- This Old Sailor Salutes Themby Reese Turner
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Every day, I thank those who died or suffered long...
This Old Sailor Salutes Them by Reese Turner
In Their Memory writing prompt entry

Man, have I enjoyed a great life!
I've been free to be what I choose
It was not magic, this freedom,
Many others paid high dues.
From the Village Green, Concord,
Past many battlefields over years
So many risked life and many died
Many have grieved, shed tears.
No country can compare in time
Of freedom and life’s opportunity
None have offered such hope for
Us to maximize our lives as free.
Such freedom comes at a high price
This old sailor’s SALUTE to they
Who stepped up to the line for me
And all of our beloved, U.S.A.
What a debt I owe, it’s a good thing
I believe in Heaven, for an eternity;
It will take that long to thank
Them all for what they gave to me.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem, any type, about the members of the military present and past.

Author Notes
Seems things are slipping away. America has changed. Perhaps the transition started during Viet-nam, but we collectively do not celebrate all we have and all who paid dearly for it like we used to. But, this old sailor still salutes with pride all of those who died or suffered serious injury by serving. I owe them for the wonderful life I have enjoyed. May God Bless them all with eternal peace.


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