Peering into the reflection,
a stranger's image peers back;
looking lost… a little blank,
close to the edge… she’s given up.
Covering her ears tightly,
hiding from invisible noise;
deafening sounds surround her
—voices taunt in haunting tones.
Graceless and gliding through the past,
youthful dreams cascade away.
the intrusive inner battle wanes,
light shines through in golden rays.
Warm visions of a life mostly-lived,
tripping through a storied past;
singing songs from evocative times,
so vivid, they’re all coming back.
Shedding self-doubt
rejoining a life already in progress;
I throw the intruder one last glimpse
and cast off the illusion she represents.
That’s my cue,
focus snaps back,
a wry smile forms upon my lips;
walking away, I never look back.