- Girl Bandby Debbie D'Arcy
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Girl Band by Debbie D'Arcy

For three decades and three years more
We've been a rebel team!
We've grown and rocked for all these years
And really lived the dream! 
Probation was the start of it
With friendships forged from that.
We'd get together in the bars
Imbibe with stolen chat!
A healthy outlet was our goal
Probation far too straight.
We aimed our poisoned arrows far
In dreams if not true fate!
We travelled wide to see those cons 
Whose lives had come undone.
Then shopped to displace all we'd seen
Determined to have fun!
West Wales was our Christmas treat
To 'Cawdor' for a roast
Then down the road and round the bend
We'd hotfoot up to 'Toast'.
There Wendy swooned in classy black
While Paula writhed in pain
The costs too high, the joint a con
From shopping she'd abstain!
Then Ireland as a jaunt we chose
We travelled to the south
And bestowed a gift on Dublin -
A plight of Foot and Mouth!
While Helen sought things cultural
And Bev and Paula roamed
Wendy browsed and Em'lie danced
And Cathy sadly moaned!
But then as age would take its toll
And Helen sadly died
Her cancer missed for all those months,
Heartbroken, we all cried.
And Cathy too, we loved her wit,
But that could not withstand
The suffering that etched so deep
She too would leave our band.
But, oh, the memories they left
We'd forged o'er all that time.
We mourn their loss but celebrate
Their lives couched in this rhyme.
So now our group, though much reduced
Our bonding's extra strong -
With Beverley, Deb and Wendy,
Paula, Em'lie and Von.
We pour out hearts with laughs and tears
Shoot always from the lip
We boast a gift that makes us proud
True friendship - joined at hip!


Author Notes
A little artistic licence in the first stanza (sorry)
Con - convict or offender. These were the highest risk.
Cawdor - a lovely hotel in Llandeilo with delicious food
Toast - a classy clothes shop none of us could afford
Foot and Mouth Disease - outbreak in 2001. One of our party had incomprehensively stroked a sheep the morning of our travel and there were strict precautions at the airport. She was allowed on the plane and didn't knowingly spread the disease further!
Emilie was in a habit of dancing on her own - this time in a men-only (quite common in Dublin) public bar. I was mortified!


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