- Catsby pookietoo
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There are many breeds
Cats by pookietoo
Free Verse writing prompt entry

Cats are loving creatures 
Some like to sit on your lap.
Some cats like to purr real loud.
Others don't purr much at all.
There are many breeds of cats.
Siamese, Manx, and Calicos are a few.
Calicos - so gentle will knead your chest.
Manx cats are born without tails. 
Cats love to play with and knead yarn.
Young ones will run around and play with toys.
They will rub your legs, step on your toes.
When they beg for treats, it makes us laugh.
Cats think and act like they are the boss.
They enjoy lying by their owner's feet in bed.
Farm cats are great at catching mice.
Indoor ones are afraid to go outside.
I think cats understand some things we say.
They know our love for them is true.
Tuna fish to cats is quite a treat.
They are so fun to have around.

Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem about a prized object of any kind. No rhyming patterns.

Author Notes
This is a picture of a cat we had. Her name was Tilly. She was about 10 years old when she died of kidney failure.


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