- To Thee I Prayby Begin Again
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A Urgent True Story
To Thee I Pray by Begin Again

Oh, Heavenly Father, your word promises healing and restoration to those in need. Today, I pray that you will bless Arianna with your love and reach down and touch her body with your hands, bringing health and healing back to her.

Restore her energy and give her strength to face all her battles. May angels surround her bed and keep her safe until she is well to share her love of life with her family and friends once again.
I believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and ask that you hear each of us as we ask you to spread your blessings and bring healing to our friend. As we walk through this shadow of uncertainty, I pray your blessings are felt by Arianna and by all those who love her.

I pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and all that empowers your goodness. Amen.

The picture is of my son, Matthew, and his very dear friend. They work very closely together on his movies, and she has starred in many of them, including his latest faith movie, which is in editing.

Arianna contacted Covid and was very ill for several weeks, and then she was sent home. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, she has contracted a very rare autoimmune disease relating to Covid. Without intruding into her privacy too much, I can tell you that numerous attempts to reverse the disease are not working, and Arianna's life is in the balance at this moment. Matt usually doesn't share his personal feelings, but he's in need of a lot of prayers reaching out to save her life.

Because your prayers have helped so much in the past, I beg you to include her in your prayers.

My step-daughter, Cheryl, woke up last week after two months in ICU and is on the road to recovery so I know your prayers are heard. Please, if you can, do the same for our Arianna.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your friendship is a blessing.


Author Notes
Thank you to all of you for your support!
Hugs, Carol


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