Hope Kilmer would understand what I did to his classic
Eccentric Bird Lady
by Debi Pick Marquette
*I think that I shall never see
A more eccentric soul than she
Her given name is Winnifred
And all she eats are scraps of bread
She'll hiss at those who try to help
She only clothes herself in kelp
She worships flying things all day
*And lifts her leafy arms to pray
She's not much on hygiene care
*A nest of robins in her hair
She doesn't say too many words
She's happiest to live with birds
* Poems are made by fools like me
A silly fool who writes poetry
One more thing to share with you
I think that shes a Kook-atoo
Writing Prompt |
Rhyming Poem of 12-16 lines
Choose four (4) lines from ONE famous author's poem. No sonnets in completed entry, though lines may come from a sonnet. Include those 4 lines in your Rhyming poem (along with the additional lines needed as per rules). Don't repeat any of the 4 lines. In author notes, write the name of the poem you selected along with its author.
Keep it G rated. |
~ Blended Rhyming Poem ~ Contest Winner
Author Notes
Trees by Joyce Kilmer (an old Classic)
The first poem I ever memorized as a child and is still my all time favoriteTrees
Lines used in my poem to make it different marked with an *
* I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day
*And lifts her leafy arms to pray
A tree that may in Summer wear
* A nest of robins in her hair
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain
* Poems are made by fools like me.
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer