The Long Trip by DragonSkulls
My dog sitter called off at the last minute, claiming her boyfriend got monkeypox. I asked if she knew how he got it, trying not to chuckle at the sixteen-year-old's incomprehension of her 'straight' boyfriend's loyalty. So, quickly my plans changed. I looked down at my two dogs. "Ride? Wanna go for a ride?" They bounced around with glee. Of course, they did. I grabbed my packed bag and made a quick phone call to NASA and we took off for our trip...our trip to the moon. Yep, you heard right, the moon. Dog space suits were invented a long time ago, back before humans ever even tried being launched into orbit. Ralph and Sam had it made. Their suits would most likely outlast my own if we got stranded on the moon. At the top of the platform elevator, they chased the ball I threw into the door of the Apollo 22. After securing their bubble helmets and strapping us in, we were ready for countdown. Each number down from ten I yelled, "Arf!" Then we blasted off. The doggie treats were rationed perfectly. Only half were gone the day we landed on the moon. Our two weeks of collecting moon rocks and dust for research had begun. After being cooped up for so long, I knew they were ready to get out and stretch their legs. I bent over and excitedly said, "Outside? Who wants to go outside?" They both leapt in anticipated joy. I put their leashes on, unsealed the pressurized cabin door and took them both for a float. Gravity boots hadn't been invented for dogs yet. I had to work so I tethered them to the flagpole that Neil Armstrong fellow left there. A couple minutes passed and then they both went crazy, yapping at something that spooked them, I guess. They just wouldn't stop. Houston heard the commotion through the microphones and told me to pack it up and head somewhere else to dig. I loaded my boys back in the craft and fired up the engines. We flew halfway around the moon and stopped for more samples. This time, I gathered for nearly two hours with them floating outside the Apollo without a sound except for panting. I decided to go back and collect more rocks from where we first landed. The same thing happened, they went nuts. They would not stop yapping. I climbed back in so we could move again but this time the Apollo didn't start, no matter what I tried. I radioed in to Houston, explaining my dire situation. "Where exactly are you located?" They asked. I replied, "On the bark side of the moon."
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