- God On Dawnby Alcreator Litt Dear
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Tonight, God made Dawn an Angel
God On Dawn by Alcreator Litt Dear
42 Word Spiritual Fiction writing prompt entry
Dedicated to God

Dawn, an amazing physician, died of the coronavirus tonight. God made him an angel. Dona, a teacher, died of the coronavirus. God gave her rebirth tonight. Ron, a serial killer, died of the coronavirus tonight. God ordered him to go to hell.

Writing Prompt
42 Word Spiritual Fiction
Write in 6 sentences
Use 6 words: God, angel, coronavirus, hell, physician, rebirth
No name of any religion
No canvassing of any religion, religious philosophy or religious doctrine
No quotes, no words from any religion, religious scripture or religious philosophy
Write anything treating God is religion free, community free and or caste free and God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent


Author Notes
Please read this author notes and write re-views on, of and about this fiction only, and nothing beyond this fiction to save our priceless resources

This is a 42 Word Spiritual Fiction written in 6 sentences using the required 6 words: God, angel, coronavirus, hell, physician, rebirth

Repetition is deliberate; this fiction canvasses no religion, no religious scripture, no God's words mentioned in any religion; this fiction has author's own, original and personal view, word based on God's words, signs, symbols, whispers as the author heard, understood and expressed in his own and original words

Please send re-views as a reviewer of this fiction and nothing beyond the scope of this fiction; this fiction has no concern of how you live, and what and how is your religion, what your or any religion says about the concept of this fiction as this fiction has no concern to your personal wisdom in life, living, religion, God or anything beyond the concept, words, scope of this fiction

God is religion free, community free, caste free as God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent as this fiction does not canvass any religion, known or unknown, recognised or not

This fiction has no concern, no relation, no affiliation, no relevance to any religion or your religion, your personal wisdom or experience about your life, your living, your religion, God, assumingly anything to co-relate to this fiction, as this fiction concerns only your re-view of and nothing beyond the concept, scope of this fiction

Thank you for reading and writing a fair review


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