- Religiously Boxed-In Deceptionby Jennifer L Newcomb
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Do you have a reprobate mind?
Religiously Boxed-In Deception by Jennifer L Newcomb
Rhyming Poem contest entry

Wake up again I say Wake up people of God and open your eyes
Come out of your sleep and slumber so you can hear Heaven's cries
The I am is returning so today take heed the alarm
Ringing out in our country from the cities to the farms
The watchmen have the trumpets held to their mouth
In all four corners of the map east, west, north and south
Our eyes are half open our feet trip and stumble about
The ears that are shut off to truth live in fear and doubt
Stop listening to lies that your itching ears desire to hear
Being deceived by lies and confusion your vision is unclear
Be hungry and thirsty in these days for revelation and truth
Forgetting what you think you know and have been told since your youth
Truth is stranger than fiction we have heard it said before
Amazing we are here again in times of Jacob's trouble and war
Politics, religion they are all alike there is nothing new under the sun
Astounding how many controlled by darkness, believing they have won
Schooling has been a tool, a foundation laid for the frame of mind today
Sleep on sleepy head ignore truth because truth leaves you in dismay
Here is a nugget of truth for you, the separation is now taking place
Keep on sleeping worn out ones during the last stretch of the race

Professing Christian, My people who are called by My Name, is that you?
Lip service flows from your mouth it is your heart the I am will show true
Why seek ye His face or humble thyself while turning to the world's wicked ways
Living out the manifestation of a vain show being directed in the roles we play
Consider once what was good that today is stigmatized bad
Right is wrong and wrong is right leading the masses to go mad
Foolish conspiracy theorists it is said they plant false reports and lies
Comical how the Creator takes the world's foolish things to profound the wise
History in fact repeats itself and history unfolds once more
Over and over same battle within yesterday, today the same as before

The end is known from the beginning so let us start there
It has been the same since the fall this battle with the prince of air
The essence of who you are within remains asleep and blind
While the lies you keep believing continue to be told to generations in time
Stealing our joy, destroying our power and killing knowledge of our identity
The mind being fooled and filled with being free and so-called Christianity
A label established for followers of Jesus in his day by the opposing team
If you don't accept this label, yet Jesus you believe in, now again is Blaspheme
Jesus is and was who he claimed to be over 2000 years ago
His warnings, parables and teachings alike given to escape this foe
He made clear that He and His father were one in hopes that we would see
Perceiving that which is hidden Jesus knew would set the world free
Jesus told them he was equal to the Father, looking at both you see one
Flesh and blood, you believe you are, this life you live being the total sum
People's hearts full of evil just as the days of Noah before the great deluge
Power, self and now the BLM proving hearts of today blackened and untrue
Eternity is never on the mind or heart of those that are sleeping still
Remain asleep, most will, they have digested the wrong pill
Those of you awake stay alert and on your toes,
The soul fight is on and all will hear the trumpet blow!


Author Notes
There are two ways to be fooled. One to accept what isn't true and the other is to refuse to accept what is. While the world says Put a Mask on, God wants you to take your mask off! Understand that this BLM movement has nothing to do with race but with freedom because the agenda is what it is and Banishing Liberty Matters in order to achieve this agenda. Welcome to the NWO!
God is big, God is huge, God is massive, Even ETERNITY is HE! Why then do you keep your beliefs so small. Those that hunger and thirst, they are the ones that receive His fullness of truth. Then and only then is one truly free. The creator, the Lord God Almighty, that only source is Expanding and Expounding on every level for humanity. We don't have to keep living under the delusion of this world, especially after 2020 (the year to receive perfect vision and hindsight). Be encouraged, prayers are without ceasing for each of you by way of others. May the scales keep falling....


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