moses’ Law

 I am ashamed to say, I held a stone

when Jesus shocked me to my very bone.

He charged me to review the sins I own.

Rebellion, murder, rape - is what I saw.


As Jewish Zealot forced to understand

those evil deeds for which I must atone,

I am ashamed to say, I held a stone.

“No better than this woman”, I bemoan.

This Jesus touched my heart with His demand.


Am I a saint, allowed to cast the first?

My presence here at all, I can’t condone.

our dogma and hypocrisy is shown.

I am ashamed to say, I held a stone.

Now see that my intentions were the worst.


So on that day no judgement stone was thrown

by Jesus or by others present there.

Nobody there could bear His burning stare.

We left, heads down, with her within His care.

I am ashamed to say, I held a stone.

Author Notes
This poem is based on the Gospel of John 8:1-11. I took the view of one of the participants who were there ready and able to stone the woman. Of how Jesus impacted their actions on that day. The Jewish leaders had set up this trap to see what Jesus would do. Either he supported the law of Moses and helped to stone the woman, or went against the law and was a false prophet. He handled the situation without doing either.
This poem is a Quinquerne. A Quinquerne is a creation of Fanstorian, Pantygynt (Jim Bartlett). It uses ten syllables per line of iambic pentameter. The Quinquerne, as its name suggests, works in multiples of five - five Quintrains of enveloping rhyme (two around three), with the first line, repeated as a refrain line cascading line by line through each Quintrain. The rhyme scheme which, unlike the Quatern, is essential with this form. The rhyme scheme is
Abbba, cAaac, daAad, eaaAe, afffA, where the capital letter indicates the repeated line.
Feminine endings may be employed, but would not, however, be stipulated as a requirement of the form.


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