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Love Morning.. by tempeste
Share A Diatelle Poem writing prompt entry

grand trees
winds that tease
golden sunbeams
that glisten on calm seas.
Man acts as if he were supreme,
he mistreats Mother Earth, ignores her screams.
If he persists in his egoist ways, he's screwed.
Like bees, we must learn to work as a team,
make Earth's welfare, our common theme.
Time to seek change, so please
don't make this dream
a mere plea,
be bees

Writing Prompt
Write a diatelle for this poetry contest. A diatelle has a set syllable count and a set rhyme.

The syllable count is: 1-2-3-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1. The rhyme patter is: abbcbccaccbcbba. It is usually displayed centered. See an example here.


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