- Seasons in Nature - IIby JLR
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Poem 2
Seasons of Change
: Seasons in Nature - II by JLR

Seasons of Nature


Darkness resists the change.
Struggling to shroud growth in shadows,
yet, unable to stave off the light of day.

While winter lingers longer in shadows
a bright new flower, clutches firmly,
like a strong magnet,
to a single streaming glow from above.

Slowly, gracefully, proudly,
screaming in a robust color
the flowers begin to replicate themselves,
and the shadows yield.

Spring feeds Mother nature's
powerful need to nurture new growth.
Thus, day by day, driving back the shadows,
the light gives nature a needed boost,
and the flowers thrive.


Author Notes
Poem 2 - free verse NaPoWriMo April Poetry Contest contest entry

thanks for the use of annie-spratt-wsME7A6EhE0-unsplash


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