- The Circumstances and My Niyuta
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Some background and circumstances of life.
My Notes From Above The Ground.
: The Circumstances and My Birth. by Niyuta
Artwork by Cindy Sue Truman at

The Notes From the Overground is presentation of one white woman's life on the Streets of Metropolitan Cities of the USA. Previous chapter (1), is an introduction of the owner of the notes from which

August 10, 1985 was my fourteenth birthday, and like all other past birthdays, it has come and gone without any kind of celebration. Reasons for such indifference are many, but most relevant is my arrival and biological father's disappearance from the scene 9 months ago. Mom discovered that her casual sex with a traveling salesman, under the influence of alcohol, and weeds, had resulted in me hanging in her womb, of course, without anyone wanting me, or asking me to do so. I just was getting in shape.

Being what my mom then had been; that is, a 19 year high school drop-out, without money and oblivious of anything important happening to her. Floating in the Cannabis induced clouds and enjoying that La, La, land most of the day and night, it took her three months to realize my presence within her, and then, all options for getting rid of that freeloader me, were gone, and my birth became inevitable. Hi folks; I am here writing these notes. For whom? I don't really know. But it feels good to write and tell myself a story. I doubt, it will be of anyone's interest.

Today, mom learned that she inherited this dilapidated mobile home that occupies a slot on the Marty's Trailer Park on the Taylor Mountain, a part of Kanawha Valley, in the State of West Virginia. I would not describe my early childhood as an abnormal one, if you may imagine. Frankly speaking, I call it a 'normal' one. It is so, because for that part of the country, and perhaps everywhere else, where the population, education, jobs and all other attributes and circumstances are similar, and the mindset and belief of men and women living there, are identical. Obviously, what is a normal life for girls of my age, is depends on what usually happens to them.

Typical low paying jobs in the Fast-Food industry, some high paying jobs in the Chemical industry for the lucky ones with union cards, and then, there are those coal mines with absentee owners, who don't know that there is a population of the gentiles living in the hills, digging black gold for them, and the governments, and dying with Black Lungs, alcohol and drugs. That condition accompanied by the least effective schools, and plenty of Moonshine bars, drugs, pool tables and single women with children and a welfare assistance, completes the picture of the USA, in mid 1970s

There were some rich folks on the other side of the river, up on the South hills, but most people living there were working in the management of the Chemical companies and mostly were the foreigners. We had no business getting up the South Hill community and they too did not know we existed. Let me stop here now that you have become aware of me. In the chapters that will follow, I will share my randomly selected notes with you. They are not going to be in any chronological order and will take the readers back and forth in the different years of my life. When I wrote them, I was not thinking of ever sharing or publishing them.

Author Notes
A generalized description of life and must not be taken as the real, although it is based on the observations of life in the southern West Virginia coal-mining towns.


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