Return To Concorde Valley : Edge of Destiny by davisr (Rhonda) Book of the Month contest entry Artwork by cleo85 at |
End of last chapter:
Echo handed Sunny to Theo, then stood up as gingerly as she had sat down. She knew moving through the trees hurt less than sitting still, so braced herself for the journey. She took Sunny, gave him a hug, and placed him in the backpack. Theo took the beloved burden and carried him on broad shoulders. Echo nodded to Theo her readiness to go on. She knew, with the instincts of her profession, she'd pushed as far as she could for information. She was certain Theo would reveal more as the need arose. For now, she was satisfied. The nut had cracked, even if just for a moment. New Chapter Begins: As they labored through the night, Echo wondered how much longer she could keep pace. The muscles in her extremities ached, and the wounds covering much of her exposed flesh burned like fire. Still, she continued to press on, drawing strength from her resilient companion. As the night grew old and daylight replaced moonbeams through the canopy, Theo called for a break. They sat together on a limb and ate nuts he had collected as they traveled. Since Sunny was resting comfortably in the backpack, they left him alone to sleep. Without embarrassment or discomfort, Echo leaned against Theo's shoulder. It felt as natural now as it had been so many years ago when they were children. For a moment, neither spoke, but rested in the comfort they drew from each other. When he was ready, Theo leaned back and pointed to Echo's leg. "How are those gashes doing from the Spectre's scratch?" Echo lifted the slashed material on her pants leg and showed him three angry red lines. Until that moment, she hadn't realized just how bad the wounds were. Theo touched the skin beside the concentric gashes. From his gentle caress, she felt warmth radiating and providing relief to damaged tissue. "That feels good," she said. "Do you think your father can fix this mess?" Theo nodded and pulled her pants leg back down. "I've seen him heal worse. You're doing great, just be strong a little longer. I know this has been a long trip, especially for one not accustomed to traveling through trees." "I had a good teacher." Theo smiled. "I think you've been practicing since I taught you." "I did off and on. It was relaxing, but what were you doing this far from home when you were little? This is a long journey for an 8-year-old." "I was far from home, but not from my parents. They were in a cave near where I sheltered you." "Are they the ones who caught the fish you brought me?" Theo feigned offense. "I'll have you know, I caught them myself. It's against the rules for them to have helped." "Rules for what?" "My Primary Journey." "What's that?" "A coming of age ritual for 8-year-olds in Concorde," he said. "They participate in an individualized task designed to help them discover what we call their horse name. The kids spend time alone in the woods running the periphery of Concorde Valley. It's all very safe, but they live off the land and take time to think about their goals and talents. They return once they've discovered their secret name." "What happens if they don't?" "They can have family members discuss their experiences with them. If they still can't figure it out, then they try again the next year." Echo nodded. "There are several cultures with similar customs, but I don't get the horse name piece." Theo looked around as though searching for words to explain the unexplainable. "You see," he began, "we believe all people have a secret name that has to do with their greatest personal characteristic, which is what our people call their horse name." "Why horse?" "It's the animal we feel most connected to." "Are there that many in the valley?" Theo shrugged. "It's more the quality than the quantity, but that's not the real point. It's more finding that inner focus and direction to help guide a person that's important." "I can understand that. What happens after the name is settled on?" "They get a patch to wear representing the name and character quality it embodies." "Do you mean like the one you had on the bib of your shorts when we first met?" Theo cut his eyes over at her in surprise. "Yes, but I'm surprised you remember." "It caught my attention. The patch was very colorful and had two sticks crossing each other. What did it all represent?" "My horse name, Artist. The sticks were paint brushes and the color, well, color." "That's really cool, but since you had it on your bib when we met, you must have already known your secret name. So, what was the purpose of your journey?" "To go beyond the valley, something normally forbidden, and seek my destiny there." "That sounds a bit vague." "Maybe, but I found it." "You found me, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the destiny you sought." "I found more than you, Echo, though I'm eternally grateful I did so. I also discovered a rare second name." "That's amazing, what is it?" "The same as my father's, Guardian." "And how did learning that shape your destiny?" "Take for instance my job in your world. I was a police officer, hence, guardian, and I was also their sketch artist, expressing my first name of Artist." "Oh man, I didn't even think about you losing your job. I guess I've lost mine, too. Looks like we messed up both our destinies." "Echo, a job is just a manifestation of your destiny, not the destiny itself. We can always find other jobs." "In my world?" "Sure, wherever your world ends up being." Theo grinned at Echo. "Oh." Echo was at loss for words, a rarity for her. Theo laughed and handed her some more nuts. It felt good having her off-guard for a change. Echo smiled, too. She realized, once more, that Theo was as clever as he was handsome. "So, do I have a horse name?"
"As I said, our people believe everyone has at least one. Most in the outside world just don't know how to find it."
"What's mine, then?" Theo considered her question and how to answer. He knew she was trying to understand his culture, but telling wasn't nearly as satisfying as discovering. "You'll have to figure that out for yourself," he said.
"But I'm not a little kid and it's been a long time since I came of age. I'm not sure a Primary Journey would work for me." "And I'm not certain it's necessary. There are people in my world you can ask who would know more about it. Either way, you'll discover your horse name if you truly want to know it, and Concorde Valley is an excellent place to do so." Echo gave a slight nod. "If I guess my name, can I have a cool patch?" "Of course, but you mustn't guess. When you're sure in your heart what the name is, you can come and discuss it with me or someone else you come to trust. Then, you go to my father for confirmation and he will enter it into the rolls of the valley." "So, he already knows what it is?" "He will listen to your thoughts, then weigh it in his heart." "I know he's Poseidon's son, but does that make him a wizard or something?" "No, my dear, he's the king of Concorde Valley and a very wise man." "And a doctor?"
"Yeah. He's a really good one. He's also a warrior and gardener."
"Nice. How many horse names does he have?"
"Who knows?"
"Is your mother the queen?"
"Yes, her name is Diantha."
"Which makes you..." "Hungry, so let's get going again, if you please." "How much further do we have?" Echo was finished trying to dig information out of Theo and, like him, she was hungry. "Not much, we're on the outskirts of Concorde Valley right now." "Are you kidding me? Why did we stop when we were so close?" "I figured you needed to rest and learn a few things before going in." "I need to learn more than a few things, buddy, and it's not like you told me that much." Theo gave her a quick side hug. "Follow me." Echo resisted the urge to tell him that's what she'd been doing all night. Rather, she walked through the trees until they parted to reveal a looming mountain that had been invisible until now. Theo took her hand and gave it a squeeze. With the other hand, he gestured at an outcropping in the mountain. "Welcome to the Portico of Concorde Valley." Something in his voice stirred Echo to experience a deep wonder. It was as though all the magic and joy she'd ever felt from Theo radiated from somewhere beyond the cliffs ahead. She squeezed his hand back. "I'm a little scared," she said. "Don't be. You'll love it and the people will love you." "They don't even know me." Theo laughed, then turned and winked. "You'll be surprised to find just how much they do know. It seems I've talked about you a lot over the years." It was Echo's turn to laugh. "I guess I've talked about you a lot, too." "I truly am glad we've reconnected," Theo said. Echo responded with a tilt of her head and a smile. Further conversation was halted by the appearance of an enormous black stallion on the outcropping ahead of them. He raised his magnificent head and let out a piercing scream, punctuated by a series of neighs and grunts. Echo glanced at Theo to see his reaction. To her surprise, he stood perfectly still, his face calm and pensive. Golden skin, glowing in the light of the rising sun, gave him the appearance of an ancient prince returning from afar. Several more neighs and cries from the noble steed heralded that son home. After the horse grew quiet, Theo turned to Echo and spoke. "We've been given permission to enter. He told me that all is well and my parents await. They give leave for you to enter as well." "I didn't quite hear all that." "That's because you don't speak the language of horses." "And you do?" "Of course." "Of course," Echo repeated. "Who taught you?" Theo grinned and looked her straight in the eyes. In that moment, Echo knew the nut was about to crack wide open and that her life would never be the same. "My father," he said. A sparkle danced in his sea green eyes. "He used to be a Centaur." Echo was beyond disbelief at this point. She simply stated, "Well, that explains the horse connection."
Theo tilted his head forward. Echo responded by tapping her forehead on his. Pulling her into a hug, Theo took a pinch of powder from his jacket pocket and blew it into her face. At once, she grew sleepy and slumped into his arms. She was vaguely aware of being carried out of the tree by strong, gentle arms. After that, she knew nothing more until she awoke in a strange, beautiful world.
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davisr (Rhonda)
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