- Some Claim it Didn't Happenby DragonSkulls
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I Voted contest entry
Some Claim it Didn't Happen by DragonSkulls
    I voted Contest Winner 

I voted on election day. That night, my guy was winning way
over his competition in the polls. Then, magically, numerous
states decided to "oddly" stop counting for the night and go
home, even though this has never happened in an election

The next morning, his opponent miraculously had thousands of
extra votes, per state, that seemingly appeared out of nowhere
before the counting even started again.

Is it me or is that just weird?

Sadly, my vote withered into garbage. Then, because of fraudulently
stuffed drop boxes, so did our country.


Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story beginning with the words "I voted - " You can continue the sentence as you wish. Beyond the opening lines there are no rules. Maximum word count is 500 words.
I voted
Contest Winner


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