- Seasons of Mind, Body, Soul IIby JLR
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Poem 28
Seasons of Change
: Seasons of Mind, Body, Soul II by JLR

Seasons of the Mind, Body, Soul


Each child is born,
coming in three parts
not highborn nor lowborn
with God in their hearts.

              Mind, body, and soul.
              Three parts of a whole.
              Each with a role.
              To make us feel whole.

Then a thought comes,
as the mind whirls
this babe becomes a seeker,
of life's precious pearls.

Mind is the thinker.
The planner, the seeker.
It helps us to learn.
To reason and discern.

These seeking minds have needs.
To eat, to sleep, to tinker.
To crawl, then walk, and plant seeds.
Seeking more, becoming a thinker.

The body is the doer.
The mover, the shaper.
It helps us to act.
To sense and interact.

As long as time has dawned,
across the ages, each soul
develops the feel, the bond,
to share God's love, to extol.

The soul is the feeler,
the lover, the healer.
It helps us to love.
To connect and evolve.

             Mind, body, and soul.
             Three parts of a whole!
             Each with a role,
             to make us feel whole.



Author Notes
Poem 28 NaPoWriMo

Rhyming poem mixed meter with a refrain


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