- The Swarmby ccarlucci65
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What lurks in the town of Crestwood?
The Swarm by ccarlucci65
Danse Macabre contest entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

In the quiet town of Crestwood, nestled amidst rolling hills and serene lakes, an unassuming evening descended. Meredith, a local librarian, settled into her Jacuzzi tub, relishing the rare moment of solitude.

The bathroom was bathed in the flickering glow from candles, she had carefully placed around the bathtub. Their soothing scent of Lavender created an ambience of tranquility.

In her hand, she held a glass of wine, its rich red color deep and inviting in the candle’s light. She took a leisurely sip, the smooth, velvety taste of the wine complementing the soothing warmth of the bath. As she set the glass down on the edge of the tub, she leaned back, closed her eyes, and put in airbuds.

The soft melodies flowed into her ears, a harmonious blend of gentle strings and soothing piano notes accompanied by the jets of the tub humming to life.

She felt the water stir around her, the jets creating a gentle, swirling motion that caressed her skin. The sensation was like a series of soft, underwater currents, each one easing the tension from her muscles, lulling her into a state of blissful calm. The warmth of the water enveloped her, a comforting contrast to the cool air of the room. She closed her eyes, as the music seemed to weave around her, creating an auditory sanctuary that shielded her from the outside world.

The stresses of the day melting away in the caress of the swirling waters.

As Meredith was relaxing, she felt a bizarre, almost feather-like tickle against her skin, a stark and unsettling contrast to the soothing warmth of the water. Abruptly, the sensation morphed into a series of sharp, agonizing stings, as if her skin were being pricked by a multitude of tiny, unseen needles. Her eyes flew open in alarm, the serenity of the moment shattered.

What met her gaze was the stuff of nightmares — a teeming mass of minuscule, water bugs, no larger than pinheads, spewing forth from the Jacuzzi jets. They swirled in the water, their slick, segmented bodies catching the harsh bathroom light, casting eerie, darting shadows on the walls.

Meredith's body tensed in horror as the swarm engulfed her. The water, once her source of comfort, now boiled with the frenzied activity of the bugs. Their bites were relentless, an unceasing assault that felt like countless fiery pinpricks over every inch of her skin. She tried to rise, to escape, but they were everywhere, swarming over her, driven by an insatiable hunger.

Her screams tore through the silence of the house resonating in a crescendo of pure horror. The sound was primal, a testament to the unthinkable agony she endured. The air was thick with the scent of fear and the metallic tang of blood that began to mingle with the bathwater.

Within moments, the swarm became a voracious, consuming force. Meredith's struggles weakened, her movements slowing as the bugs overtook her, their numbers obscuring her form from view. The water churned violently around her, now a whirlpool of shadow and movement.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, the nightmare ended. The tub became eerily still, the water no longer disturbed by her struggle. All that remained was the gentle hum of the jets and the faint, lingering echoes of her screams. Meredith was gone, completely devoured, leaving behind nothing but the water she had once found so comforting, now swirling bloodied in the tub.

As the horrific ordeal in Meredith's bathroom ended, the serene calm that once defined the quiet town of Crestwood was shattered. In the next 24 hours, an unsettling chorus began to arise. One by one, homes throughout the town became stages for the same nightmarish scene that had claimed Meredith.

From quaint homes to sprawling estates, the air was pierced by the chilling sound of screams. Each one echoed through the streets, a haunting reminder of the unseen terror that had invaded their homes.

Neighbors huddled together, fear etched on their faces, as they listened to the distant cries of friends and strangers.

As the dreadful night progressed, the relentless screams that filled the streets of Crestwood gradually ceased, leaving behind a haunting silence. By dawn, the once vibrant town was eerily still, its streets deserted, homes abandoned. Crestwood, once a haven of peace and community, was no more.

The haunting memory of Crestwood's demise lingered in the air, and one couldn't help but wonder: what town would be next in the path of this unseen terror?


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