- The Unemployment Lineby dovemarie
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: The Unemployment Line by dovemarie
Something you overcame in your past contest entry

Years ago I lived in poverty
On other people's charity
"Beggar" marked me with stark clarity

I used to leaf through ads and apply,
More often than not, I got no reply
I'd sit in my room and cry,
"Why, why, why?"

Interviewing face to face,
Business indicated, "Here, you have no place."

Their attitude was curt,
I felt so hurt
Treated like a piece of dirt

In time I went into treatment
Everything started making sense
I pounded the pavement,
Building up self-confidence

I overcame a mental block,
Standing proudly on high-self-esteem's rock

There was no more fear
That invaded me year after year
I now work every day,
With no obstacles in my way!

Author Notes
Nine years of unemployment after high school graduation, three of those years in backward, low-level workshops. Developed a spotty work history after those nine years of unemployment. Lived on general relief for seven years. Thanks to Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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