- My songsby Wendy G
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My songs by Wendy G

As we approach Easter, and think about its true meaning, I reflect on songs and hymns which have been a source of strength and encouragement in my life.

Many have impacted me at different ages and stages, but the lesson I have clung to is that Jesus and His story are both true and relevant.

He has proven Himself faithful during many difficult situations, and what He means to me cannot be underestimated.

How can I choose a personal hymn
When so many give all glory to Him?
I've spent some time trying to choose
The song He would have me use
To bring blessing to those who are in pain,
Or encourage them on His path again.

The ones I prefer talk of His grace
And of what He's done for our earthly race.
The best ones focus on His wonderful name
And the precious reason why He came
So all I can do is offer these
And pray that each may others please.


I think my all-time favourite is "Jesus Messiah", (by Chris Tomlin) because it speaks so beautifully and powerfully of the many names of Jesus and of His beautiful life-giving sacrifice. You will be greatly blessed if you have a few minutes to listen.

He became sin, who knew no sin
That we might become His Righteousness
He humbled himself and carried the cross
Love so amazing, love so amazing
Jesus Messiah name above all names
Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all
His body the bread, his blood the wine
Broken and poured out all for love
The whole earth trembled
And the veil was torn
Love so amazing, love so amazing
Jesus Messiah name above all names
Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all
All our hope is in You
All our hope is in You
All the glory to You, God
The light of the world
Jesus Messiah name above all names
Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all
Lord of all
You're my Lord
Of all
My next choice is "Jesus, Name above all names" for exactly those above reasons. We can't go wrong if we focus on Him. Again, the words and music will bless and encourage you to trust the One who is totally trustworthy and faithful in His love, as I have experienced throughout my life.

Name above all names
Beautiful Savior
Glorious Lord
God is with us
Blessed Redeemer
Living Word
Lord God Almighty
Wonderful Counselor
Light of the world
The Prince of peace
Above glory
Man of sorrow
Lamb of God
To close my trilogy, I offer this song of commitment, beautifully sung by Robin Mark, simply called Jesus, all for Jesus. It has brought me to tears at times.
Jesus, all for Jesus
All I am and have and ever hope to be
Jesus, all for Jesus
All I am and have and ever hope to be

All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
I surrender these into Your hands
All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
I surrender these into Your hands

For it's only in Your will that I am free
For it's only in Your will that I am free
Jesus, all for Jesus
All I am and have and ever hope to be


Author Notes
I hope I have properly included the links, but if not, just google the song titles and you will be fine. Blessings to all.


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