- The Pilgrim Niyuta
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Poet's conversation with the Self.
Random Reflections.
: The Pilgrim Soul. by Niyuta

"Alone you arrived in this world; alone you shall leave,"
My Subconscious reminded me.
"What is a point then, my hanging onto those memories?
Each one built with care, journeying since the birth to golden years.
Am I, wandering aimlessly, like an Albatross*, in the memory lanes?
Some are dear to my heart; the others- best forgotten.
"Is there a purpose in this coming and going then?
I must have an answer; if you know, I asked my Self."
"Isn't this one of many passings of the pilgrim soul?"
The Self answered with a rhetorical question instead.

Author Notes
It's a random reflection on why and what we hold onto from our past-A search for the truth in things, episodes and people we hold onto.

Simile* :Wandering Albatross, or Goonie bird, is a large snowy seabird that travels between the two poles.


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