- Wanting You Soby Aaron Milavec
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Two lovers, separated, desperately yearn to be One.
Wanting You So by Aaron Milavec
Passionate Love in Black and White writing prompt entry
Pic from the first day we were together in Shanghai.


My body trembles as I read your powerful emails.
I shudder so intensely, I hardly know where to begin.
I yearn to have you comfort my aroused spirit and body.
I feel like crying, for my soul aches to have you touch me,
to hold my heart as it bursts open again and again and again.

I hear you loud and clear, my Beloved.  I too want to be with you, to be One with you, and you with me . . . to sit with each other totally exposed and naked, and to be infinitely loving toward each other . . . to love you fully and kiss you passionately . . . to feel your electricity surging within me . . . bringing every part of me from death to life.

I want to see your beautiful eyes and comb through the soft hair around your ears.
I want to touch every part of you, especially that dark emptiness within your chest.
I want to gently find an opening and flood that place with my purest healing love.
I want to dive into that void and pour God's love (through me to you) therein
until the darkness is transformed into a brilliant light that burns with fire.

I hear you loud and clear, my Beloved. Come close to me, yes, even closer, my Love. I am totally exposed and utterly naked before you . . . and I want to be infinitely loving toward you . . . to love you fiercely and kiss you passionately . . . to enable you to feel my electricity surging within you . . . bringing every part of you from death to life, eternally.


Writing Prompt
Write a passionate love poem, any style, any length. Try to make us feel the heat and passion of your lovers without being vulgar or blatant. It has to be clean enough so you don't need to put any warnings on your poem.

Author Notes
Here are four of the email messages that portray the passionate yearning that my Beloved and I shared during the time when we were separated by twelve time zones.

To see our story in a six-minute video, go to
To read the entire story, go to
For a lifelong mutuality in sexual bonding, go to

The small gif at the bottom makes use of a source that says that there are "No charges or obligations - it's only a click away!" Thus I invoke the "fair use" clause to allow for use of this here.


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