3/5/5/3 Modern Haiku
One Thousand Cranes
Alaska's Earthquake
by Gypsy Blue Rose
For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes
raging sea and land
swallowed dreams and hopes —
wave of pain
Author Notes
On March 27, 1964, an earthquake of magnitude 9.2 occurred in Alaska. The earthquake lasted approximately 4.5 minutes and is the most powerful recorded earthquake in U.S. history. The number of deaths from the earthquake totaled 131. The earthquake caused tsunami waves reached as high as 27 feet in some areas. A total of 128 people died. Damages to Pacific Coast states and territories totaled $895 million.
This is a modern haiku because I use personification and more than 3 lines.
MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.
"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis
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Gypsy Blue Rose
All rights reserved.
Gypsy Blue Rose
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