Ask an old man about “Faith”? Well now,
I’m old and hurting, but still somehow,
I go to bed making plans for what’s next
In my life. Expect happy, avoid perplexed.
When you’ve faced and been where I’ve been
And know life could send you back again
You have a choice: Hide or have faith to fight
With your best and believe, you’ll do alright.
Faith, for me, expects good things to arise
So bright that I’ll see it with these dying eyes.
Faith, to me, good news sings loudly near
Even if these old ears cannot really hear.
Faith is having courage to believe in good
So, Faith is willing to do all you should
To even the odds, even send them your way!
Faith is believing in life – with courage to stay.
Let me state, Faith applies not to games of chance
Faith might stand aside – I could lose my pants!
My Faith begins with my belief life is good;
I’ll break even or better if I behave like I should.
Faith’s a positive power to most any endeavor;
Be wise, work hard for good, lose almost never.
Still, there’s no guarantee that you’ll always win
But, Faith gives you power to rethink, try again.
At the bottom line, faith is courage to not give
To adversity’s hits. With Faith, fight on to live!
And remember to keep your sense of humor
Laugh at hard times, be a humor consumer!
Faith is believing you must continue your battles
To keep Faith even when anti-faith rattles.
To serve, example to others, family and friends,
Anticipate losses, still expecting more wins.