- Faith Chapter 5 Bby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Seth learns additional information about Emma.
Guided by Faith
: Faith Chapter 5 B by barbara.wilkey

Depend on God in every part of your life, and He will guide, protect, and comfort you. Will God guide Emma's life? If He does, will she listen?


"Yes, you'll be able to visit with him," interrupted Seth shaking his head. He glanced at his watch. "I think we're finished, for now. This evening I'll drop by my house to change, so why don't I pick you up, and go to your parents' together?"

Emma glanced toward the door. "It's fine with me, but I don't want to upset your..."

"I'm not dating anybody."

"I guess it's okay. Just so you know I'm bringing Molly, so Ace's welcome." She stood and walked toward the door.

Jake opened it for her and hugged her. "Glad I got to spend this afternoon with you. I'm sure I'll be around again before too long."

"Bye for now. Drop by the bakery before you leave. If they're not all gone, I'll put a peach Danish back for you."

Rubbing his stomach, he said, "Will do."

"Why don't I get the same treatment?" teased Seth.

"I don't know what your favorite pastry is." She left the room.


Chapter 5 B

After Seth changed into blue jeans and a T-shirt, he called Emma. "I'm walking out the door. Just so you know beignets are my favorite."

Ignoring his comment, she said, "I'm ready. I just finished planting flowers. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. The timing's perfect."

Emma watched Seth drive the fifty yards. Once he put the pickup in park, he opened the passenger door as she said, "You know Molly and I could've walked to your place. It's not far."

"True." He backed the pickup to the road.

Emma scanned the interior. "I thought you only drove police cruisers."

"I have this and a Harley Davidson customized street glide."

"Do you wear leather when you ride it?" interrupted Emma before he could continue.

"I do, but I'm thinking about selling it. I normally take Ace everywhere and there's no place for him."

"Maybe you should get a touring attachment and put him in it. He could wear a helmet and goggles."

Shaking his head, Seth said, "That would mess with the image of the Harley."


"No maybe to it."

Keith stood on the driveway shooting hoops when they arrived, so Seth parked in the street.

Emma and Seth walked up, and Keith hugged his daughter. "Your mom's inside."

"I'll go in and help."

Passing the basketball to Seth, Keith grinned. "Welcome. Feel like one-on-one until dinner's ready?"

He took a shot and made it. "Sure."

After getting the rebound, Keith said, "Jake dropped by before heading back to Cedarville. He said you have a sketch of a suspect that's been stalking my daughter and might have siphoned the gas."

Seth retrieved Keith's missed shot and took one. "Just a suspicion."

"Thank you for taking this seriously. Emma's special."

"If this isn't our guy, do you have any other candidates?"

Keith held the ball and avoided eye contact.

"If you know something, you need to tell me."

"There's another possibility, but Emma knows nothing about it."

"It's a secret?" He watched Keith nod. "I need to know, but I can't promise she won't find out."

"I know." Keith walked around still holding the ball. "Susan and I foster parented Emma since she was two days old. After six months, we adopted her. It was a closed adoption, but about three months ago her biological mom's latest boyfriend contacted us and said if we didn't pay $15,000, he'd tell Emma."

"Did you pay?"

"We went to a lawyer and didn't pay."

"Good. How were you contacted?"

"By letter."

"I need to see that and the contact information for the lawyer you used."

Emma opened the front door. "Dinner's ready. Who won?"

Keith grinned. "Any question?"

Smiling, she said, "Probably not."

Passing the ball to Seth, Keith said, "Can I bring all that by your office in the morning?" After Seth nodded, he added, "Good, let's eat."

As the men sat at the table, Keith said, "Jake and I are setting up an early morning fishing trip next week. Are you interested?" He glanced at his daughter. "Men only."

Both men grinned at her frown.

"How early?" asked Seth.

"Leaving here about five-thirty. We hope to be back by eight o'clock."

"I'm in."

Susan smiled. "Seth, I understand beignets are a favorite."

"I doubt you sell them in the bakery."

"We have in the past. I don't remember why we stopped. Maybe we need to add them to the menu again."

He shook his head, grinned, and studied Emma. "You didn't need to say anything."

"I did especially since Jake gets his favorite. I feel you should too."

As dinner ended, Emma stood. "Mom, Dad, you open the bakery early. I'll take care of the kitchen. Take it easy." She hugged each parent and then glanced at Seth. "The TV's in the family room. I'll show you."

"I'll help."

"You're a guest. You don't need to cleanup."

"I enjoyed eating. It's only fair I help with the cleanup."

"You're used to getting your own way, aren't you?"

He chuckled. "As are you."

Once the kitchen chores were completed, Seth drove Emma home. As he parked in front of her cabin, he watched her search her purse. "What are you looking for?"

She avoided eye contact. "Promise no head shaking?" Once he answered, she continued, "I think I locked my keys inside the house."

He put the pickup in reverse, backed up to his house, and pulled inside the garage.

Silence remained, as he opened his door and got out.

Emma watched. "What do you want me to do?"

He opened her door. "Come inside." Grabbing the keys to Emma's cabin, he said, "We'll walk back." Outside, he added, "Put the fur ball down. Ace will make sure she returns."

While they walked, Emma said, "Chief Carter, I'm sorry."

His eyes met hers. "Don't worry about it. Accidents happen." He exhaled. "Sorry I've been silent. I've got a gut feeling that something's wrong, but I can't put my finger on it."

Seth unlocked the front door. He grinned when Emma lifted her key from the kitchen counter and then he scanned the area. "Is everything in its proper place?"

"Yes, but I feel somebody's been in here."

"I agree." Seth searched each room and checked the window locks. "It appears safe. Let's figure out what we're doing for the dog fence." He pointed at the backdoor. "I think we'll put a small doggy door here. Fur Ball can come and go at will." He held the door for Emma.

They stood in the grass and stared at the house. Seth walked from the left edge of the concert porch, a few feet onto the grassy area, and then across to the right side of the porch. "I think this area can be fenced off so Fur Ball will have enough grass to do her job and be safe. If we extend the roof, no wild critters can crawl in and use the doggy door." He faced Emma. "What do you think?"

"It's great, but can we really do it?"

"I think so." He opened the door for her to enter. "I'll order the supplies. When's a good time you can be here for delivery?"

"Early morning."

"Okay, I'll let you know the date." He again, walked around the inside of the house. "Tomorrow I'm changing your locks. Tonight, you're not staying here. Get what you need."

"Where am I going?"

"Since your parents are already in bed, my place." When Emma glared at him, Seth continued, "If somebody got in once, they can again. Your choice is, I sleep on your couch, or you come with me. I have a spare bedroom and a couch. It's your choice."'

"How will it look?"

"I'd rather deal with gossip than you being a victim."

"But it's my reputation."

His eyes widened. "And mine. I'm the police chief." He paused. "Do you trust me?"


"Then pack, get that thing you call a dog, and let's go."

Character List:

Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief

Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.

Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man

Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore

Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian

Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9

Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather

Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend

Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery

Peggy Barton - High School friend, has her eyes on Seth

Pastor Mike - Emma's Pastor from college


Author Notes
Thank you, Google Images, for an image of a plate of beignets and a cup of coffee.

This post is a little over 1100 words long. This is the second part of Chapter 5. Of course, as usual I made changes as I posted. I never can get it exactly right. Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I appreciate all your kind reviews and support of my writing.


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