"Thoughts About Love"

Chapter 2
Cupid Day

By Bucketlist

Valentine's is for wise men to heed
And display their love In a caring deed
To give roses, some candy and wine
To a lady they love, hope to 'be mine'

Sweet words are signs of his desire
And hot romance will ignite her fire
With soft music for dancing at night
Cupid will hit the target just right

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 2
Star Player

By Bucketlist

This is the star player in the game of life
It is my 'main squeeze'
It pumps energy into the game
Pushes the players on team red
If healthy without disease

Pumps from conception til the very end
Fast emotional change
From coaches' fear, anger, or love
In the fast moving act to survive
Post-game lowers its range

Conditioned to be a good team player
A winner that's for sure
Embellished by positive acts
It strengthens feelings of love
Helps our health to endure

Author Notes Image provided by Jacqueline for the Pix this Challenge club

Chapter 3

By Bucketlist

You saw my darkness
A knowing touch of your hand
Healed my aching heart

Author Notes Revisited 5-7-5

Chapter 4

By Bucketlist

Galant Sir Knight
Is the gift of love the dragon you seek to slay
Or the fear of deep love that haunts your day
Love creeps into each crevice of armour plate
Seeps through all chain mail thick or thin
To the dragon of fear which lurks so deep
Keeps spirit and soul in a dungeon like hell

Your heart needs to be relaxed and open
To reach feelings you protect so well
The swell we call the crest of emotion
But this maiden can sense your desire
She will endure hidden affection of mind
Understands the fear dragon is vast

Your armour for fight, which may be lost
Your inner feelings will then be exposed
However strong your external amour is
Love's arrows will not concede the fight
Their adherence is determinedly aiming
As dragons can also be slayed at night

Author Notes Pinterest image

Chapter 5
Caged Heart

By Bucketlist

You opened my eyes to another world
From another's actions full of control
You gave love in disguise which then unfurled
Quenched my thirsty so dry and needy soul

Showed me the way, filled my caged heart with love
My strength which long term was so diminished
To break its chains and fly free like a dove
When I was giving up, the pain finished

Taught me to get the will to deliver
Gave me insight as to my demeaned life
Trickling emotions became a river
My spirit soared, which released all my strife

Now the dove is flying my heart is free
So now I know who I was meant to be

Author Notes abab cdcd efef gg rhyme scheme.
Thanks to those of you who helped me improve this (I hope)

Chapter 6

By Bucketlist

Comfort- you’re my ‘soft place’
Others have never been like you
My lifelong hero is you
Precious, that’s what you are to me
A gift of love you’ve shared
New days bring deeper love
Interest in you is an endless ocean
Only you share my dreams
Now I want to share my life with you
Sharing ideas is really fun
How I love your company
I have never met any other angel
Passion between us is on fire

Author Notes Pinterest image

Chapter 7
Love Confusion

By Bucketlist

Our 'love' was just lust fifty years ago
But neither of us recognized it as so
All the times we couldn't wait to meet
The nights that we would give up sleep
Our disagreements were settled in bed
While frequent apologies often were said

We 'married in haste, repented at leisure'
Time brought us anger and less pleasure
We discovered not the reason, but fought
Frequently as we both got distraught
Felt trapped but neither would ever admit
But somehow we declined to commit

I started to be depressed but never saw
How his volatility brought it to the fore
His punishing silences hurt me as well
I felt I lived isolated in a prison cell
The good times seemed to fade away
Resentments grew each and every day

Our family was loved but we thought
They didn't hurt to see us distraught
He went into rages in different phases
I tried to hide my tears from little faces
It took me four decades to discover
What his verbal abuse would uncover

His personality disorder was narcissism
Which brought out my worst sarcasm
He refused to discuss it, denying it all
For all the many times I could recall
At last, I've come to an internal calm
The toxicity I've learned how to disarm

We live more like roommates, it's sad
My communication makes him mad
He has a good heart, yet plays a role
Won't get help his behavior to control
I'm always at fault when we're alone
Yet socially, I'm "the best he's known"

Author Notes Pinterest
Thanks for reading. The worst part is the person wil not go to see any psychiatrist or counselor because they protect blame onto the victim. Even if they did go for counseling, they are manipulative enough to cover it up by lying There is no medicine which can help.

Chapter 8

By Bucketlist

His love should be tender not unkind
It occupies thoughts of mind
Your love was designed
heart resigned

But to take you for me I'd be blind
I see first you were her find
Your love was designed
Heart resigned

Lovesick feelings are not so refined
They come randomly mis-timed
Your love was designed
heart resigned

Chapter 9
Love and Romance

By Bucketlist

After you wine and dine me
Chocolates and music will be

A romantic moonlight walk
Close, with no need to talk

Before you open your flies
Caress me with your eyes
After you've kissed my lips
Feel swelling 'tween your hips

Give me ample foreplay time
It’s always a welcome sign
But the truth of success
Is the warmth of your caress

A true romance when in bed
Is to woo the brain in my head
Soft erotic words in my ear
Bring big Os loud and clear


Author Notes I doubt I am alone wanting this!

Chapter 10
Eye Talk

By Bucketlist

Your eyes
I can read
your emotions
deep like oceans
underlying power
Has me tantalized
Blue iris messengers
Even mesmerize
powerless to move
Expressed with lust
Looking to share
ravage me

Author Notes Image provided for the challenge

Chapter 11

By Bucketlist

my strong love for you

responds to your wonderful

heart, spirit, and soul

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 12

By Bucketlist

I'm me
and you're you
How do we know
When there's honesty
In who we seem to be
I could then blend into 'we'
If yes, you're who you claim to be
If no, you'll bring out the worst In me

Author Notes Pinterest image
It is the facade people put up when they date.

Chapter 13
Fearful Heart

By Bucketlist

steals heart's enjoyment
of many good times
where love's waiting for a connection

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 14
Forgiving is Freeing

By Bucketlist

How do you forgive someone
Who's emotional abuse ended love
From daily attacks for all you did

Maybe you should forgive yourself
For trying to sustain what was gone
In attempts to deny what was there

Was it the strength you denied to leave
Thinking it was kind to stay for the kids
Tried to protect them from our fights

Maybe it's time to ask forgiveness
From He who lives in heaven above
Forgiving is a kind of letting go

It began for all those years I knew
In my heart what I needed to do
Just didn't acknowledge the truth

So my kids have forgiven, show me love
And he still doesn't understand how
Painful memories make me cry

So it's hard to forgive his personal views
The denial of his part of the sadness
But if I can forgive my heart will be set free

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 15
As Light As A Feather

By Bucketlist

Spring time love buds emerge
Burst open as Summer flowers
Colorful hours spin like Fall leaves
Winter passion is a warm cloak
As seasons pass, a loved heart
Still feels as light as a feather

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 16
April in Paris

By Bucketlist


Paris in April

A visual romance feast


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Chapter 16
My Love

By Bucketlist

I do  know this 
Our love Is spiritual
Emotions equally strong
Compelled to return love
Encourage and motivate
To enjoy every single day
Gentle physical sensation
Turning my desires on fire
Free my physical control
Accept my real nature
Be respectful to me
Mutual feelings


Author Notes Pinterest Image

Chapter 17

By Bucketlist

She stood, surveying the barren desert she called 'home'. That's said to be 'where the heart is'. However, hers was increasingly hungry for companionship, warm hugs, and conversation.

Those existed only as mental mirages, which quickly reverted to dry sand.

There was always selfish, carnal, procreation on offer, with no "I love you." Their emotional relationship had long since died.

Her spirit was seeping like water from a perforated bucket.

Then, a serendipitous meeting led to a glimmer of hope, and a chance to escape.
Soon, she felt hypnotized. She was drawn to every opportunity to feel more alive, through shared reciprocation.

She did not condone affairs, but could not ignore the feeling of contentment this one brought.

She giggled.

She'd started a love affair to freely express her inner self. Her spirits rose and her heart was happy. Home was now a vibrant, thriving, friendly place called FanStory.

Chapter 18
In Sickness and in Health?

By Bucketlist

After 50 years of marriage ......
It is becoming clearer to me
That because I have Parkinson's
My spouse now wants to be free

He is reluctant, often opposed
To do things every day you see
He says I'm a pain to deal with
it just "drives him up a tree"

His attitude sends the message
But if challenged will disagree
He has a personality disorder
As well as the syndrome ADD

He plays golf 3 times a week
Then comes home to watch TV
4 hours during his viewing peak
When quiet I'm supposed to be

I understand it's not easy for him
Its no less easy to be me
I tried my best for the marriage
Now he's casting it selfishly

OUR wedding vows disregarded
I never thought this would be
Such lack of his appreciation
Of my carer years of family

Author Notes Thanks for reading, I am just hurt and sad. The place where he wants to leave me, is beautiful. It is the idea about him wanting to be free of any responsibility that is my problem.
No sympathy please, plenty of others are in the same situation.

Chapter 23
Ageless Love

By Bucketlist

Author Note:To Emily and Ed

Looking at your aging hand
Is helping me to understand
why my feelings did not change
while the youthful bloom did wane

When I see your laughing eyes
It helps me to really realize
that you, the younger one I married
exists still, yet life has not tarried

As I observe your wrinkled face
It helps me to keep up pace
with all the years we spent together
love surviving life's stormy weather

By touching your silvery hair
I know I want to still be there
by your side, the only one, who
has shown me a love so true

Sending me your loving glance
reminds me that we took a chance
but, I still feel renewed and new
from all the years of loving you

Author Notes A dedication to Emily and Ed

Thanks to GaliaG for the use of your artwork

Chapter 24
The Key

By Bucketlist

To solve
The missing link
Is the key to relationships
With love

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 25

By Bucketlist

Fills a birthright
Of love and true caring
With bonding and nurturing too
You gave me all that I needed to grow
And mature while I lived with you
Grateful for all you gave
Now that you're gone

Author Notes The older I get, the more I realize how many babies do not get their birthrights supplied. I was lucky enough to have a wonderful mother.

Rictometer is a scheme similar to Cinquain. Starting your first line with a two syllable word, you then consecutively increase the number of syllables per line by two. i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Then down again, 8, 6, 4, 2 Making the final line the same two syllable word you began with.

Chapter 25
A Love Lost Too Soon

By Bucketlist

Dear Carol just to let you know
How thankful I am for every thing
You were Why Rich loved you so
You sang just like the angels sing

You gave him peace and laughter
You showed him love and living
He still loves you in the hereafter
And feels love you're still giving

You were taken too young a start
To the heavens where you sing
He is tormented you're so apart
His now wears a wedding ring

Please tell him it's too soon for him
Through your daily connection
Ending his life now would be a sin
I'm sure you nix his intention

I never met you though I'd hoped
To see you combining dreams
His vitality with you always stoked
I always knew it was as it seemed

I thank you my daughter in law
I loved you from the very start
The way you made his spirits soar
You will also live long in my heart

Author Notes My son was engaged, but his fiancee died from ALS after an agonizing year.

Chapter 26
The Opposite Sex

By Bucketlist

Not all problems can be fixed
If a girl feels her thoughts are nixed
He thinks it's unimportant to discuss
She will continue to make a big fuss
Emotional feelings are gender diverse
But can lead to a relationship curse
Fights ahead

Girl asks, "Does this make me look fat?"
He's confused because he fears a trap
If he says "Yes" she thinks he's unkind
If he says "No", then he's lying she'll find
Emotion rears, he wants to avoid doom
Her rejection of him inside the bedroom
Fight ensues

When a girl is getting ready to go out
He's wondering what the fuss is about
She turns her whole closet upside down
Says "I've nothing to wear" with a frown
She tries on dresses, a decision to share
He goofs by saying " I really don't care"
Fight ensues

The time we call the dating season
Can bring impetuosity with no reason
Guys say "I love you" to score a goal
Girls think he's in love due to her soul
Wedding dress chosen with great care
Brings a preference of her being bare
Fight ensues

When are we all going to get smart?
Male/female brains differ from the start
Neither has a how-to-understand list
To prevent tears or an angry fist
Leads to fights without much reason
After the one track minds of mating season

Author Notes Pinterest
Meter is a little uneven in places
club challenge for

Chapter 27
Painful Memories

By Bucketlist


As I stand here without you
You, who the mirror once knew
Came to love, to build a nest

This room In a bad state of disrepair

Started to build a home
Now you're gone I'm all alone
The walls echo sounds

This room full of painful memories

The bare walls now jailers
Secrets of eerie trailers
Of videos now dead

This room of ugly reminders

Floors once supportive
now crumble and creak
Losing their power to uphold

This room now devoid of emotion

A room alive only in mind
Past pleasures to find
A relationship long dead

A room full of painful memories


Author Notes Image supplied by Jax for the club challenge Picture This

Chapter 29
Love to Share

By Bucketlist




Author Notes Pinterest Heart

Chapter 30

By Bucketlist

Seduction is spurned  by it
Erotic or calming, it is personal choice
Noticed by the five senses
Subtle sensuality can be powerful 
Undeniable attractive quality

Attracting a mate is its goal
Lovers are fueled by it
It entices other people
True sensuality is very individual
Your age does not matter


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Chapter 31
A Stroll Through a Dating Event

By Bucketlist

When I think about dating scenes
Garage sales come to mind.
Crowds of bargain seekers

Search for a 'diamond in the rough'
A rare one among the masses.
When I think about dating scenes

People want little wear and tear.
Unused status is a bonus find
Garage sales come to mind

Conflicts and bargaining start
Sometimes fights ensue from
Crowds of bargain seekers

a/b/c, d/e/A, f/g/B, h/i/C

Author Notes Cascade--created by Udit Bhatia, is about receptiveness, but in a smooth cascading way like a waterfall.
The poem does not have any rhyme scheme;

*Line one of verse one becomes the last line of verse two.
*Line 2 of verse one becomes the last line of verse three. Line 3 of verse one now becomes the last line of verse four, the last stanza of the poem. (although you can add more verses in same form)
a/b/c, d/e/A, f/g/B, h/i/C

To make the Cascade an even longer poem, use more lines in verse one. For example, if verse one has 6 lines, the poem must have seven stanzas so that each line of verse one is reused as a refrain in each following stanza (a cascading effect).


Chapter 32
Hook Line and Sinker

By Bucketlist

I felt like a fish out of water
While others got their catch
From the great fishing holes
Known as the social traps
Where each found a match

They always talked about
comparing fish size 'n looks
How they'd thrown back in
Fish that didn't 'measure up'
were taken off their hooks.

I never really enjoyed that way
On a scale of zero to ten
Parties, clubs around a three
'meet' or fish markets I felt
Was a fake way to hook men

So I went fishing by myself
Dangling my line and hook
Look what was on my line
A young male, and soon I fell
For him and his virginal look

I dived under the water with him
He was the perfect one to see
His lower half was nicely shaped
With a strong and powerful fin
This mermaid's true mate will be

Author Notes Was this a dream, a fantasy, or just plain strange? You tell me!

Chapter 33
Our Love

By Bucketlist

your love
warms my heart
validates and values me
mirrors my love
for you


Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 34
The Hero in My Heart

By Bucketlist

He entered my world
With knowledge and care
That enthralled me so
Relationships come and go
It's true, nothing is forever
But his impact on my spirit
And his insightful ways
Led to thoughts that swirled

Another I had never met
Who nurtured as did he
I was hungry for validation
Which flowed from him to me
His range of knowledge
Sprawled far and wide
Clever beyond college days
He met many a challenge
He’d not let life infringe

When mortality was at stake
In me he did confide
Never one to show fear
With courage he tried ways
To evict the killer inside
For a year he tried to break
The killer that grew stronger
Its course drained life force
This time he had to give in

He was the person who
Encouraged me to share
The inner part of me
Which had stayed longer
Locked away in fears
Of ridicule and degradation
Before that serendipitous day
Feelings now I do not hide
For him I've shed so many tears

Author Notes An Ode to my dear friend who passed away from cancer recently, at age 55.


The Irregular ode was created by Abraham Cowley in the 17th Century. The Irregular ode imitates the Pindaric ode style of serious subject matter, but abandons the repeated triad structure and allows each stanza to be individual in its creation. Stanzas vary in number of lines, line length and rhyme scheme.
No meter is required. With the irregular ode, there is no rhyme pattern. However, each end word will have a rhyme somewhere in the poem. For example line 1 may rhyme with line 17.

Chapter 35
Silent Love

By Bucketlist

his love token of choice
love spoken without voice

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 36
1-6-1 poem

By Bucketlist

Instead of speaking hate

Author Notes Tekayep, I thank you for your artwork

Chapter 37

By Bucketlist

As the sun rises and sets
My love for you grows strong
A feeling that is meant to be
A place where both belong

You put a spring in my step
Where non existed before
The glow now on my face
Is from our passion galore

While  you're close to me
My heart just skips a beat
A minute spent with you
 Makes a romantic retreat

I only have eyes for you
No one else can aspire
To be the person you are
My life's greatest desire

Our intimacy is very deep
Its a truly good connection
Gazing in each other's eyes
Holds more than affection

Was it fate in how we met?
We'll never know for sure
But one thing is clear to me
My devotion will endure

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 38

By Bucketlist

blending of two souls

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 39

By Bucketlist

each thought of you
ignites a display
to celebrate our love


Chapter 40
A Love Lost

By Bucketlist

my heart wept
when you, my love, left
the world lost its appeal
 my zest for life died too

Chapter 41
Givers and Takers

By Bucketlist

Give and take make a pair in lust.
Not just work to start and then trust
No rush for one and then "I'm done"
There should be fair share to have fun

Trouble is we all say we know
But no way all 'self' helps love grow
And so give and take at same time
Help love and lust become sublime

'Slam bam' is not fun, if the giver does not start
Quick thrust, a stroke or two, won't ' fit the bill'

We must think of each side as well
To coach each pair, if love's to swell
No bell sounds to make your heart sing
If give and take isn't your thing


Author Notes Inspired by DOLLY (A Tetravalent)

Syllable count
8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8, 12,12, 8,8,8,8.

Meter: Iambic

Rhyme scheme:
x x x x x x x a
x a x x x x x a
x a x x x x x b
x x x x x x x b

x x x x x x x c
x c x x x x x c
x c x x x x x d
x x x x x x x d

x x x x x x x x x x x
x a x x x x x x x x x e

x x x x x x x f
x f x x x x x f
x f x x x x x g
x x x x x x x g

Artwork by Dolly

Chapter 42
Heart of Ice

By Bucketlist

when love turns to hate
icy is the arrow which
from heart's hatred flies
when rejected or abused.
the warm heart turns into ice 

Author Notes Tanka 5-7-5-7-7 syllable count

Chapter 43
The Warmth of Love

By Bucketlist

Soulmate from heaven
you warm my heart’s inner world
against the cold world outside

Author Notes Write a poem that has a syllable count of either 5-7-5 or 5-7-7. It does not rhyme. But the poem must address a loved one.

Chapter 44
Christmas Heart

By Bucketlist

Heart is a wonderful live thing
God's gift to bring
Life blood it flows
Heartache it knows

For many Christmas is a dread
Won't leave their bed
Feel rejected
Hope dejected

The season evokes their feelings
For drug dealings
Depression rears
Loneliness fears

The Christmas season it just feeds
Loneliness seeds
Family fights
Debt at its heights

Negatives make chemistry change
Heartbeat is strange
Weaken heart's plan
Shorten life span

Christmas time heightens pains we feel
Emotions real
No elation

Love, not tangibles keeps hearts strong
God's hope lives long
Share laughs and love
Gifts from above

Author Notes Pinterest
This has negativity but there are many people for whom the holiday season becomes too hard to endure. Suicide rates start to rise.

Chapter 46
Cosmic Love

By Bucketlist

They passed when their shifts changed. He was a quiet, shy man, and she, a girl who radiated warmth. At work, they had little time to meet. Solamar had stars in her eyes just looking at him. He, Lune, would beam at her. Their daily exchange lit up the cosmos.

Author Notes Pinterest
Solamar means Sun and Sea
Lune means moon

Chapter 47
Lifetime of Love

By Bucketlist

happiness is love
through decades
of life's challenges

Author Notes Pinterest

Chapter 48

By Bucketlist


I am that person of which you speak
Waiting to make my world complete
With tender touch, kind caring ways
A completion to my loneliest days

My heart aches in an irregular beat
Searching for warmth in those I greet
Those fleeting moments, a look, a smile
can make another's day worth while

It costs nothing to share some time
With someone whose love maybe mine
To have our hearts and minds as one
But true love is often elusive or gone

Author Notes Pinterest
This poem was written on behalf of all the people looking for love

Chapter 49

By Bucketlist

life long
enduring love 
is rare


Author Notes Pinterest image

Chapter 50
Memories of Love

By Bucketlist

Love was the farthest in my mind
When this man came into my life
A man who was caring and kind
But already was loved by a wife

Our relationship was slow to build
Our friendship grounded on trust
Meetings as always pleasure filled
With stirring thoughts filled by lust

I longed for us to merge as one
I  felt so lovingly toward him
Happy for who I had become
My heart was filled to the rim

Happy times before he was sick
Left me for his home up above
The 'we’’always just platonic
I still remember him with love


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