"Poems to Publish"

Chapter 1
Instead of 2025 Resolutions

By Debi Pick Marquette

Instead of resolutions in year 2025

I ask myself if Jesus came, would my loved ones survive

Did I do everything I could that is within my power 

To help my family before that week, that day or hour

The world no longer looks at what the Bible says is sin

At heaven's door, the world can beg, but will God let them in

And we all know that satan's plan is only to deceive

But Jesus has so much to give, accept Him and receive

The baby praised at Christmas is our Savior, Jesus Christ

Yet, God loved us so much, it was that Son He sacrificed

Unless we're born again, and in our hearts the angels sing

There can't be anything in life that takes place of our King

And some would say 'cause God is love that none of us should fear

That He would never cast us out, but people listen here 

That even though my faith is strong, I ask help for my soul

Cause taking us to hell with him is satan's greatest goal 

We won't always see eye to eye, so let's live and let live 

But for your peace of mind, always remember to forgive


Chapter 2
Encouraging Words

By Debi Pick Marquette

I wrote my poem based on the uplifting scriptures I found.
The numbers on each stanza is matched in Author's notes
with the scripture I wrote the poem verses for.
Read Poem and then read the scripture to match.
                                 *  *  *  *  *  *  

1 ~ I know my Lord is there for me; to Him I must reach out

He gives me strength and knows what all my weakness is about

2 ~ When I am down and feel I need help for my aching soul

This verse helps me feel rested; once again I will feel whole

3 ~ Encourage one another and then build each other up

When you give freely of yourself you help to fill their cup

4 ~ Don't worry 'bout tomorrow as that is another day

Just think about today and to God give your cares away

5 ~ Whatever makes you anxious, take it to the Lord in prayer

And possibly you'll find out it is no longer a care

6 ~ Since I was just a little girl, my mom said to believe

That what I asked for in God's name, expect that I'll receive 

7 ~ He's with me everywhere, I will be brave and never fear

I must not be dismayed, I know my Lord is always here

8 ~ He made me special from the moment I was in the womb

When I was born, He brought me out, on this earth I'd resume

9 ~ This season's about Jesus and His love means joy and hope

The Holy Spirit gives us peace, and helps us all to cope

10 ~ Our God loved us so much, He gave his one and only son

If we believe, we'll be with Him when our time here is done

Author Notes Match poem's two line stanza with Bible Verse by number

1 ~ Philippians 4:13:I can do all things through Him, who strengthens me.

2 ~ Matthew 11:28:Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

3 ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
4 ~ Matthew 6:31-34 Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own

5 ~ Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

6 ~ Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

7 ~ Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

8 ~ Psalm 139:I3 I knit you together in your mother's womb.
Psalm 71:6 and brought you forth on the day you were born

9 ~ Romans 15:13 May God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

10 ~ John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that those who believe in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life

Chapter 3
Path to Heaven

By Debi Pick Marquette

We have two choices in this life, one is to follow God

The other is the choice of death, of satan and his fraud

You say your body is your own, with God you should confer 

My girlfriend took her baby's life, the guilt would then take her

Our sin will follow us around, unless we can repent

And when it's been washed white as snow, His Mercy has been sent

For those who know they're Heaven bound, they shall not feel God's wrath

And yet we know the way to Heaven is a narrow path

So, please before your time is up, put Jesus first somehow
And choose to be born once again; no better time than now  

I ask from deep inside my heart, because I resonate

Think where you'll spend eternity, before it is too late 

Chapter 4
Prayers for healing

By Debi Pick Marquette

We'll say some healing prayers for you

For friends, it's so easy to do

We're sorry you have not been well

And glad someone here you could tell

You've many friends, there's quite a few

We'll say some healing prayers for you

We hope that you will come back strong

And pray that it won't be too long

Hope love and goodness come your way

May the sun shine  for you each day

We'll say some healing prayers for you

 I pray you will feel better too

Of all that we want you to know

With family who love you so

Please come back to them good as new

We'll Say some healing prayers for you

Chapter 5
There is Always a Bright Side

By Debi Pick Marquette

When satan puts things in our head, we know should not be there

Or stirs up sadness from the past and why should we still care

Why worry about things we can't do anything about

Or some may dwell on thoughts of what they have to live without

Yet, why do we allow satan to mess inside our head 

We should be casting all our cares to our dear Lord instead 

That's when I find the bright side that will tell me it's okay 

His Son will shine His light for me that helps to guide my way

God sent the sinners, Jesus, and for all of us He died

And as His Son shines  for you too, may you find your Bright Side

Author Notes I will never capitalize the name of satan. He is neither proper or important to me so he is not worthy of the honor.

Art by Pinterest.

Chapter 6
Missing Mom

By Debi Pick Marquette

This is the anniversary 

So young you were taken from me

At that timeI begged you to stay

It's been 29 years today

So, Mom, as I'm thinking of you

I'm kinda down, a little blue

I do not often feel this way

But once a year, and on this day

I need to tell you how I  miss

Your love, the hugs, your gentle kiss

I know you hear me when I say

I long to have just one more day

And yet, God's plan for us would be

Live with Him through Eternity

I no longer ask for my way

But mom, I'll be with you someday

Author Notes I wrote this years ago and just changed the years to bring it up to date.

Chapter 7
I Think of You This Time of Year

By Debi Pick Marquette

I think of you this time of year because you'd always fuss
You made Halloween extra special for the nine of us 

You sewed or made sure all your kids had costumes every year

No violence for decorations; you did ours with cheer

The pumpkins from our garden we would pick before the freeze

And we would carve all weekend as we made sweet memories 

A candle in the middle of each one would make them light

Our yard would be so beautiful every Halloween night

In Winter, you loved Christmas, also Easter in the Spring

I loved how you would play piano and we all would sing

Your voice sounded like joy, no wonder your mom named you Joyce

I'd pick you from a thousand moms, if they gave me my choice

I think of you this time of year, so I wrote you this poem

I'm almost ten years older than when God had called you home

But Halloween reminds me of the fun things we would do

So when it is this time of year, I always think of you

Chapter 8
In His Good Time

By Debi Pick Marquette

For blessings, I don't always feel

A gift from God I didn't see

Unanswered prayers with no reveal

Someday they will make sense to me

Sometimes I'll ask why, when and how

Because my Lord, You know all things

A shallow heart please don't allow

Is this part of life's little stings 

I struggle with the way things are

Yet all my secrets I confide

And I've looked near and I've looked far

But I cannot find my bright side

I'll show more trust in His Sweet Grace

And ask Jesus to hold my hand

Perhaps, it's not the time or place

When it's his will, I'll understand 

Chapter 9
Until You ~ I Never Knew

By Debi Pick Marquette










Chapter 10
Looking for the Bright Side

By Debi Pick Marquette

When feeling sad and kinda blue

I don't know what's come over me

And I'm not sure what I should do

In clouds so dark, I cannot see

Then I'll search for that special light

So in the darkness I can't hide

I'll ask for help, in prayer that night

And I will soon see the bright side

 I know those feelings will come back

They are so hard to understand 

When satan plans his next attack

 I know my Lord will hold my hand

That's when I will dust off my heart

And I'll go where I can confide

'Cause Jesus will help me to start

To once again see the bright side

Author Notes Looking for a bright side is what picks me up and my favorite thing to do to get through any rough patch. Whether it be health, something heavy and stressful in life, or in the kind I write about in this poem. Where you can't quite put your finger on what is wrong.
This is my fourth Bright Side poem.

Art from Pinterest Account

Chapter 11
The Golden Rule

By Debi Pick Marquette

What God truly wants us to know

What so many learned long ago 

 Experience, from home or school 

Most all were taught the Golden Rule

I'll treat you just how I want to

Be treated in return by you

To hurt someone by ridicule

Is not part of the Golden Rule

To talk behind somebody's back

Is like a mean school girl attack  

So if you feel this makes you cool

Not practicing the Golden Rule

Don't pick on someone just to flaunt

A condescending dig or taunt

Sarcasm's given by a fool

Does not fit in the Golden Rule

Last month we heard a friend had died

She had committed suicide

Abusive spouse treated her cruel

We wished he'd known the Golden Rule

God's love, forgiveness and respect 

Good manners we should all expect

Kindness is always the right tool

To follow the great Golden Rule

Author Notes

Chapter 12
America's Morality

By Debi Pick Marquette

America's morality has slowly gone astray

We do not look to God enough, to ask what is His way

Our kids need working ethics like the times of yesterday

The values of our government are sadly in dismay

No matter who was President, our Jesus was the King

Without faith in our country, we are holding by a string

Some churches even changed to make it more about their thing 

God's in control but we can feel the pain of satan's sting

So teach your kids of Jesus as it truly is the key

They have a better chance to learn responsibility

Without respect for fellow man, we really are not free 

 And as we pray for guidance, thru His word we all should see 

God loves us very much, I'm sure this can't be a surprise

It breaks my heart to know that some believe in satan's lies

He’d love to bless us dearly, but He will not compromise

 Without protective hands on US

In Truth, "Our Country Dies"


Author Notes Pray America! Our grandkid's future is at stake
I keep hearing from people that there is no good candidate so they don't want to vote. Please vote and elect at least the lesser of the two evils, if you feel that way.
Vote for the ones who's policies are closest to God's word.

Chapter 13

By Debi Pick Marquette

No vacancy at Inn, they'd warn

When he was born, in eve to morn

And many years after His birth

 He walked on earth, He'd show his worth

He gave His life for all mankind

Pay him some mind, come seek and find

The miracles that he would do

 This man, a Jew, still does for you 

When Jesus would go out to teach

 Often a beach, where He would reach

The pain that so many would feel

 And He'd reveal, how He could heal

A couple  friends would turn on Him

The lights went dim, His chances slim

The cross, He carried as He walked

 The people flocked and then they mocked

He died for us, He is the Son

The only One, He said, "It's done"

Our Savior, that many despise

He would surprise, Yes, He would rise 

For centuries, it's told to men

We don't know when, He'll come again

But if you made Jesus your choice

  You'll hear His voice, and you'll Rejoice

Author Notes Rhyming wrap around for Jesus

Chapter 14
In the USA

By Debi Pick Marquette

So do you recognize this song

It's sung where many here belong

I sing it just like I would pray

'Cause I live in the USA

It starts with, "Oh say can you see"

It's from Poet, Francis Scott Key

This is National Anthem Day

 Star Spangled Banner, USA

Because I'm free, I love my flag 

From wars, it could have been a rag 

Old Glory comes back, come what may 

She still waves in the USA

But things are not what they once were 

Morality's become a blur  

For government, a prayer I'll say

In God we trust, in USA

I get the chills and shed some tears 

Still gets me after all these years 

At sports events, before they play 

Please stand, no knees, in USA 

 Some soldiers came back, some did not

The sacrifice, we've not forgot

Sing loud and proud, respect we'll pay

For all who served for USA

Author Notes The tune for the National Anthem was actually an old English song from a London Pub.

Like many in my generation, in grade school we would stand next to our desk every morning, put our hand on our heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance. I contribute this to my early and continued love and respect for our flag. We also had chores at school, and one was to put the flag up every morning and take it down after school. We learned how to fold it properly and made sure it never touched the ground. Such wonderful memories for me.

Chapter 15
My Faith Knows Every Season

By Debi Pick Marquette


My Christian faith knows all seasons

In Winter’s chill His love will grow

I am thankful for these reasons

'Cause I am washed as white as snow


I love my faith's rebirth in Spring

I walk His path on fresh~grown sod

And oh, the joy that it will bring

To someday see the face of God


In Summertime, the temps are hot

His gifts of flowers; show and tell

The one thing Summer's heat cannot

It can't compare to satan's hell


My colors are of orange and gold

And slowly turn to aging rust

As Autumn of my life grows old

God's Loving Hands I'll put my trust


Author Notes
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Chapter 16
Mom's Butterflies

By Debi Pick Marquette

It started with my mother's love

For beauty in the endless skies

The birds and rainbows, stars above

But mostly she loved butterflies 

A week after she's home with God

We golfed with friends, both gals and guys

For all nine holes, friends thought it odd

They followed me, two butterflies

My children missed their grandma too

At times we still all have our cries

My sweet daughter got a tattoo

On her shoulder are butterflies

Of many here that I call friend

A few love them so I'll surprise 

As I collect, I try to send 

Them pictures of new butterflies

One night I dreamt that I had passed

Mom welcomed me with sweet apprise

At Heaven's gates, with her at last

 God's garden full of Butterflies

Chapter 17
Mustard Seed Sized Faith

By Debi Pick Marquette

My faith helps me to face each day; it truly is my guide

It's why my heart is full of love, and why I must confide

My Jesus loves me and I always want him by my side

It gives me peace to know that I no longer have to hide


There was a time when I was young, here in the USA

The people felt the privilege, to speak of God and pray

In school we bowed our heads before we ate most everyday

But now even our government, has surely gone astray


So listen to the words that Jesus once was known to share

It's faith the size of mustard seeds, will put you in His care

And having faith will keep you from the evil one's despair

He died for you, a love like that is extraordinaire


Chapter 18
Within My World

By Debi Pick Marquette

Within my world of poetry

I'll  find my creativity 

The space I'm in for me is key,

To step out of reality 

Within my world of my real life

I'm mom, grandma, and loving wife 

Husband, three kids, six Grands agree

We have been blessed abundantly 

Within my world regarding health

Lupus has robbed my body's wealth

I wish that I could be pain-free

But won't let illness define me 

Within my world inside my mind

To prejudice I’m colorblind

The best of all I try to see

I look for possitivity

Within my world I guard my soul

To Heaven is my final goal

I'll love, have faith and follow Thee

With Jesus, through eternity 

Withn my world at FanStory 

I grow with every writing spree

A kind and caring place to be

A world-wide second family


Author Notes People ask me all the time since I always write about others, to write something about me
It's pretty general but it's my world.

Done in:

Chapter 19
How Babies Want You to Vote

By Debi Pick Marquette

What hurts my heart the very most

A politician who could boast

Of making it a right to kill 

With surgery or else a pill

One thing I do not understand 

What once was a God fearing land

That we would listen to the lie

Of satan; not a baby's cry

The innocent without a voice

Ask why you think it is your choice

Some mothers are too scared to fight

So won't stand up for baby’s right

Some laws are made for votes, we know

To say it's right, won't make it so

The Bible says there is a day

That those who kill a babe will pay

They're sent to Heaven from our worst

But God meant them to be here first

I've heard adopted parents quote

How would babies want you to vote


Author Notes I know I will have opposition on this, but this is my passion is to let the unborn voice be heard

Chapter 20
Come Follow Me

By Debi Pick Marquette

With human race out of control

God found a way to save each soul

His Son, a Savior sent to Earth

Man followed Him since Christmas birth

It matters not what we have done

He is the One, God's only Son

It doesn't matter where we've been

He died to take away our sin

Repent and follow; give Him praise

Then fast forward to nowadays 


Verbal abuse was everyday

Sue knew there was no other way

They had been fighting more and more

She’s ready to walk out the door

Packed up the kids so they could leave

First said a prayer; Sue did believe

She knew that Jesus heard her plea

When He said Sue, come follow me

Since Jill had Covid, months ago

Why she's still sick, she didn’t know

Her life, each day it seemed to rob

And now it even took her job

She felt like things were getting worse

That she was moving in reverse

Her zest for life was absentee

Then Jesus said, come follow me

Too much, Tim's parents would demand

And he could never understand

They pushed so hard that he felt lost

Sadly it might come at a cost

About to overdose on pills

Nobody cares how this boy feels

Tim thought about eternity

When Jesus said, Tim, follow me

They all heard Jesus and would trust

Had willing hearts, they knew they must

His Love is what would set them free

When He said, come and follow me

But first there's something they would do

It always gives me comfort too

The Three of them, Sue, Jill and Tim

They gave their baggage all to Him

Author Notes

Chapter 21
Proverbs 31

By Debi Pick Marquette

A Godly woman knows what's most important in her life

And we should always love God first; then our role as a wife

I try to think of others so it's not about just me 

And this is how the Proverbs 31 woman should be 

But as I study the scriptures, I realize that I lack

I try to manage my own life, from God, I'll take it back, 

But love and wisdom from above will always fill my heart

Each day, a new beginning when my Lord lets me restart

There's nothing more rewarding, than the feeling that you've done

What's righteous and approved of, by the Father and the Son

And I ask Them to lead my way, and shine for me a light

That's why I try to hand the reins to God each time I write

Author Notes Although my poem is about the Proverbs 31 woman, I chose to elaborate that as much as we strive to be that woman, we fail because we are only human. So the fact that I seemed to get off track and tell about letting God down, but how he lets me start over again shows what a wonderful God we serve, was done intentionally. As we should never stop trying to do His will.

A Club Event Submission
This week, write about your favorite spiritual verse or POEM from your own religion's holy book, or book of poems. For example: The Bible; I Ching; The Kojiki; The Book of Mormon; the Koran; The Hebrew Bible; etc Or spiritual poetry like: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran: Salomon, Song of Songs; Rumi.

Chapter 22
Remembering Mom

By Debi Pick Marquette

In Heaven you don't celebrate

But ninety two, you'd be this date

A special day to me on Earth

Sweet recognition of your birth 

You gave your love so selflessly

Because of you, there is a me

You fought with your blood, sweat and tears 

To give me life, though many fears

I came early, about twelve weeks

Your visits helped my growing streaks

They said that I would not survive

Your prayers and love kept me alive

You raised eight kids, four of your own

No one could tell, if hadn't known

You didn't play a stepmom's game

You treated all of us the same

In school all of the years you taught

You loved children, a gift you brought 

Your special saying was so wise

We saw God's wisdom from your eyes

A loving grandma you had been

I'd inherit that love within

For thirty years that pain has stung

Because God took you way too young

It's hard when these dates come around

Someday we'll be on common ground 

'Till then, I'm sure you always knew

I love you, Mom, and I miss you

Author Notes My mom wrote a lot of poetry and her saying that she changed the
last line to go with the situation went a lot like this:

All stages of your life, you'll make some choices, bad and good
More happiness and less regrets, by choosing those you should
Grab whats truly important and then do your very best
Keep only what makes God happy; no need for all the rest

Chapter 23
When My Time Has Run Out

By Debi Pick Marquette

At the end of the day, do I know that I've done

Everything that I could, not to hurt anyone  

Did I gossip at all, would my parents be proud

Have I held onto hurt, more than should be allowed

Did I welcome someone, try to show them the ropes

Or just think of myself, try to crush all their hopes

When I saw souls were lost, did I help them to find

Did I do all I could, to help their peace of mind

The temptation is high, I don't have what it takes

I'm so thankful Jesus, died for all my mistakes

Did I let the anger, make me hateful and mean

Did I choose forgiveness, try to wipe the slate clean

Have I given enough, where I most need to give

Have I lived in a way, that I know I should live

Do I give compassion, to those needing the love

Have I prayed when I should,  to my Lord up above

I try hard not to judge, I know it's not my place

I just can't be removed from His Sweet loving Grace

Have I been good enough, am I still at a loss

Do I fully accept what He did on the cross

When it's all said and done, has my name been engraved

So when I leave this earth,  will I know I've been saved

When I look at my life, see what it’s been about

Do I koow where I’ll be,  when my time has run out 

Chapter 24
God gave me a Sun~Bow

By Debi Pick Marquette


'Twas hard when I heard of her death

I wished I'd called her back that day 

Now she has taken her last breath

I must accept she's passed away


She wanted to go out for lunch

That day I had too much to do

If I had only had a hunch

I would not feel the guilt that's due


Arrived home from the funeral 

I planned to lie down in my bed

My heart still aching in my soul

My hubby says, look here instead


That's when I saw it in the sky

A lovely ball of colored glow

Like a round pastel butterfly

He said from God, your own Sun~Bow


I wondered if it was a sign

Life happens as it's meant to be

When He sent it with bright sunshine

I felt somehow it lifted me


To lose a friend was hard to take

 But now this peace felt lyrical

Reminded me He won't forsake

Perhaps this was My Miracle


Author Notes To be precise, my husband used the word, rainbow. Then found out later they were called sun~bows

Chapter 25
Standing by Israel

By Debi Pick Marquette

With greed and hate they started war
Destroyed what Israel stood for 
Will Holy Land be any more
I wonder what is next in store

While Israel digs out and climbs 
The Bible warned from early times 
 The silenced dead cry out like mimes
About Hamas attacks and crimes

Their Capital belongs to them
The city of Jerusalem
Since there will be judgment in rem
God promised that He would condemn

So proud of what their country meant
 The bombs from both sides that were sent
 It's not fair to the innocent
Now some not sure where loved ones went

Here, borders no longer abide
They've been shipped in from every side
From sleeper cells that wait and hide
And we continue our backslide

Wake up America, it's clear
They are among us, very near
Does anybody shed a tear
For those who now must live in fear

When God was welcome, it would be
America ~ the land that's free 
His laws no longer can we see
Could this be start of WWIII

When souls were sold that weren't to sell
Could we end up like Israel
 Lord's second coming~time will tell
Then evil will be sent to Hell

Author Notes It was a true day of Woe when Israel was attacked by Hamas. And now so many lives are affected and it may even put us into war again. However our country is already compromised. My news comes from CBN, Christian Broadcast Network and also:
NY Post reports that nearly 7 million illegal aliens have entered the US, under Biden's watch. Many of which are part of Hamas and are called sleeper cells and are building daily within the United States

For Israel, for America, for the World, please pray for peace!

Chapter 26
Falling Short

By Debi Pick Marquette

We see the problems of the world, but are we right to judge

When we are quick to anger, and we sometimes hold a grudge

When God gives heart compassion checks, what does He see in me

My human nature causes me to fall short naturally 

So I will go back like a child, where there will be no fraud

And I'll be thankful to be there, and in the arms of God

The worth of what He did for me cannot be fairly priced

From Him who sent His son for me, my Savior, Jesus Christ

At times I get so busy that I haven’t time to think

I won't wallow in self pity and yet I feel extinct

But when I try to do it all, sometimes illness and pain

Feels so much like I'm running towards a head on, moving train

That’s when I must remember scripture He gave me to learn

The One who died for me is waiting for me to return 

Why take things on myself when He's the greatest sounding board

This is what he requires of me, "Walk humbly with my Lord" 

                                    Micah 6: 8
What doth the Lord require of thee?
To do justly, to love mercy
And to walk humbly with thy God
(My go to verse for comfort)

Author Notes

Chapter 27
Rain and Your Healing Prayers

By Debi Pick Marquette

Last night in my hospital bed

I could not help the fear and dread

These new meds make me feel insane

So God sent quiet soothing rain

I'm thankful for requests for prayer

From my good friends and those who care

My heart is full,; let me explain

Your prayers were comforting as rain

While I am on my way back home

I feel the need to write this poem

My writing helps me not complain

And keeps me peaceful as the rain

Was not an outing that was fun

Not sure how many battles won

Since Jesus died for my sin-stain

He whispers His love in the rain

I've had this illness a long time

So I put feelings down in rhyme

It doesn't do much for the pain

A mere distraction like the rain

For your compassion, thank you all

I have a brand new protocol 

They'll help me fight for heart and brain

Please keep prayers coming, sun or rain


I know the difference quite plain

Rain's therapy to help the strain

What I am feeling does pertain

To prayers you said that would maintain

It gave us hope that we'd obtain

To think of others,~ not in vain

It takes a special friendship chain

And in my heart you will remain

As long as God is there to reign

My gratefulness I will sustain 

And may you too feel peace from rain


Author Notes

Phew- glad I got that out of my system. Not sure why I feel so much peace from the sound of rain, but when it is needed, it is a welcome feeling.

Chapter 28
Four kinds of Love in His Life

By Debi Pick Marquette


You keep me safe in all I do

You loved the pictures that I drew

It's you I always look up to

Dear Mom, I will always love you


I think she's cute, I must pursue

The sweetest girl I ever knew

I'll have you back for your curfew

Girlfriend, I will always love you 


I hope you know, I've thought this through

With something borrowed, something blue

Please marry me and I’ll be true

My wife, I will always love you


You are now at the age of two

Sweet innocence and ingenue

I can't believe how fast you grew

Your daddy will always love you


Chapter 29
Finding our Bright Side

By Debi Pick Marquette

Whenever I am down and out
I do one special thing
I look for joy instead of doubt
Again my heart will sing

On days that threaten my bright side 
When fear screams out so loud
I try to find just the right tide
To clear up that dark cloud

The bright side that helps you to cope
When feeling all alone
My grandchildren can give me hope
 Out of the pity zone

To have some loyal, caring friends
Close on your team or squad
A heart whose kindness always mends
 Helps you stay close to God

The most rewarding gift you'll find
To think of others when
Another needs someone who's kind
So do for fellow men

And when your happiness is back
No longer will you hide
Your joy and love is back on track
When you find your bright side

Chapter 30
On the Bright Side

By Debi Pick Marquette


She's having sad and gloomy days

Seems all she touches sours

And into space her eyes just gaze

As minutes turn to hours

But on the bright side, this will pass

They feel big as a mass

Don't underestimate a friend

Who'll be there 'till the end

When things were bad at work that week

His work duties would rob

His work ethics had been unique 

Now he may lose his job

 But on the bright side, things work out

Don't compromise with doubt

Your sorrows give to God in prayer

You weren't meant to be there

They called to say your child was hurt

Walking on school's crosswalks

Your life is on such high alert

And marriage on the rocks

 When things seem to be at their worst

                      You know God should come first                     

Priorities should be your guide

Then you'll find your bright side

Author Notes I call this my Merry~go~Rhyme Poem because it has two different rhyme patterns to show the emotion of the stanza, as well as color and font.

And although the idea of, "on the bright side" is not original, I have always used it as my motto.

Chapter 31
Takes a Special Mother to be Mom

By Debi Pick Marquette

The mother represents so many women here on Earth 
She's all of us who's had the privilege of giving birth
Also she's the dear woman whose body we came from
The mother part is easy, it takes more to be a mom

    Most every mom is special, you don't have to be the best 
Don’t wait until she's gone, to see how much you have been blessed 
It won't always feel perfect, it's the hardest job there is
No matter what was yesterday, today start with a kiss

She does whatever she must do, to always show her love 
So they'll grow up to be the kind of person she's proud of
Long hours, little pay, and recognition... only some 
Give love and nurturing, 'cause your reward is "being a mom!"

But sadly there are mothers, whose poor lives are in dismay
Cannot care for their baby and are forced to give away
My mom was once that mother, who did her boy baby proud
Later when he looked for her, as 'mom" she was allowed

 Her tough love is consistent, like outside an M & M
But inside, she is soft and sweet, her heart melts just for them
Someday she'll be a grandma, who can show more of her charms
She's always known the safest place for them are in her arms

We start out as a mother and then hope that we become
The one our child is proud to say, "I love her, that's my mom!"


There is an old saying that any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. I believe that to be true for moms as well.

Chapter 32
Jealousy (or is it fear?)

By Debi Pick Marquette

Is it really jealousy,
If I want what someone has?
Am I really coveting,
If it has no form or mass?

Am I guilty of a sin,
If it's not a real possession?
Or am I still at fault,
Because I have this deep obsession?

Can I justify my need,
By saying I'm not bad?
I don't mean them any harm,
I just want back what I had.

If it's really not your will,
Then please forgive me Lord!
That I just keep on asking,
For what wasn't Your accord.

If it's all the same to you,
And Miracles do happen?
My grandkids would be grateful,
They all love me with a passion!

Am I jealous of those who have,
What's more precious than great wealth?
God hear my prayer, one more time!
And please give me back my health!

Author Notes This poem has generated many opinions that are mostly very kind and flattering.
But there are a few who misunderstood where I was going with this, and I realize that is my fault. When writing my notes, I should have explained that I wrote this as a tribute to my mother, who was suffering with very painful pancreatic cancer. Being a woman of great faith, she struggled with so many of her feelings of not wanting to leave her family at such a young age, wondering why she would ask things that were her will and maybe not His, were they coveting those who still had their health and precious time, etc, etc...... As a teacher for many years, she wrote a lot of poetry, but I'd like to share one line from her last poem before she died;
"Why in the night of darkness despair, do all of my many past sins appear?"
There were so many feelings towards the end, yet she prayed that God would forgive her asking for her will, as there was still a child at home. She was a good woman, but she was human & my heart aches to remember what she went through. Yet I know, she is in the arms of Jesus, who died for her because she was was a sinner.

When someone is ill, sometimes the messages in their head are confusing! Past sins appear in the middle of the night, night terrors making your human heart wonder is this Satan telling me that I'm jealous of other's good health, coveting and not being able to help it. What if, what if, what if feeling this way will keep me from Heaven? What if I'm not trusting God enough? What if I'm jealous of those that still get to live a little longer with their families? What then? And what if?
Mental health can be a part of, and as big of an issue as physical health when Satan clutters the mind with jealousy, fear, guilt & shame!

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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