- When The Devil Talks by Begin Again
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You have to believe in tomorrow
When The Devil Talks by Begin Again
    200 Word Story Contest Winner 

A voice taunted Jason. He covered his ears, trying to stop it.

“What’s wrong? Life too tough?” The voice sneered.


Jason stared at the cuts on his arms. Fresh wounds. He shrugged.


“Guess that didn’t work out, huh?.” 


“Shut up. The razor blade was dull.”


“So that’s why you’re here?” 


“Who are you? Go away.” 


The voice laughed. “Are you kidding? I’m here for your soul.”


It was Jason’s turn to laugh. “Fat chance! God will save me.”


“God? He doesn’t exist.” The voice didn’t sound confident.


“Yes, he does. He’s always with me.”


“Really? I don’t see him. Is he trying to stop you?”


“He’s here! I just have to have faith. I need to believe.”


“Prove it.” The voice snapped.


“What do you mean?”




“It doesn’t work that way.”


“Won’t God save you?”


“If he feels it isn’t my time, he’ll find a way.”


“Then jump. You’re a coward.”


“I’m not.”




Jason closed his eyes. “Sorry, Lord.”


The ground spiraled toward him. He tasted fear.


Am I going to die?


The voice claimed victory. “You’re mine, fool.”


Jason’s body jerked. His parachute inflated.


“Nana taught me to have a safety net. The Lord provided the wind.”

Writing Prompt
Write a story of 200 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 200 words.
200 Word Story
Contest Winner



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