By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
The first image was found on google, and reminded me of how I felt in my time of trouble.
The second image was AI from Izea What is your story? It can be about a health issue, weather related, accidents, personal loss. Join with us to support and encourage each other. *GI- Gastro Intestinal On another note, I never saw Peter again, and no one seemed to know who I was talking about when I mentioned him. Angel or nurse? Who really knows? BTW, Phoebus and Diantha will be back later in the week. |
By davisr (Rhonda)
The following true story is one that I've told before, but that was years, decades ago, so if you're familiar with my tale of, "whoa!" My apologies:
A spur-of-the-moment decision, seemingly inconsequential at the time, can change the whole trajectory of your life, not to mention your life itself. Faced with two options I chose to go up to the main office of my credit union to cash my paycheck from The post office where I worked as a letter carrier. Had I chose to go to the closer satellite branch office, I wouldn't have been on the highway where I was hit head on by a woman in a hurry to get where she was going, failing to notice the Ford Ranger pickup truck in the oncoming lane, and turned left into my lane.
They tell me I was airlifted to a hospital in the big city, but I have no memory of it. Ironically, I don't enjoy flying and get extremely apprehensive, preferring to drive, true, it is dangerous, but at least I controlled my own fate. Ha!
They tell me I was in a coma for 13 days, but to tell you the truth, waking up to my new situation made me wish I'd just have gotten the dying over with. At least I wouldn't know I was dead. What I did know was I was messed up. I couldn't walk, or talk, afflictions which still are affecting me 24 years later, come October 30th. On that day in 1998, my life was changed forever, some positive, but most negative. I remember being told by the doctor in charge of head injury patients that most of the healing takes place within the first two years. Two years! I couldn't wait that long. I was a bit nieve of my reality, two years is nothing. It's almost twenty four years and I'm still messed up.
Years ago I was told by a doctor, who undoubtedly figured I needed some tough love, that I was going to have to accept that I've gotten back all there was to get back. But I won't accept that, refuse to accept that, I still notice minute changes toward a full recovery, and yes, I admit that that is highly unlikely to happen, it's my goal.
What a long, strange trip it's been. That's the understatement of all understatements. I won't get into the hours of physical therapy, the frustration of being trapped in a body that doesn't respond to the orders I give it, and all the time that's gone by, time I'll never get back. Ironically, I can see my life direction clearly now, the things that will make me happy. Can't do much to make them a reality, but...
By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
Photo is of my first book signing, hosted by my grandchildren.
By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
A special thanks for the marvelous artwork. Leon - Heathrow Airport by avmurray on FanArtReview.
Some of you have heard some of this story before, to others its new. It happened in January of 2017. I've only told parts, which is what I've done here. I've left out a lot, but you get the picture. Please share your stories here as well. I'd like to know what you've survived. Thanks to Sally Law, Mike and Ulla for their contributions. |
By davisr (Rhonda)
I had been especially depressed for 3 weeks before April 4, 2016. I had felt suicidal before, but I always had help from my best friend, my mother. She would always help me through these times.
In 2015 she had been diagnosed with dementia, and I could no longer go to her with my problems.
I lost all faith and hope that Spring. I felt God had abandoned me. Around 4 a.m. on April 4, I jumped three stories onto the driveway of my apartment complex.
I was LifeFlighted to Altoona, where I was operated on for a broken back, a broken pelvis, and a shattered elbow. I was later told my heart had stopped during surgery.
I was in Altoona hospital for about two months, first in I CU, then regular hospital, then the psych unit.
While I was in bed, unable to walk, I asked the staff a few times, "Will I ever walk again?"
They always answered, "We aren't sure. We'll do our best." When I got this answer, I kept asking about the blue cane in the corner of the room. They would reply, "There is no blue cane there, Cindy."
I was delighted to know some of the staff were Christians. I had a Bible with me, but left my glasses at home, so I asked my physical therapist to read the 23rd Psalm to me. (This was my Grandmother's favorite Bible verse). My therapist, Mary, recited it to me by heart. Every time she entered my room I asked her about this and other verses. (Since my heart stopped during surgery, and since I tried to end my life, I had really been in the The 'valley in the shadow of death,' as part of the verse is worded.
I went home relegated to a wheelchair. I eventually drove again when I graduated to a walker. I was determined to return to the independent person that I had been before my attempt. One day, I decided to try to walk with a cane. I called my local pharmacy to have them deliver one to my apartment.
(The roads may have been slippery that day, so I didn't venture out).
"What kind of cane do you want?" the pharmacist asked.
"The kind that stand alone when not used, " I answered.
"We have a model like that, that comes in 6 colors. What color do you want Cindy?"
"It doesn't really matter," I said. "Just so it fits my 5' frame."
They delivered a blue cane, like the one I visualized in the corner of my hospital room months before. It was always small, yet significant signs like this that let me know God "had my back," so to speak.
I began to love life again, though I had to live through bouts of intermittent, sometimes excruciating pain, that painkillers no longer helped.
Despite a noticeably crooked right arm (with metal keeping my upper and lower arm together), I took up the cello. I will never be a literal connoisseur of that beautiful instrument, but a metaphorical one, as I write some stories about cello players. I know some simple cello passages, and every once in a great while, when I play it, I reach that wonderful honey tone the cello was meant to have.
I began to realize my life long passion of writing creatively. (Before this, I wrote strict college essays). I joined Fanstory initially in 2018. Sally Law was my very first reviewer. Today we are good Fanstory Friends. I have other friends too on this caring website. Roy taught me to 'trust in the Lord.'
Others with variegated, eclectic backgrounds enrich one's life with knowledge and humor.
I pray Wayne recovers and enjoys life again. My prognosis wasn't that great, yet I overcame. I know God has his back too. I found a new friend in Rhonda. God bless them both.
Author Notes | Thank you for reading and reviewing. |
By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
A lot of you have heard about this incident. I wrote a poem about it from Wayne's point of view, and Debi made a book many of you contributed to. Thank you all. Your poems mattered to me. Your support and prayers even more.
Tuesday, less than 3 weeks after surviving what might have been a debilitating stroke of epic proportions, he will be coming home. I don't know what changes will have to happen. He's still not back to "normal", but he's a walking, talking, eating, joking, miracle!! |
By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
My thanks still go out to Margaret, Late Bloomer, who wrote a poem of prayer for me after this ordeal. Because of her considerate poem, I received many prayers from you.
Thank you all. An interesting fact about this particular hospital was that it was the hospital where other hospitals would send patients with trauma and injuries that they weren't able to handle, as this was a trauma hospital. My daughter at age 8 was flown there by helicopter from our local hospital when she had a fractured skull following a bicycle accident. |
By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
The first picture is one our sons took of the helicopter in our pasture. You can see the group of First Responders surrounding Wayne as they prepare to load him on the aircraft.
The second picture is of Wayne the day he came home from the hospital, sitting in his side-by-side. Very happy to be home!! Update on Wayne: He's been home almost a week now. He's doing amazingly well, but not able to take care of himself without help-- yet. He is forgetful and impulsive, though otherwise seems right as rain. Right now, I'm working remotely, which isn't easy with 5 different High School science classes. My bosses are being amazingly tolerant, which is a blessing. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support. I'll try to post my fantasy chapter sometime this week. |
By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
A special thanks for the artwork, Richie saluting, by Lilibug6 on FanArtReview
Update on Wayne: He got out of his second hospital stay for internal bleeding the day before Thanksgiving. They did not find the source of the bleeding, but he has several follow-up appointments with doctors to try and help. We watch him closely for dehydration and bleeding. The headaches have not eased up. It's our belief that as soon as the bleeding is handled, he will regain his life, whatever that looks like. Thanks for all your ongoing prayers and support. FanStory is a great community and family. |
By davisr (Rhonda)
I had felt something was going on in my lower abdomen for some time but, for whatever reason, it didn't sound any alarm bells. I was absolutely fine. I had no symptoms of any kind. I went on with my life as usual until one day when I couldn't.
It all came on so very quickly. Something that shouldn't be growing within me just did. What the heck was going on? I still felt fine but within a month I looked six months pregnant soon coming up for seven months. It was an emergency if I had ever seen one.
It was pointless to consult my regular doctor so I went to the emergency room, reckoning that they, the doctors, had to take some action, and I was not wrong.
My husband though, was another matter. I knew he was frightened but he wouldn't let on. He assured me that everything would be fine, a statement which didn't make sense to me.
The doctors, meanwhile, were scratching their heads. I had several ultrasounds, and other invasive examinations, but no matter, the mass growing within me was too big, hiding was what was going on. So they scheduled an operation as a matter of urgency, but it wouldn't be until another two months before having one, during which time I grew bigger and bigger.
By now I was frightened. Nobody knew what was growing inside me, whether it was benign or cancerous. I remember how I prepared for the worst. I would walk around the land and the garden around the house. I talked to the trees and the plants saying goodbye to every single one.
Sometimes I would just stop, looking up at the mountains and the sea way below in the distance, breathing a silent goodbye. I was terrified beyond reason.
Apart from giving birth to my daughter, I had never been in a hospital let alone having a major operation as the one I was facing. My husband still believed everything would be okay, but I couldn't fathom how he could be so sure. Even my daughter, a nurse, and her husband, a heart specialist, were worried, although they kept assuring me that it was most likely a benign cyst.
Finally, the day arrived for my operation. I was so big now that it was a miracle that I could still breathe freely. Something or someone was looking out for me.
At this point, I have to point out what Spanish hospitals and care are about. After I checked in at 7 in the morning, my husband and I were led up to the ward and into a room with a hospital bed and a sofabed which was for my husband, so he could stay with me. The room also had an ensuite bathroom with shower and all. And so it is, all free and part of the national health care system we enjoy in the EU.
Not long after, a nurse came in and I had to dress in a hospital gown. She drew some blood and gave me a sedative for which I was grateful. Half an hour later, I was wheeled down to the theater where none other than my surgeon greeted me. He assured me that the blood test had shown no cancer was present. Shortly after, I was injected with something and everything went dark.
Now, much later, I opened my eyes and the first person I saw in my groggy state was my surgeon. He took hold of my hand and gently told me that everything was going to be fine. They had removed a huge cyst and a thorough biopsy had found no cancer. As a precaution they had performed a full hysterectomy. I could feel the tears of joy as I thanked him and then I fell back into a quiet sleep. A couple of hours later, I was wheeled up to my room, my husband at my side.
I will never forget that surgeon and the care I received. Also, the relief and tranquility it all brought me is hard to explain, but the knowledge that this particular part of my body can never let me down again is a gift.
By davisr (Rhonda)
I have just learned that Wayne had a seizure on Christmas day and is now back in hospital. As far as I know a tumour has been found behind his eye.
I was so confident that he was on the road of healing, but now this! I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with Rhonda and her family. They have endured so much during the last few months.
For this to happen at this time of the year doesn't make it any easier.
Thank you so much, Debi Pick Marquette, for bringing this to our attention.
By davisr (Rhonda)
Author Notes |
This is a true story, written through the eyes and words of my granddaughter we are raising.
As many of you know, my husband, Wayne, had a massive stroke October 23rd of 2024. He's done well, much better anything I could have imagined, but a stroke is a stroke and it takes its toll. Christmas morning, he had a seizure that landed him back in the hospital for a week. He's had a pretty rough time with headaches and fatigue, since, but he's still fighting the good fight. I've gone back to work part-time and we're trying to patiently wait for his recovery. The rant Kylie went on when Wayne acted like he was going to pick up a box of cigarettes was real. She absolutely told him what was on her mind! Thank you all for your prayers and support. They have been invaluable, just as you are. |
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