- Must Be by Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
a 5-7-5 suite
Must Be by Bill Schott
Write a 5-7-5 Haiku Suite writing prompt entry

sad struggling teens who
seek their Holy Father's face
must be born again
murderers in jail
accepting God's redemption
must be born again
pompous pretenders
confidently couched in church
must be born again

Writing Prompt
In this this haiku suite, the final 5-syllabe line
, (satori) in each haiku must be the same. For example read my haiku suite "Just a Little Rain"

sudden burst of wind
scatters the cherry blossoms
just a little rain

Geisha's umbrella
catches petals in the breeze
just a little rain

old woman cries as
pink showers evoke the past
just a little rain

Normally a haiku is nature related but feel free to choose your own topic.

Author Notes
Image from Google


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