- Horror Novelsby Raul1
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Contest Entry
Horror Novels by Raul1
My Muse writing prompt entry

Reading lots of
fantasy and horror novels
inspired me to become a writer,
those books are my muse,
I write every day.

It fires up my adrenaline
and helps me write better.
I create my own stories
and characters,
fiction books give my writing life.

When I first read
The Twilight Saga by
Stephanie Meyer, it
inspired me and became
my muse to become a
horror and fantasy novelist.

Since childhood, I dreamed
of writing like Stephen King.
My passion is horror and fantasy,
I read the majority of his novels.
His books inspire me
to write horror stories.

I am a prolific writer,
I never give up,
I am hooked writing,
my muse encourages me
to keep on going,
The novel, Carrie by Stephen King
was the reason I decided to set my goals
and work towards becoming a horror novelist.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem, any length, about your muse. Who or what inspires you to write?

Author Notes
When I saw the movie Carrie, it inspired me to write horror novels. It is very creative and witty at its sense of being a horror novel by Stephen King. Right then and there it made me to write stories that are horrific and gory. It became my muse. I read lots of horror novels till this day.


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