"My Life in words"

Chapter 1
A Haven or Hell.

By Jaq Cee

words can be
they can also be
with some meant to
and captivate your

others deceive and
drag you
into the abyss
of a foetid pit
I crumbled

you watched as I
withered, eventually
slowly I slithered
into nothingness,
no pride

as my world
erupted and
my reason
the armageddon
of my soul
had already

some may cry
but other's will
that tears are
no foil for
a cheating lover's

maybe in Karma
we'll get some
i'm not usually
vengeful, but
in this case--

who knows?

Author Notes Free-style poem, some rhyming, about the power that words can have over some people, when used to effect. Scant punctuation and capitalisation, as always, intended.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 2
My Mind

By Jaq Cee

Dark, dank, dusty room,
Swept cleanly with a new broom,
No more doom and gloom.

Author Notes My first attempt at this type of thing. Not sure I have it entirely right. :) Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Chapter 3
Tortured Soul.

By Jaq Cee

From deep within the feeling grows,
why it started I do not know.
The feeling of angst, foreboding abounds.
Listen to the roar, that in me sounds.
Turmoil, hurt, fear and pain,
Rip me apart, leave me emotionally lame.
This tortured soul of mine is heavy,
I need to calm it, make it steady.
The mind is no help, extremes of clutter,
I need to clear it, thoughts to unfetter.
The darkness inside, too dense to see,
no clear path, no focus for me.
The inner turmoil, no halcyon to aid,
these feelings and thoughts, my being pervade.
Diffuse them I must, before all light goes,
and darkness takes over, adds to my woes.
I can and I will, free this tortured soul,
Battle armour on, to win this fight, my goal.

Chapter 4

By Jaq Cee

It creeps up on you, winds around your being,
like a fog around a mountain, stops you from seeing.
My mind is racing, chasing lost thoughts,
can't keep perspective, feeling fraught.
And so it takes hold, dragging you under,
You envisage dark clouds, hear only thunder.
Up, down, Up, down, in a lift going nowhere,
no buttons to stop it, trapped, caught in a self snare.
Stumbling around in a darkness, when the light, out it goes.
Must find a switch, get the light on, so direction it shows.
Walking into a force 10 gale, one step forward, three back,
Seeing in shades of grey, not in white, nor in black.
Can't look at myself, don't like what I see,
People stare and talk, thanking God they're not me.
My mind playing tricks, these thoughts are all mine,
No one else really thinking, these things at this time.
Once again, I wait, for the storm to abate,
For the darkness to lessen, the thoughts to be straight.
Time is a healer, people always say,
it is also infinite, goes on for forever and a day.
So while this bout runs it's course, taking it's toll,
I live for the day, when mind and body are whole.

Author Notes So many people suffer from this illness. It's good to know you are not alone with these feelings.

Chapter 5
Life Stealer.

By Jaq Cee

Childhood hopes, laughter and dreams,
sunny days, life ahead couldn't be any clearer.
Soon it becomes, fear, guilt and dismay,
life's gone, taken by the Life Stealer.

Eight years old life should be fun,
nothing to worry you, somewhere to go.
Instead it's all too soon at an end,
dread, angst, incredible pain deep below.

Cry!! Shout out!! it's of no use,
there's no one there to help.
Mentally, physically, pinned by fear,
"go on, scream, cry, whelp"!!

'Who'll believe you? It's your fault",
"you're bad, you know that don't you?".
"Lie down there, you're all mine now",
"to do with, as I want to".

God will hear my silent cries,
you will God, please, won't you?
Come down here like an avenging angel,
pierce his heart straight through.

No one's there, once again, even God's astray,
no last minute reprieve, not for me, again no cavalry.
Another day of guilt and fear, that's all that I can see,
no hope's, nor dreams, no normal life for me.

Love is lust, there is no love, sex it is for me,
no loving couplings to be had, it's all just carnal affair's.
Maybe one day when I'm am absolved from being very bad,
I'll have that love and find sex isn't all that's to be had.

My youth is gone, my childhood shanghaied,
my hope disappeared, as the end draws ever nearer.
It could have been so very different for me,
had it not been for that damned Life Stealer.

Author Notes Sometimes abusers need to hear just what they have stolen from the child.

Chapter 6
Love Unfair

By Jaq Cee

Hearts so soft and hearts so fair,
If needed you were always there.
Friendship blossomed, relationship gelled,
Love came soon after, for a short spell.
The two of you are a beautiful pair,
Your time not allowed, not very fair.
Within your quotes, posts and easy chatter,
All could see that you both really mattered.
When she called you "Boo" and back you wrote,
with "love you too", I got a lump in my throat.
Life should have been easier, if cancer did stall,
The world would have been yours to have such a ball.
Alas, as we know it, life isn't always that fair,
But for a short while, beautiful love did you share.

Author Notes It was written for two special people that cancer has torn apart.

Chapter 7
Shadows and noise.

By Jaq Cee

Behind the door It will always creep,
Watching, waiting, until you're asleep.
What is it that easily scares us so?
Behind that door, where black shadows go.
No light only dark in the dead of night.
Lurking It waits, just to give you a fright.
Hear the noises listen to the chatter,
Getting louder, incessant jibber jabber.
Frightened now, head under the pillow,
Heart beating faster, no chance to slow.
Get up from bed look behind the door,
Walk tall don't creep, across that floor.
Right! That's it! My courage has grown,
I'm going to look my fears have flown.
Closer and closer and the door is near,
Time to check, time to quell that fear.
Nearly there, just another step to come,
Breathe held, heart beating like a drum.
Noise back again, shadows deeper than before,
Maybe tomorrow I'll check behind that door.

Chapter 8
Majesty in flight.

By Jaq Cee

Majestic eagle
soaring way up in the sky
wind ruffles feathers
you glide so easily fore
august, imperial bird

Author Notes Many thanks to Lynnkah for the beautiful picture. x

Chapter 9
Perfect World!!

By Jaq Cee

I open my eyes and what do I see?
A perfect world, staring at me.
"What's that?" you say, "Where can this be?",
"This perfect world, that you see".
I'm flummoxed at first, "open your eyes",
I shout to the world with open surprise.
"It's there for the seeing", "it's huge in size",
"surely it's not just me that can visualize".
This world is not candyfloss, fair rides and fun,
It's trees and flowers, fed by the sun.
It's family and friends, who are there standing by,
to help when you stumble, to cheer when you fly.
They hold you in close when your world falls apart,
It's the feeling you get when there's love in your heart.
The smile of your child as their hurt you have salved,
That sparkle in the eye of the one you have loved.
Yet, still I hear you, calling out loud,
"is it all good days, never a cloud?"
"We want to see it", "can we stop by?"
"You have it already" I say with a sigh,
"Look deep inside, it's in your mind's eye".

Author Notes My work colleague described this as something written by Susan Boyle on speed. I did laugh, and he's not far wrong. this is an early one I did.

Chapter 10
On-line Predator

By Jaq Cee

Predators come in all shapes and sizes,
looks, styles and clever guises.
Set out to entrap, control your mind,
make you deaf, dumb and blind.
You don't hear your friends or family's pleas,
The predator has you controlled, with ease.

Maybe it's friendship, love or just an ear,
that you crave when you find that person is near.
They have you drawn in, in innocuous ways,
a word, a picture or even a cute phrase.
Whatever it is, it will mean something to you,
you let them in your life, they then slither right through.

Your mind is messed up, right becomes wrong,
you accept dire treatment, you're no longer strong.
You doubt your own instincts, deferring to theirs,
normal indicators like a feeling in your gut, now scares.
The damage is done, you have no self left, and so,
you just follow on blindly, until they let go.

Here we are again, the cycle is broken,
the hold has been lost, someone has spoken.
Take heart in the fact, that people stay near,
they know you will need them, they still hold you dear.
The predator has gone, moved on, or been found out,
for all of you out there, don't keep quiet, please SHOUT!!

Author Notes I like many others fell foul of this type of person. Thanks to Google Images for the perfect pic. x

Chapter 11
Jewish Nun. (free style)

By Jaq Cee

Indie Skreet our
Jewish nun
brought to our lives
so much fun
her humour writes
are full of wit
although some think
she's full of shit
they're the ones who
miss the point
as she's the smiles
around this joint

unique is she, in
every way
her honest words
will liars
her treatment here
had been
made to feel
like someone's

this site will,
it's humour
while some still
go on
to abuse
they'll use this site
as stalking
soon you'll
find it
to your hope
of money
as it's the wrong
side you've

Indie-pop, my partner
in crime
there's no way you'll
toe the line
if it means
at stake
I know just what
stand you'll
always one to
back a
because your
loyalty has no

Love ya Indie, wish you weren't going girlie. :( xxx

Author Notes Scant punctuation and capitalisation intended.

Picture from Indie's profile. :) xx

Chapter 12
The 'MeterMan' - free verse.

By Jaq Cee

it isn't electricity
that gives this guy
a buzz
nor is it the
North Sea gas
which lights his
fabled path
and water doesn't float
his boat
unless it's in his
so who is it I
speak of
it's our 'meter man'
'The Earl', Ray

i've prayed to St. Brigid
she of Irish descent
also St. Celia
ignored my anguished
St. Columba and St. David
it's obvious are
these Patron Saints
of poets have all
deserted me
all I wanted
was some rhythm
to make my writing
the 'meter man' read
my meter and
quickly admitted

Now all I have is
St. Jude
the Patron of
Lost Causes
as Ray has decided
to leave us all
to our own

Author Notes In the UK a Meter man will come and read your meter before you get your bill for gas, electric and water. Just a wee play on words to send Ray off with a smile.
St. Brigid of Ireland St. Cecilia St. Columba St. David - the 4 Patron Saint's of Poetry.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 13
Hodie Integritate Mortuus Est

By Jaq Cee

a place to write
our feelings down
with an even
platform for
that's what we
joined this site
but now it's
taken a

one rule for some
and then
for 'wiseguys' who
are sly
the honest people
are forced out
with a less than

i've asked the
question of the
why is a cheat
to prosper here
and write some more
whilst honesty is

this debacle is
quite clearly
a case of
who you
but I will say
this isn't the
end as others
are set to

how can you hold
your head up
high whilst you
nurture those
who lied
this will go
down in history
as the day

Author Notes Hodie Integritate Mortuus Est = integrity, died today!!

Chapter 14
The Death of a Poet.

By Jaq Cee

I'd always known
this day would
but never knew
the way
you'd choose to
end this
some people
call a

it's time too close
the creaking
doors of hurt
and abject
and to rise above
the world I
to watch my
demons be

goodbye, good luck
God bless
my friends
I fear that
you will
but not for what
I used to
for what I might

Author Notes Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 15
Earl of Oxford

By Jaq Cee

His humour can be risque
when he's a little frisky,
but he never crosses the line
as his manners are divine.

Ray's tried to teach me meter
when I've drunk wine by the litre,
he's a walking metronome
whose rhythm will seldom roam.

I'm hopeless with iambic things
and pentameter a headache brings,
he said I have a rhythm all my own
but that can't be good, I heard him groan.

I dance to a tune that's just in my head
so each time I write he's filled with dread,
however he has helped more than he'll know
as I now understand some rhythm and flow.

So fare thee well my titled mate
and don't forget to close the gate,
that was a joke as you will know
because it breaks my heart to see you go.

Take good care and please stay well
but in the shadows don't you dwell,
for we will miss your bon accord
come back soon our Earl of Oxford.

Author Notes Ray I know you'll have a field day with this one hahahahaha

This is just a fond farewell to a dear man.

Chapter 16
Who do you think you are?

By Jaq Cee

where is the
locked box
in which you kept
your prizes
you had so many
believing in your

women flocked to hear
your words
to be a part of
but all they had was one
more hurt
as their hearts were broken
in two

these prizes were a string
of hearts
which you'd plucked
straight from their
you spoke in tongues
meant to
and you made them
all feel

how many women
their values just
to find
they weren't as special
as you'd said
and were just another
soul to

they'd all fallen for the
and words spewed
it was easier to draw
them in
as their sad stories

you played the game
so very
and the 'right' words
flowed with
all you needed was
any woman
to quell your desires
as you did

a box, a jar or something
how did you keep the
as hearts were broken
the tally sure did

someday life will return
to you
the hurt you took
too far
so all that's left for
me to ask is--

"who do you think
you are?"

Author Notes This was written about being taken in by 'internet lovers'. I have another poem called 'On-line Predator' which was written a year ago about the same issue. I'm trying hard to walk the right road without making the same mistakes again.

Picture from Google images.

No capitals and scant punctuation intentional.

Chapter 17
Charismatic man-child

By Jaq Cee

You told me all the sweet things
a woman needs to hear,
then at night I would dream deep
whilst your words I held so dear.

Charismatic man-child
you destroyed my virtual wall,
then took my heart unheeded
as my guard began to fall.

All too soon the cracks appeared
and I began to see,
that maybe there was someone
who shared your time with me.

I did so often wonder
though was afraid to ask,
how many girls had fallen
for the words behind your mask.

I didn't have to ponder
this question for too long,
I soon felt one of many
as I strode into the throng.

l believed all you had said
as you were meant to be,
my one saviour, my white knight
who'd fall in love with me.

Could I stay among the pack
and allow myself no choice,
or would I shout out louder
and hope you'd hear my voice.

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 18
Beautiful Release.

By Jaq Cee

I cut my wrists--
you don't know
I hear you

it isn't quite as
simple tho'
it's not a game I
I'll now explain what drives
me on
then judgments I may

I feel the need to purge
my soul
to bleed's how I
it eradicates the evil which
infects me to

it cleanses me and soothes
my mind
as I watch my blood
flow free
I slowly feel the
darkness lift
to expose a better

I live my life in
quiet torment
to rid this demon
my only
one day I pray this
pain will
some peace I hope to
if not, dear Lord then take
me please--
as my efforts were in

Author Notes This is a rhymed free-style poem, with minimal punctuation and capitalisation by intent, about my niece. Self-harm is so hard to understand, as some of my friends will know.

Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 19
My Keepsake.

By Jaq Cee

I have a lovely keepsake
which once belonged to Gran.
I play it every now and then,
to feel her if I can.

My Gran was such a beauty,
and I don't mean fair of face.
Her strengths were in the unseen
realm, a heart so full of grace!

She always went to Chapel,
almost every day,
but she never forced us children.
She let us find our way.

Her smile could light a room
and her words could calm a storm.
To visit at the weekend
was our unquestioned norm.

I love and miss her dearly -
she was my rock for sure,
as my teenage years were blighted
by trouble's sweet allure.

She never sought to judge me
when I was in disgrace.
She took me in and brushed me off,
that smile upon her face.

My keepsake moves unaided
with very eerie sounds,
but only serves to ease my mind -
I know she is around!

Author Notes The picture is of a musical ornament that used to belong to my Gran. I miss her every day, she was a special lady.

Chapter 20
Reality V Virtual

By Jaq Cee

Most of my life is
which sometimes is
in vain

I look at my computer
as I wait to see
it flicker

a message an image
or a post
the list it just
gets bigger

I think I see where this
is going
and I know that you'll

I'll have to turn off
my PC
and find myself
a life real

Author Notes Just a bit of fun, how many of us find ourselves like this some No attempt at punctuation for ease of flow.

Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 21
Passions Fulfilled!

By Jaq Cee

I want to lie against your skin
enshrouded by your essence,
the impact of your loving embrace
endorsed just by your presence.

When we speak your words caress
like a lover's lullaby,
you seduce me with things to come
your charms I can't deny.

A tender voice filled with desire
your words so full of lust,
for once we join so totally
our needs we won't mistrust.

Together we'll ride the stormy sea
of passions crashing wave,
we'll glide across excitement's crest
to find that love we crave.

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 22
Thelma and Louise.

By Jaq Cee

Thelma and Louise
are today on their travels,
watch out wide world
as their plot unravels.

Laughter and fun
it is all the way,
getting up to mischief
is the order of the day.

Where will they end up?
God only knows.
Sat Nav is switched on
the journey just flows...?

Unorthodox game plan
I'm guessing's in place,
wish I was with them
on this wacky race.

Watch out in Cornwall
or could it be Devon?
They haven't a bloody clue
to which county their headin'.

I can see some tomfoolery
and high jinx transpire,
they'll baffle the locals
with their wit and satire.

Let's hope the local cops
don't offer them a bed.
What happen's on road trips?
No more to be said.

So batten down the hatches
each town on the way,
because Indie and Mrs. Dark
are coming out to play.

Author Notes Devon is said like 'Devin'

Picture from Indie and Mrs Dark's personal portfolios.

Chapter 23
No Looking Back.

By Jaq Cee

I will choose happiness
in my life to impress,
for when I'm corrupted by ire
I light my own funeral pyre.

Anger is a wasted emotion
which consumes my devotion,
to having love enter my soul
no more allowed to take it's toll.

Laughter is the antidote
to problems which my life's been smote,
I've spent too long in misery
now I'll have my liberty.

I'll move on with perfect ease
a smile upon my lips will tease,
so you will know that I've recovered
from all the hurt that was uncovered.

Author Notes Love that song...

Picture Google Images.

Chapter 24
See You!

By Jaq Cee

I did see through
that smooth veneer
I always knew
this day was near

my perception
was always right
I chose to ignore
this foresight

seduced by words
with intellect
beguiled by verse
so circumspect

I know my failings--
but do you
you took my heart
and pierced it through

a promise of great
things to come
empty dead words
every one.

my life's been hard
but I don't whine
horrors in childhood
didn't define

chose to live
and I survived
but could have ceded--

now I am strong
and understand
my life worth more
which I demand

Author Notes Very minimal punctuation intended for flow and effect.

Picture Google images as always.

Chapter 25
Dream Lover.

By Jaq Cee

That silent, sultry, sensuous man,
was where my troubles first began.

We met by chance one cool dark night,
those rugged looks fuelled my delight.

Those smoky eyes were filled with lust,
to make him mine was such a must.

His body language, tell-tale signs,
his need for me cast fishing lines.

That sensuous smile and wanton look,
at once I dangled on his hook.

A night of passion soon ensued,
all of my fears he disabused.

Things are not always as it seems,
This lover's mine but just in dreams.

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 26
Sinking into Nothingness

By Jaq Cee

your words as always
flowed so freely
I'd read them many
times before
your heart was filled
with love and
I saw your hopes
and dreams

it could only be for us
couldn't it

my heart soared on
the wings of
a thousand
maybe more

but then the dawning of
spread slowly
over me

I read a little deeper
their meaning became
and sinking like a weighty
thrown into a
my heart hit an all time low
drowned in
hurt and sorrow

your words are like
a lover's
they play the heart
string well
oh how I wish that it
was me
who inspired those words
so true

now I'm sinking into

without a trace

Author Notes No need for any corrections it's just a cathartic write. Inspired by a favourite song and other stuff.

Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 27
Indie-structably Strong.

By Jaq Cee

Indie-street we hear the beat
of warning drums
Indie-halls we feel vibrations
from uniform footfalls
Indie-town we gather round
to carry high the banners of
free speech
Sometimes we have to
choose a side
because the fence indeed
will our ass
prick with splinters
it is to show our
when bigotry raises up it's
ugly head
let's get behind our Indie-lightful
show her we agree with all
she's done
because Indie-end it's
all that we have

Author Notes This is just for fun and to make Indie smile :).

No corrections necessary thanks. Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 28
Forgive = Live.

By Jaq Cee

shall I be forgiven
for the words I had
to say
can you see the message
that those words
will you stand in judgment
on that fateful
if you think you're
able to then I stand
the only One to judge
me will be
the One we call Lord
will show each one
the way
when that day comes
will I sing
or will I hope for more
time just one small
I shall be forgiven but only
by the God to Whom I pray
not by someone whose
preachings have turned
to dust along the way

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 29
In their shoes.

By Jaq Cee

walk a mile in someone else's shoes
step into the world that they live
see if you can handle life
how they decide to be
before becoming
judge and jury
just look--

Chapter 30
Judge and Jury?

By Jaq Cee

who are we to sit in
who can say our life's been
no one on this mortal
can use their morals as
a foil
telling folk how to live
their lives
only men can join with
you feel the need to preach
and prattle
always looking for a
in the name of God on
you think it's right what
you imply
if God had wanted your
your vented anger or your
surely then you would have
stigmata and the crown of

Author Notes For all who feel the need to judge others. Live and let live I say. Not one of us is in a position to pontificate over others.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 31
Take My Hand.

By Jaq Cee

when all around is
dark as night
as you awake
feeling fright
when all you feel
is indecision
no life plan and no
clear vision
take a look and
you will see
that I am near
to help you be
all that you can
be and more
I'm standing at
that open door
arms outstretched
full of love
with all the blessings
from above
I know that fear does
cloud the scene
but just look deeper
then you'll glean
the knowledge needed
to change your plight
and make life blossom
in eternal light

Author Notes No punctuation intentional for quick flow.

Picture of my daughter and her husband's hand on their wedding day.

Chapter 32

By Jaq Cee

A bon-vivant, a raconteur
with words beyond compare.
His storytelling genius
just has that special flare.

Quiet, deep intelligence
flows straight from tip of pen-
he's even known for humour writes
every now and again.

'Wordsmith' is the perfect name,
and I don't use it lightly;
he's earned it with each clever piece
that he produces nightly.

He flits from the historical
to poems that melt the heart;
he is a lover and a 'flurt'--
he's shown that from the start.

"Who is this Wunderkind?"
I hear you ask of me.
It's my Irish friend, Meehal,
who writes so eloquently.

Reach out for those stars, chara,
the sky for you's no limit;
your work will shine for evermore--
don't let the doubters dim it.

Author Notes 'flurt' is the way I pronounce flirt in my Scottish accent. 'chara' is friend in Irish Gaelic, 'Meehal' is Michael in Irish also.

Just a fun write for an exceptional writer and friend.

Chapter 33

By Jaq Cee

feeling lost
no inclination
to find another
moving forward
in transition
chosen roads-
to reach my goal is
the intention
need Divine
where to find
the inspiration
has to be my
own creation

Author Notes juxtaposition - my roads run parallel, no inspiration to find new way to go forward.

Lack of punctuation intentional for flow.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 34
Achilles Heel.

By Jaq Cee

Careering through love's
myriad plains
I find myself beset
with pains.

Heart and soul, scythed
then sutured,
yet again, emotions

I only have myself
to blame
I never learn, each time's
the same.

Myself I proffer to you,
open heart beats, hope is

that this time love's here
to stay
for more than just one blessed

Today is not the day
it seems
no realisation of my

I dreamt on while you
kept it real
my love of love--
Achilles heel.

Author Notes It's just a poem, I'm fine :)

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 35
For Boston xx

By Jaq Cee

For all who have lost their lives, may God now take care of them.
Also for those injured.xx

Chapter 36
The Harridan!!

By Jaq Cee

She doesn't have an ugly face
but with a look, I'm in my place.
A warty nose does not adorn
her features in the early morn.

She doesnt have a pointy hat
nor broom to transport wicked cat.
Her hair's short not long and tangled
but her chin looks badly mangled.

How was I to guess from this
that she would snarl and she would hiss,
whilst sitting on the Queen Bee's chair
looking at me with haughty glare.

The new 'Boss Lady' drags me down,
causing me to stamp and frown.
No skills possessed in supervising
I really feel my anger rising

For her I have lost all respect
a chill from me, she may detect.
I've worked happily for many a year
but 'she' makes me want to disappear.

And though it's a scary thing to do
I have to tell her, 'Dear, screw you'
and move away from this harridan
find something that is less maddenin'

Author Notes Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 37
Almost Lover

By Jaq Cee


I thought that I could do it,
but it seems that I have failed.
My feelings are much deeper, dear -
yours, transient and veiled.

The surface stuff looks peachy,
but scratch and you'll find out:
it's all a bit unequal,
you've sown the seeds of doubt.

No fault in this delusion
that I have labored under,
but now I feel my tender heart
is being ripped asunder.

I should have listened to my brain.
It doesn't often lie.
But I always trust my heart,
though logic be defied.

You're a lover, just like me,
romantic, hopeless too,
but parallel reality
has masked what's right and true.

It was not even me per se,
you had to clear your clouds,
some lover just to salve the pain
which loneliness enshrouds.

"I never meant to hurt you babe",
I've heard these words before.
and always when it's far too late,
you're walking out the door.

Today's the day I save myself
from heartache and more sorrow,
to give myself what I deserve,
an honest, true tomorrow.


Author Notes My favourite song, which says so much about relationship I've encountered. :)

Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 38
Beyond Reproach

By Jaq Cee

body heat intensifies as we
fall into the abyss
no turning back we've
crossed the line
our fate sealed with
immoral kiss

hand in hand we dive
into a pit of carnal

all around us people
under breath admonishments

illicit trysts we did share
spent sated we had
no care

you took my heart
devoured my soul
my guilty pleasure
has taken it's

washed up now, hung out
to dry
brokenhearted left
to cry

if I had this time
to live anew
I'd do the same
and lie with

Author Notes Free style poem with rhyming. No punctuation intentional. Picture from Google images.

Chapter 39
Lonely Life.

By Jaq Cee

solitary sitting cloaked
in darkness
confined in mind's
virtual cell

lonely days spent
looking outwards
life goes on as
I wither and wilt

terror-filled open spaces
unseen torment
scars my life

lonely life a sad
trapped inside by
mind's barbed-wire

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 40
Where I used to be.

By Jaq Cee

As I flit between my 'used to be'

and glide into where 'I see me'

those two places differ greatly,

like a tent and home so stately.

In 'used to be' I felt so small

I never seemed to climb that wall.

As I step into where 'I see me'

I know that's where I want to be.

My 'used to be' was where I crawled

uninspired, unenthralled,

but'I see me' is far superior

no more downtrodden, nor inferior.

'Used to be' had hurt and spite

only darkness no sign of light.

'I see me' is a wonderful book

with many pages, I've yet to look.

I flit and glide from one to other

'used to be'- my dreams did smother.

My days will end in where 'I see me'

happy, contented, unyielding, free.

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 41
The Iron Lady!!

By Jaq Cee

Maggie ruined the working classes
and took the milk from children's glasses.
Iron Lady now remembered
for the miners she dismembered.
The sick and poor she did quell
so Rust In Pieces, burn in hell.

Chapter 42
Cradle to the Grave

By Jaq Cee

from cradle to grave
our life's mapped out
the path isn't always clear
I need to take some
solitary time
with my thoughts
and my fears

I know what I need
and who I want
to accompany me
on my
yet still it feels
outwith my reach
so far from my touch
it scares me

this time of my life
I thought would be
settled or that at least
I'd know
where I'm going

but sadly this isn't

in God's great plan
I must appear
like a small fish
in a great sea
All I want is to
shed some light
from worries please
set me free

Author Notes Free verse - with scant punctuation.

Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 43
Adam and Eve.

By Jaq Cee

When God said to Adam, "here's your wife"
He didn't count on too much strife
but Eve was fooled by a snake
forbidden fruit she'd take
only one measly bite
it took to end
their delight
now their
in the
dimming light
of wild and lakes
fending off all snakes
no more help was offered
a harsh new life was proffered
a world of sin they'd now grapple
'thus poor Eve 'bitin' - tempting apple

Author Notes 'bitin' is a play on words of 'bit in' and ' bitten'

Chapter 44

By Jaq Cee

Oh where, oh where
has my Indie gone,
One minute poems,
the next none!!

Her profile's gone.
Has she been banned?
This ray of sunshine
has been canned.

She's such an open
talented writer,
that many people want
to smite her.

Live and let live
I adhere to,
some people need lives,
or something to do.

Another great talent
busted down,
for her honesty..
driven out of town.

You have to bring back
Indie Skreet,
or you may find people
vote with their feet.

Author Notes Yet another friend banned for open and honest talent.

I don't know that this is a great place to be any more when freedom of speech is not allowed. Especially when the poem was totally fictitious.

Chapter 45

By Jaq Cee

You fill me with the hope love brings,
and bless me with your love,
inspiring me to greater things,
my gift from God above.

I never have to worry now,
or wonder how you'll cope.
You're such a girl for knowing how!
You fill my heart with hope.

You joined this world with kicks and screams,
a world that I'd forsaken,
but you brought purpose, future, dreams -
I glimpsed you, and was taken!

So small and round, with hair of black,
and sallow skin, so smooth -
those organ-bellow lungs don't lack
sheer force - nothing to prove!

Your hair changed colour to ash blonde,
your eyes a dark brown hue,
the perfect aspect which you donned,
and heart so gentle, true.

It's hard to grasp. I'm left amazed!
I made you - you're perfection!
You light up even my darkest days,
yet you're of my conception.

I look into those eyes, and see
a soul so precious, bright!
Such wonders, which you'll do, and be -
you own them as your right!

Author Notes This is a personal picture from last year when she was on holiday.

Meehal(Rondeno) thanks for casting an eye over it. xx

Chapter 46
Locked In

By Jaq Cee

Locked in a life of misery
lost in a world of dreams,
alone in a room full of people,
nothing is ever as it seems.

Slowly I try moving forward
to enhance my bereft lifestyle,
and to make much better choices
that give me a reason to smile.

Why is it life is so hard,
for one but not another?
What's the answer? I need to know
can I change mine for some other?

The answer I'm told lies within
this I hope to be true,
but how to reach inside of me
of this I have no clue.

This inner self, strong and bright
which pulls some from the abyss,
appears to be lost from my sight,
I want to be aware of this.

This spiritual path will appear
the moment my mind clarifies,
I need to dig deep within me,
to sort out the truth from the lies.

I've lived my days to constantly
please all the people around me,
I need to escape this life
as it stops me from running free.

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 47
Haiku (Butterfly)

By Jaq Cee

gossamer beauty
wings in flight

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 48
Dance of Love.

By Jaq Cee

as my touch
traces your

sparkling sapphire eyes
shine as
candlelight caresses
coal black hair
sleek, sophisticated...

Heavenly handsome
on our sultry Spanish

full of surprises
you take my hand,
guitar strumming slowly

we take to the floor
you pull me close
to your chest,
our bodies touch--
heat is

whispering words
of love
I feel like I'm

as you
guide me
leaving me to
wantonly wonder--

will you lead me
to ecstasy?

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 49
Coloured Existence

By Jaq Cee

For too long I've let my past
have a bearing on how I act.

Too eager to part with my heart,
hoping to find an angel-fish
Among the sharks,
I never once wised up:
that's what was keeping me in the dark.

People used me-- men abused me,
one even threatened my life.
Until that point my only crime
was trying to be the handle
to his knife.

Now I understand my folly.
I need to love myself today,
to know I'm worthy of respect,
and not an object to neglect,
gathering dust on some man's shelf,
until he wants to play.

So from today I'm 'raising the bar',
to 'have me' means to love me.

Author Notes Picture courtesy of Google Images.

Chapter 50
Sunshine rays on Prozac days.

By Jaq Cee

Chemical imbalance, so they say,
'Bottled Sunshine' on the way.

"Take these pills" the doctor said,
"for just now you're off your head".

How about trying to help me cope?,
"without meds? You've not a hope".

All too quickly 'they' fill the script
bloody hell, I think I've flipped!

"Why don't you try the alternative?"
Nature's garden has much to give.

Zombied out from day to day
no joy in viewing world this way.

The change is quick - from sick to placid
yet leaves a taste of bitter passive.

Staring coldly from dead eyes
'they' say it helps, I say it's lies.

This bottled sunshine chemical ray
to guide me through each dreaded day.

but no longer will I take what's given:
a doctor's cure, money driven.

Chapter 51
Satin and Lace.

By Jaq Cee

beauty draped in
satin and
wanton look on
black and purple
sheaths her
interest piqued--
he knows the
seductive words
are quietly
forgotten feelings
are now
temptress smiles
with lust-filled
she can feel
his ardour

Chapter 52
Veni, Vidi, Vici

By Jaq Cee

Veni, Vidi, Vici
you came, you saw,
you conquered me

I awoke today
to feel the heat,
it wasn't from outside
it came from deep
within my core
I felt you close to me.
I heard you near,
your voice the key
to all that made my day
I lay alone but knew
that soon, you'd
join me and we'd

Veni, Vidi, Vici,
I relinquished
all to you.

Author Notes Image from Google. :)

Chapter 53
See me!!

By Jaq Cee

Do not judge me
on what you see
All I know is
how to be me

Cherish my heart
feel my pride
see my beauty
from inside

Self disgust
penned me in
people said I
was full of sin

They never saw
what hid below
nor did they see what
I tried to show

See my tears flow
watch me bleed
you never came when
I was in need

So please don't judge
'cause you don't know
just what it is that
drives me so.

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 54
You and I. (free style)

By Jaq Cee

we will be perfect
you and

I laugh more since
you came into
my life
which is enhanced
just by your

you've joined my
life's journey at the
perfect moment
and awakened
my dormant

when we meet and touch
mmmmmm...that feeling
will be epic
you have my heart and
have stolen my soul--

when we join as one
the sky will
into a myriad
of colours

we will be perfect
you and

This I know--

Author Notes Picture from Google Images.

Scant punctuation and capitalisation intended.

Chapter 55
Deserve Me?

By Jaq Cee

Taste me, make me, feel my soul,
touch me, steal me, make me whole

hold me, mould me
make me your own

tease me, please me
make me your toy

And I will always...

love you, caress you
satisfy your needs

want you, take you
blow your mind

But if you ever...

hurt me, break me
try to kill my soul,

deceive me, control me
or pull me down

I will leave you, flailing flaccidly
In a loveless putrid sea,
Then I'll walk, head held high,
Respect for me, is my reply.

Author Notes British spelling of mould/mold

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 56
Stepping into Tomorrow. (free style)

By Jaq Cee

I opened the door to yesterday
and dipped my toe back in it,
the feeling is cold-- unforgiving,
one step forward... two back.

I need to move out of the past
and break down the walls that surround,
to strive for a new beginning
no hurt, no sorrow or fear.

As I swim off into tomorrow
and leave the mad past behind,
I welcome this bright new dawning,
day one of my life starts now.

Author Notes Another middle of the night write.

Picture Google images.

Chapter 57
We had it all?

By Jaq Cee

We had it all-
or so I thought
our days idyllic,
our nights romantic.

Your essence claimed
my senses as your
own, each touch, smell,
taste- yours.

Those nights when
our union was frantic,
the taste of your sweetness
as it rolled down your body.

We fell headlong into
soft, sensual satin,
my legs around your waist...
tight; needy; full of want.

I pulled you into my moist body
excitement; elation; love...
or so I thought
but it wasn't to be.

My heart broken,
torn asunder,
you moved on,
so easily.

I never forget those
hot steamy nights
we fell asleep--

Love lost so completely
I miss your touch,
we had it all-
or so I thought.

Author Notes Google images supplied the lovely picture.

Chapter 58
Stay with me.

By Jaq Cee

Stay with me; play with me;
love me tonight,
consume my passion 'til dawn's
first light.

Under the stars as our
bodies entwine,
promise me sweetheart
you'll always be mine.

I want you; I need you;
I'm filled with desire,
take me; fulfill me;
please quench my fire.

We meet in my dreams
to join as one,
stay with me; play with me;
the ride's just begun.

Author Notes Another middle of the night awakening :) I really need to sleep. LOL.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 59
The Runaway Lovers

By Jaq Cee

Into the moonlit street
we crept, you and

Away from the madding
crowd, we made our

On our own at last
we hold each other

Hearts beating like
the drums of

The tempo increases
as we merge into

Lips parting, teeth
nibbling, tongues

I trace your face
with my

You feel my heat
and you pull me

This is the night
I've been waiting

Let's lie on the grass
and forget our

Alone together
forever, as

Author Notes Picture from Photobucket

Minimal punctuation deliberate xx

Chapter 60
You thrill me.

By Jaq Cee

his eyes pierced
my very soul
I sigh.

dark hair
swept suavely
I stared
into those eyes
like pools of

I knelt in

teasing me
with your
solid self
I smile--

You are mine,
I am yours--

you set free
my burning desire
hidden for so long...
now it flows
as nectar does from
bountilful flowers

I taste your
essence too,
together we tumble
into satin covered bed
satisfying primal needs
you fill me
I possess you

for now...

Chapter 61
Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison.

By Jaq Cee

Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison,
Kyrie Eleison...

(Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy,
Lord have mercy)...

These words were sung today in church
as I knelt down in prayer,
they used to be so comforting--
but now there's nothing there.

It's hard to see this as I did,
when I was but a child.
Then things were so much simpler, as
I followed meek and mild.

I believed the Lord was present
each step along the way,
but then I found out soon enough
sometimes he'd let us stray.

Our lives are mapped out so we're told,
all part of God's great plan,
but then the path just disappears,
we're left with mortal man.

I hope one day I'll understand
why life was strewn with glass,
and maybe I'll have answers as
to why I felt his wrath'

Author Notes Some musings while in Chapel today.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 62
Original Sin.

By Jaq Cee

Painfully obvious...
but they're all oblivious.
They only see what they want to see,
they never see what preoccupies me.

No-one came when I cried,
no-one saw as my soul died.
My only faith now, is from within --
all those good people? I know they sin.

All God's creatures? Someone lied,
as I lay down like a dog and cried.
Laid bare for the world to see
was my tiny body, shorne of dignity?

Internal turmoil -- body ravaged,
emotional meltdown -- mind so savaged.
Sex is hurtful -- sordid and bad.
To know this at eight? Isn't that sad?

To forgive -- not forget -- is now my task,
even this, though, is such a huge ask.
I try to be good, but then I can see
as I look in a mirror, what's missing from me.

I want to be normal, I want to be free,
to find a lover who's gentle with me.
To never again feel that sex is bad,
would be the best feeling I've ever had.

Author Notes Thank you so much for the title and the few edits Meehal(Rondeno) your input is precious to me.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 63
Embarrassing Mom!!

By Jaq Cee

Do you punch the air? High-five perfect strangers? Hug members of the same sex? How do you celebrate those special moments of elation? European soccer players run around blind, having pulled their shirts up over their heads, exposing their torsos to the world. Therein lay my downfall ...

One cold, wet Sunday afternoon, my daughter and I decided to have a 'jammie day' (a "hang out in pajamas" day, that is).

I'm a big soccer fan, and my team (Celtic) were playing in a televized game, so I settled down to watch it. I have to admit to getting a tiny bit excited whilst watching the 'footy'. My daughter was sitting at the PC, talking to her friends on MSN messenger. (I always kept the PC in the living room back then, so that I could monitor it).

Anyway, as the game went on, I was getting right into it. Celtic scored, I was whooping very loudly. Then for some unknown reason I decided that I would make my daughter laugh and run around the coffee table with my top pulled up over my face as the soccer players do, when celebrating a goal on the field. I heard this high pitched "OH MOM! I have the webcam on!!!"

BANG, I hit the floor and tiger-crawled like an army sniper back to my seat on the sofa. Face like a ripe tomato and feeling so foolish. My daughter was mortified. Being thirteen years old was hard enough to cope with, without Mom completely embarrassing her to boot.

That day a proportion of the youth of Dundee were scarred for life and I learned a valuable lesson. Play the fool by all means - but check there are no cameras about!

Chapter 64
I will wait.

By Jaq Cee

I will wait for your love
I will wait for you...

to see you smile
to hear you laugh
to watch your
eyes twinkle

these are things
I think about
when I dream
of you

my love is free
without condition
reach out...
feel my need

your life is not that
simple 'though
this I know
is true

time and distance
while hearts and mind

I will wait for your touch...
I will wait for you

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 65
To love, or not to love...

By Jaq Cee

You trust, you love,
then you're let down--

you build a wall..

It's hard to let
anyone in--
but yet again
you try

They're kind and genteel
just what you need--
well for a while
at least

The wall begins to
crumble down
the sun starts
shining in
The brightness makes
your smile wide
like summer brings
great joy

You fall for charm and
empty words
you want to believe
are true

Soon enough
the brightness ends
the clouds begin
to gather
stone by stone
the wall returns
to guard your heart

Another day, another dawn
once again I try
love and trust
I'll gladly embrace
for if not.. I might

Author Notes Thanks to Google Images for the picture.

Chapter 66
Passion flawed? (Revised title)

By Jaq Cee


flows hot from my

Iridescent and rare--
like golden

I offer you my soul
and so much

Yet, still I fall short
of your needs

I shelve my feelings
before they

into the abyss of
as oft' times

where my passion

laid bare
on the


Author Notes Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 67
Wondering Why? (free style)

By Jaq Cee


hear my cry


it just keeps

I try to keep up
but then...

I sigh

Life is too hard
I cannot

Lost in a world
of wondering--


Author Notes This woke me up today.

Picture courtesy of Google.

Chapter 68
Noah's Ark.

By Jaq Cee

Animals trooped in two by two

But they wondered what to do

Caught inside this wooden zoo

Denied a look out at the view

Endless nights to get through

Fights for space to lay their head

Giraffe's standing they had no bed

Ham decided who was led

Inside to have a slice of bread

Jackals howled with a sense of dread

Author Notes Ham is one of Noah's sons. Picture courtesy of Wikipedia.

Chapter 69
Melt into me.

By Jaq Cee

Melt into me--

let your essence
mingle with mine-
bathe my being

Lips to lips
heart to heart

feel the heat
as your passion
ebbs into mine

our auras blend
into a myriad
of colours

Tears of pure joy
flow and pool
as our bodies

melt into my sweetness
as we bond..
forever as

Chapter 70
Eco Murder.

By Jaq Cee

Winter winds whipping by
they leave mayhem in their wake.
Weather changes caused by people--
nature's beauty it does rake.

Corporate con-men come and say,
"we'll save your natural habitat".
These words are woven to deceive,
protects the back of some fat cat.

From all sides Mother Nature's attacked,
beautiful blossoms bloom no more.
Severely ravaged, lost forever--
cuts into her very core.

Torrid times ahead for mankind,
weather changes commonplace,
pollution sullies Mother's landscape;
wiping beauty from her face.

Author Notes Another middle of the night musing. :)

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 71
Turn to me. (Free verse)

By Jaq Cee

A cut, a scratch, another wound
to show that you're alive

a knife, a needle, something else
to make your blood run free

To ease your worries, salve your fears
you harm your very soul

your body pays the hefty price
to clear your troubled mind

How has it come to this
my dear and tortured girl

that the only way to feel alive
is to scar yourself for life?

You try to hide the risen marks
that desecrate your body

I've seen them all and wept aloud
for the person that was you

Not everyone leaves you behind
to struggle on alone

I'm here watching, saddened so much--
come I'll hold you up

Turn to me, let me help
to ease the internal torment

I'm here for you-- just turn around
my arms are open... waiting

Author Notes Written after hearing my niece was self-harming.

Picture courtesy of Google Images. Lack of punctuation intended.

Chapter 72
Nature's Revenge

By Jaq Cee

Cyclonic winds and tortuous Tsunamis
mighty ice-caps that melt away
excessive heat from irate sun
burning forests and homes each day

Now's the time we're facing payback
for the sins of humankind
global warming's taking over
robbing Mother Nature blind

Rain forests raped and bared for money
animals killed and thrown aside
Even people who used it's shelter
homeless now, no place to reside

Greedy corporate fat cats profit
from the abject misery
caused by theft and exploitation
of the world's great scenery

We have to stop this devastation
let's be heard, stand up tall
help the earth regain its beauty--
eco-warriors one and all

Author Notes Inspired by this video sent to me by Rama Devi.

Picture from Google images.

Chapter 73

By Jaq Cee

Jesus of Nazareth
Extolled great virtue
Sacrificed for
Us to
Save our souls

Author Notes Picture from Google images

Chapter 74

By Jaq Cee

Beaten, bruised, bowed and
my fragile spirit

fervently faking feral
while inside my

Darkness oppresses
tortured mind
while soul

Now tenuous sunshine
stealthily creeps
bringing hope to
dry my

as furtive Phoenix
from foul ashes
fresh force finding
watch me

Unbowed, unbroken still
standing tall
now spirit surges, soars
Unleashed, it flexes

Author Notes Thanks to Rondeno for casting his eye over this and suggesting a couple of changes. It's how I learn.

Thanks to Google for the picture.

Chapter 75
He died for us...

By Jaq Cee

to know you
to feel you
to love you
is to be close to you, you died for us all
you gave us a new beginning, we took it
and as you hung on that cross, we cried
you loved us
you held us
you saw our
pain and you
saved us all
your love is a
treasure for us
to behold, Our
Lord, Our King.

Chapter 76
New Love

By Jaq Cee

The room was dark the music loud,
t'was then I spotted you.
Standing straight and Oh so proud,
nothing could spoil the view.

I felt my heart beat like a drum,
excitement followed soon.
It was a story just begun,
I wanted you... and soon.

A current flowed from eye to eye,
we both soaked up the sight.
My pulse was beating wild and free,
I knew this was our right.

I saw inside, my mind was clear,
this has been worth the wait.
To grab love now, to have no fear,
my ardour now to sate.

Come to me now, my conqueror,
take me, touch me, feel me.
I want to take this night further,
our passion's there to see.

I have waited so patiently,
felt like a thousand years.
Now you have come so perfectly,
to salve my hopeless fears.

Author Notes Picture from Google images. British spelling of 'ardour'.

Song my daughter and son-in-law walked down the aisle to recently.

Chapter 77
Perfect Day - Free Verse

By Jaq Cee

The second day of February
this year of twenty thirteen,
my darling daughter married her man
the tears of joy flowed free.

The church was full and beautiful
both families sat well-dressed,
the smiles of happiness showing bright
the song of love was playing.

A perfect day was had by all
their journey now begins,
into their future they both step
to dance the dance of love

I will miss my little girl
all grown now and complete,
I wish them every happiness
to face this world as one.

Author Notes Picture of the happy couple.

Chapter 78
Lonely Life

By Jaq Cee

all words for being alone.

I sit and cry, forlorn

mournful sobs and melancholy cries,
abound through isolation.
mornings come and nighttimes go,
company an absent friend.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 79
'Queen of Metaphors'

By Jaq Cee

TammyGail is a wordsmith so divine,

Oh how I'd wish her words were mine.

Metaphorically speaking she blows me away,

Caught up in the words she has to say.

She is now published, a true poetess.

Queen of metaphors yet a damsel in distress.

Her life should be filled with love and hope,

Not confined to darkness, unable to cope.

Tammy reviewed each writer in an honest fashion,

no thought for mere dollars it was just her passion.

I wish you well my talented friend,

I miss your words which I'll always defend.

You made this site fun, a cool place to be,

with your expulsion went a little part of me.

Come back to us, Tammy, you're needed right here,

your words are divine, you have nothing to fear.

Author Notes Photo courtesy of Photobucket.

For all who miss Tammy's ink. :)

Chapter 80
This is War.

By Jaq Cee

battle-weary,scarred and impotent
many voices shout in anger
dirt ingrained in my pores
listen now as guns fire
insurgents gather
soldiers taken
tanks explode
this is

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for picture.

Chapter 81
Sunshine after the rain.

By Jaq Cee

Hurt, anguish,
sorrow, pain,
will never blight
my life again.
Bright sunshine
evaporates the rain

Author Notes Thanks to Google Images for the picture.

Chapter 82
Farmhouse blues.

By Jaq Cee

Squeak, squeak went the farm gate,
creaking off it's hinges.

The swish and scrape of wind-blown trees,
as they beat on broken windows

A metal bin crashes and clatters,
as it falls from well worn gate.

Smash, bang went the window shutters,
old locks fall to the ground.

Whistling winds blow straight through,
they howl like a banshee.

Old farmhouse broken down,
it plays a symphony.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 83
Float away.

By Jaq Cee

I wish that I could float away
upon a big soft cloud,
to distant places full of play,
where grouches aren't allowed.

Please enter if you're positive
feel the sunshine, make hay,
free yourself from the negative,
have fun and make my day.

My life has been a big black ride
at times I lost my way,
so now I'm looking for blue skies
to keep the dark at bay.

Enter my soul and fill me full
of happiness and love,
no more to dip in life's dark pool,
nor dark clouds up above.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 84

By Jaq Cee

Zombified people
Open sores weeping
Mechanically walk while
Bloody appendages trail
Insipid personalities
Evoking terrible fear

Author Notes Thanks to Google Images for the drawing.

Chapter 85
Pernicious People

By Jaq Cee

He'll rob her innocence
without a care
gouge out her soul and bare
her defences

childhood dreams
in an

And you, Predatory Pernicious Paedophile ,
you were her friend
the damage you caused
is beyond repair

you hold her close
you touch where you shouldn't go.

your mind is sick
you say it's pure
her life's been ruined
there is no cure

see her suffering
feel her pain
her life will never
be the same


Author Notes Minimal capitalisation or punctuation intended. British English spelling.

Picture from Google Images.

Chapter 86

By Jaq Cee

Loneliness engulfs
encompasses my being
it may drive me mad
then again it may be nice
to sit and ponder my life

Author Notes Picture from Google images.

Chapter 87
Neon Souls.

By Jaq Cee

neon souls

Neon souls that shine so bright
guide me safely through dark nights,
light my way through a mixed-up world,
illuminate path as it unfurls.

These souls are with me constantly,
and listen intently to all I say.
They never judge nor do they condemn
but watch me fall and then pick me up again.

Neon essence swirls around me,
keeps me sane, sets my mind free,
takes my hand to lead the way,
eases my journey day by day.

Author Notes Thanks to Flickr for the picture.

Chapter 88
Broken Ballerina.

By Jaq Cee

Like a broken
lying scattered
on the floor,
my fragile heart
is shattered,
bruised and bleeding
like before.

Myriad of emotions,
ebb and flow
through troubled
This simple saying
echoes loud
'seek and you will find'.
But that's not true
for everyone,
left searching, feeling

I cannot see, nor
feel my way,
True love I always
One day I'll heal and
trust again,
or be lost in time's

Chapter 89
God Bless The Little Ones.

By Jaq Cee

Those little hands they'll never hold,
those life stories left untold.
Life events that won't unfold,
God bless the little ones.

Hearts torn apart large holes to fill,
no easy laughter all is still,
taken too soon at evil's will,
God bless the little ones.

It will now be known in history,
as yet one more remembrance day,
the day that love was stolen away,
God bless the little ones.

Enquiring minds won't have their say,
never to laugh nor to just play.
Snatched away that fateful day,
God bless the little ones.

Engulfing sadness holds me still,
no senior prom dreams to fulfill,
I often wonder at HIS will,
God bless the little ones.

Tomorrow is promised to no one,
rise up, go forth, love life, have fun.
Live for the adults they should have become
God bless the little ones.

Author Notes For all children everywhere taken too soon from this world.

This woke me up constantly through the night.

Chapter 90
Catharsis complete.

By Jaq Cee

It started out as therapy,
I needed to vent to have my say.
So much darkness I couldn't see,
Now I find words have set me free.

One day my mind is full of rhyme,
the next it seems to just mark time.
No flow or rhythm does appear,
cerebral mush, nothing is clear.

Like a bolt from out of the blue,
up pops some words, clearing my view.
Some make sense so I start to write,
darkness dispelled by rays of light.

Many a night I'm pulled from sleep,
I have to write some words to keep.
Once on paper it starts to flow,
at last I have something to show.

I now create words that are fun,
no more darkness only the sun.
As I bloom, catharsis complete,
I've learned so much my mind's replete.

Chapter 91
haiku(as winter winds howl)

By Jaq Cee

as winter winds howl
no shelter or food for birds
they fly off down south

Author Notes Picture from Google images. Many thanks.

Chapter 92
Wide, Scary World.

By Jaq Cee

I look from behind fearful eyes,
take in the scary view.
Open the door, what do I see?

Hide behind drapes tightly drawn,
doors securely bolted.
Get some help from powers that be,
flawed psychology.

Want to break free from bonds of fear,
one foot tries to go forth.
Not yet ready to face the world,
agoraphobia mutes me.

Author Notes How I assume agoraphobia must affect you.

Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 93
Losing the Light.

By Jaq Cee

From the depths of despair
I now longingly stare.

Nonsensical words block my view,
to understand I battle through.

Torrential torment tumbles down,
I try to smile and hide the frown.

For a while you shone diamond bright,
you drew me to your awesome sight.

I miss the glow of your bright light,
replaced now with the darkest night .

Why did my light choose to recede?
My hopes and dreams it now impedes.

I'd dared to ponder life anew,
now engulfed by blackest hue.

At last I'd looked out from inside,
just this one time I didn't hide.

I bared my heart and also my soul,
I thought at last I'd become whole.

Was this once again so wrong?
Will this be my final swan song?

Unsure of my path once again,
lost on a road that's closing in.

It's time to be brave, to fly free,
start to love the person that's me.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 94
Come a little closer.

By Jaq Cee

come a little closer
feel it
embrace it
devour it
the heat of my desire
burns deep within
my soul

come a little closer
touch me
taste me
engulf me
with your senses
as I writhe
in ecstasy

come a little closer
my love
my heart
my soul
is totally consumed
with wanton abandon
for you

come a little closer
taste my essence
as it flows
in rivulets of
see it cascade
across my being

Author Notes Just a little thing I'm trying. Not worried about the lack of punctuation.

Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 95
Where was I again?

By Jaq Cee

You are doing it again
forgetting what you want,
you've walked into this room
and gone completely blank.

You stand there bemused
your grey matter misty,
thoughts seem to jump around
and disappear too soon.

You are looking nonplussed
as you wrack your brains' depths,
wait, I've got it, oh no,
it's hidden once again.

Middle age is a time
to rest and settle down,
if only I could remember
just where I left my chair.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Just a wee bit of fun.

Chapter 96
Nemesis no more.

By Jaq Cee

seafarers with song
beckoning them to fateful end
mercilessly you tried the same but my strength prevailed

Author Notes First attempt at a Fibonacci all honest and helpful critique gratefully received. :) Jaq

Fibonacci Sequence in syllable counts:

The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...

The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.

Thanks to Google Images for the picture.

Chapter 97

By Jaq Cee

Crowned with thorns
Ridiculed and
Christ was
In sadistic

Chapter 98
Love's Hope.

By Jaq Cee

Every new day that
gaily dawns, shining
brightly for me,
gives my life
some semblance of hope,
that there will be
love for me.

My hearts been used,
abused and torn,
battle-scarred and hurt,
yet still I have faith
that somewhere out there,
is the one to finally
heal me.

He may already
be known to me,
if so then I would
be happy, he may be from
some far off land,
I'll just have to wait
and see.

To feel him close and know
he understands,
all that I've been through,
the way I know the
troubles he's borne,
will bring a closeness
between us too.

My heart will heal and
love will prevail,
of this I have no doubt,
to be lonely forever
was never the plan,
someone to love
will encompass my soul.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Just a wee musing here, trying to perfect free verse. :) Jaq x

Chapter 99
Pondering Life

By Jaq Cee

Where on earth did all the years go?
Now dawns the winter of my life.
Was there a time love I did know?
Where on earth did all the years go?
Which path to take I didn't know?
Following my heart brought me strife.
Where on earth did all the years go?
Now dawns the winter of my life.

Author Notes My first attempt at this form. Many thanks to Gungalo for casting her eye over it and for her editing suggestions.

Picture courtesy of Google Images.

Chapter 100
Pure Love

By Jaq Cee

The first time my eyes saw your beauty
my heart raced erupting with love
my life was to change greatly
unconditional love
as I gazed at you
my darling child
sweet and pure

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the lovely picture.

Chapter 101
Senryu (Children's laughter)

By Jaq Cee

Children's laughter sounds
Christmas day draws ever near
Santa's on his way

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the cute picture.

Chapter 102
Christmas Wishes.

By Jaq Cee

I would like to say it's been a great few months on Fanstory.
Like anywhere on-line it has it's 'ups and downs', but for me the ups far outweigh the downs.
I have come into contact with some truly wonderful people, some inspirational words and mostly always a helping hand.
Enjoy the holiday season and may the Blessings you all deserve come to your door.

Chapter 103
Sands of Time.

By Jaq Cee

Sands of time
slowly shift
My lifeblood
sluggishly seeps

As life's hourglass
nears its end.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 104
(Lune) Piece missing.

By Jaq Cee

broken heart
like damaged jigsaw
piece missing

Chapter 105

By Jaq Cee

A love that lasts forever,
is very sought after.
Why then is it so hard
to find?

It's like trying to catch
the wind in an embrace.
Or to jump over a rainbow,
on your way to
the moon.

To pluck a star
from the darkest of night
and place atop
your Christmas tree,
might be an easier dream
to achieve.

Maybe if I stop searching
for love everlasting,
it will float gently by,
just when I least
expect it.

I live in hope...

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the cute picture.

Chapter 106
Teenage Years.

By Jaq Cee

Kitchen door slams!

"You don't understand me!"

Tantrums and diva strop - angry tears.

"What's the problem, son? Calm down, don't shout."

Teenage years, drama-filled, angst-ridden.
Misunderstood, always.

Clattering dishes! How many broken?

Novel way to 'do' them.
My temper rising. Trying hard not to blow.

"What don't I understand, son?"

"Everything about me. You're too old to know."

"I was a teenager once."

"See! You don't understand."

Eyes roll. I walk away.
Teenagers should come with a health warning.

storm blows high
in angry outbursts
teenage years

Author Notes Thanks to Ray (Earl) for the pointers on my first Haibun. :)

Word count 94 - haiku 3-5-3

Thanks also to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 107
Celestial Love?

By Jaq Cee

The light which shines in the eye is really the light of the heart.
The light which fills the heart is the light of God.

~ Rumi


In love's eye God's light does shine,
from His heart pure love flows.
If you believe in love divine,
from your eyes it will show.

Inside our heart passion does abound,
the eyes show our soul's harmony.
Then when your true love has been found,
you'll never again feel lonely.

God and love do fit together,
for some this may not be true.
For me it is a veiled tether,
which will bind me closer to you.

Each to their own I do believe,
to preach at you isn't my place.
You'll feel it when your mind does conceive,
true love is entwined with God's grace.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Thanks for very a very helpful review elpsog. Edits read better.

Chapter 108
Life's Journey.

By Jaq Cee

My life's not been easy,
but I'm not
most people have
trials too.

We can let them
define us
or look to the future,
and use them in
all that we do.

Our life is
mapped out,
we've been shown a road,
to walk it
is all we can do.

Our free will
we all have choices,
that sometimes we won't
get right.

We can't blame the hand
that we've been dealt,
as our decisions
we make for

So cherish the good times
and suffer the trials
we're only human
we will make

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 109
Senryu (Winter's Blanket)

By Jaq Cee

Snow envelopes us
white winter shawl drawn around
heated by the cold

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture. Thank you also to Gungalo for pointing me gently in the right direction with this one. :) Jaq x

Thanks also to Slythytove2 for the pointers.

Chapter 110
The Creation.

By Jaq Cee

day's dawn
will arise
soon we shall see
the wondrous sight that is God's Creation

Author Notes Thanks to Google Images for the beautiful picture.

Chapter 111
A Friend Indeed.

By Jaq Cee

A ray of hope through words glimmered,
Your soul, awesome, brightly shimmered.
What brought us together we'll never know,
now I'm here there's no rush to go.

You are a beacon of hope for me,
from a far off land oe'r the sea.
You're such a lovely, honest guy,
who makes me feel that I could fly.

I know we're new to being friends,
but I hope this oneness doesn't end.
You fill me with inspiration,
help me fulfill my ambition.

You make me smile each dawning day,
with the sweet words you have to say.
A friend such as you is a treasure,
to read your words is a pleasure.

So Mark I wanted you to know,
your poem today made me glow.
From inside out my smile so wide,
all thanks to you, my friend, my guide.

Friendships may form and fail to last,
it's been that way throughout our past.
This one, I feel, it will endure,
forever friends of that I'm sure.

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Thank you to Mark for his unending friendship. It is a two way street my friend.

Chapter 112
You killed my soul.

By Jaq Cee

Sadness did engulf me,
the day I realised,
that what I'd chosen not to see,
were the lies that you'd disguised.

You drew me in so easily,
your smile told me you cared.
Blue eyes showed your love so freely,
more than I had ever dared.

Bit by bit your mask slipped,
your smile became a sneer,
that happiness, for once I'd gripped
was now to cost me dear.

Looking back I couldn't have known,
what vileness lurked within.
The only traits that you had shown,
were from a heart so loving.

I now know it was a facade,
to break down my free will.
But you're the one who should be sad,
your life is empty still.

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the picture.

This was a catharsis, I am no longer in that place.

Chapter 113
'Virtually' Home.

By Jaq Cee

I wandered into
hallowed space,
a 'virtual'
I penned my words
then passed them
for everyone to

Some have liked them,
others not;
some just pass
on by.
All I want
is to touch
one heart,
then my day's

Whilst gliding through
the atmosphere,
I've made a friend
or two.
You see, I've
some lovely souls,
most of whom
I'll cherish.

I'm finding my
I learn daily
new styles that
catch my eye
from writers who
encapture my heart,
to those that
me make

I'm glad I
happened by
this way.
So thankful for
the help.
I think I'll
stay around awhile;
this feels like
'virtual' home.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture. It symbolises for me, the way we have the whole world in the palm of our hands with the flick of our PC on/off switch.

Chapter 114
Eaten Up.

By Jaq Cee

Eyes of green
perfect hue
for someone
filled with

Watches, waits
to stamp o'er

You rage at people,
at love they have

each and every
kind word,
or friendly

festers deep inside
your sad,

To rip apart
is your life's

You decry
unselfish acts,
your life's

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Sparse punctuation intentional.

Chapter 115
Passion's Feel.

By Jaq Cee

Can you hear that?
My heart is pounding
like soldiers beating

Do you feel it
as you caress me?
My body does

I yearn to feel,
your breath on my skin.
As the heat of it
reaches my

Experience my wonder
as your love
my body,
soul and being.

We will be as one
our hearts
together, forever

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 116

By Jaq Cee


Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 117
My Daughter.

By Jaq Cee

I watch in awe and admiration
my gorgeous girl plans her wedding
with affection I step back
I take in how she's grown
chest bursting with pride
she leaves me now
to become
a loved

Author Notes The picture is of my daughter and her lovely fiance. I wish them well for their wedding on the 2nd of February xx.

Chapter 118
Light of Hope.

By Jaq Cee

Stormy seas
frightens fishermen
Lonely lighthouse
beacon bright

Guiding light
helping sailors
homeward bound

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 119
The Hardest Goodbye.

By Jaq Cee

With heavy heart
I find myself,
in need of solitude.
To find myself,
to love myself,
to see what others see.

My heart is soft
and full of love,
for everyone but me,
I need to feel
just what it's like,
to smile and know
it's real.

I really must
cocoon myself,
from hurt, sorrow
and pain.
I'll also leave some
things behind,
that stop me

No more hiding
unshed tears,
from pain that
sears my soul.
No more longing
for better things,
my life will now

Please believe you
meant so much,
a confidante, a friend.
But realise I need to fly,
go forth, and
find my way.

Author Notes I had to say goodbye to someone who has been an important part of my life, it wasn't easy. However sometimes it has to be done for you to grow.

Thanks to Google images for the beautiful picture, "A sad way to say goodbye" by John Keaton

Chapter 120
haiku(snow falls gently down)

By Jaq Cee

snow falls gently down
my face is tilted upwards
encounters soft flakes

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 121

By Jaq Cee

I go to walk outside,
my heart begins to race.
My head begins to pound,
the sweat runs down my face.

This feeling that occurs,
each time I seek release.
Pulls me back inside,
into the dark with ease

I want to let go now,
to fly like free birds do.
To shake off the shackles,
and see the wider view.

Anxiety attacks me,
holds me firmly rooted.
Will I beat this demon?
Thoughts that I had mooted.

Another day's upon us,
I'll try again today.
This fear I will dispel,
I truly hope and pray.

Chapter 122
Chaos of the mind - 5-7-5

By Jaq Cee

I don't understand
the complex human psyche
especially mine

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 123
Mind Games.

By Jaq Cee

Why do people do it?
Playing with your head.
It's beyond cruel
and hateful,
rips your insides,
leaves them dead.

Emotions up, then
battered down.
Hopes alive, they
quickly die.
Thoughts in turmoil,
constant frown.

Are you muddled?
Or just unkind?
Is your head a mess?
Do you see the chaos
you wreak?
Would it matter?
Do you mind?

I'm struggling badly,
with the words you said.
I guess I'll never
Why people think it's alright,
to play games
with your head?

Chapter 124
Lonely Tears.

By Jaq Cee

Loneliness, desolation,
time spent on my own.
More than I can handle,
from all that life has thrown.
Never feeling closeness,
that takes its toll,
last time I felt wanted.
I can't recall.
Isolation, solitude,
craving some company.
Talking to myself again,
please stop this misery.

Melancholy moments, tears begin to flow.

Bow my head hiding,
hoping they won't show.

Author Notes Thanks to Prayers and Blessings for the picture.

Chapter 125
Santa's Reindeer.

By Jaq Cee

Santa's reindeer on their merry way.
Delivering joy on Christmas day.

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 126
Slapstick Charlie.

By Jaq Cee

Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin
all was quiet when he was filming.
In black and white
he was such a delight.

Chaplin, Charles Spencer "Charlie",
always left you feeling happy,
with slapstick, miming
and comic timing.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 127

By Jaq Cee

Sitting here I cry
For a life not fully lived
Wondering what went wrong
Anguish pours from my soul

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 128
an Gorta Mór

By Jaq Cee

A downtrodden race
from the early days
an Gorta Mor
depleted them so
the Irish Diaspora
left their shores
looking for somewhere
fruitful to go.

They travelled far to find a life
where their children's bellies
didn't hunger
they found a place to settle down
away from the potato blight.

Whilst back at home
great changes were rung
division came out of the
Catholics oppressed
no longer valued
thought less than
a dog or a horse.

Fight back they did
against the Protestant
'masters' who
burned their homes to
the ground
Their spirit was immense
it carried them through
out of the ashes of all
they had owned
emerged the Phoenix
noble and true.

Ireland's the place
that people should know
to believe it had to
be seen
where people were slain
for the heinous crime
of wearing the colour

Author Notes an Gorta Mór - Irish Gaelic for the Potato Famine which ravaged crops and left people dead from hunger from 1845-1852. Out of which was born their first Freedom Fighters.

Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 129
You're not alone.

By Jaq Cee

Step out of the darkness
move into the light
day by day
you feel it's might
it pulls you out
of depressions grip
keeps you afloat
in a sinking ship

It's hard to conquer
these feelings of
you feel so desolate
you've nowhere to

Please think of the love
which is given
to you
from people who
benefit from all
that you do

Your words inspire
your story's
such strength you
our company
you bless

Come hear our words
listen awhile
step out of the darkness

see the light


Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

No punctuation by desire.

Chapter 130
Noises of War

By Jaq Cee

High pitched whines
Droning rockets
launched on high


the bombs drop
people dead
weeping wailing


the mortars land
on target


the tanks engulfed
in fire
hear the
of burning skin


voices fill the night
hopes of silence
wearing thin
noises like the
halls of Hades
howling yelling

Author Notes Lack of punctuation and capitals meant.

Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Ah well I went over the 12 lines allowed so I guess I'm out of it. I just couldn't stop once I'd started .

Chapter 131
Beautiful Body. (free verse)

By Jaq Cee

Beautiful body
so silky smooth
I openly admire
the way you

Sculpted torso
shaped moulded

As you wander
passed the mirror
I espy
the wondrous sight
that makes
me sigh

My eyes devour
your very
My mind is full
of wanton

Lay with me now
I'll consume your
Sucking licking
inhaling your

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 132
Prodigal child.

By Jaq Cee

I cry for you, my prodigal child
so rebellious, willful and wild.
Your travelled path held no fear,
you didn't want me near.
I just hoped you knew,
that I loved you.
You're troubled,
child of

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 133

By Jaq Cee

Apostles travelled far and wide,
Praying for our souls.
Offering peaceful sanctity from
Satans cruel trolls.
They taught of love and harmony,
Lead us to salvation.
Exaltations shouted forth,
Soon, through the apostles we join God's nation

Chapter 134
Love like no other.

By Jaq Cee


Trickle down my
hot hard


Take me to
your world of
satisfy my


Love me like
no other has
kiss me
with desire.


Let your tongue
my body,
licking droplets
of my


Our bodies dance
with gay abandon,


To feel you
your love encountered.

take me now--

This depth
of love
I've never known.


Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 135
Melting minds.

By Jaq Cee

Oh, how our minds
melt into one.

Intellectual lovemaking?

Or just a
we surf together?

Thoughts in tandem--
I know your

Reciprocal needs?

Or maybe a
cerebral connection
out with our

Minds awash with
similar thoughts,
take us to a
higher plain,
entwined and entangled
by psychic bonds
that wrap our minds

Whatever it may be,
you are me
I am you--

together as one,
for eternity.

Author Notes When you have a soul-mate you do have that psychic bond.

Chapter 136
Walk with me... (free verse)

By Jaq Cee

Come, walk with me a while
Hold my hand
let me salve your fears
just for this moment
in time

Throw away your cares

Let me take you
to a place
where love surrounds
and worries disappear
at least for

I can't take away
your pain
I can only share
your load
Come, take my hand
walk with me

Author Notes James things will get better x

Chapter 137
Haiku(snow alights)

By Jaq Cee

snow alights
we build our snowman
winters fun

Chapter 138
Rabbie Burns

By Jaq Cee


The Bard Rabbie Burns
Was romantic and fun
A wordsmith and charmer
Who was once a farmer


Author Notes Rabbie Burns, was a renowned poet and lyricist but was also once an exciseman and a farmer.

As a Scottish poet he is referred to as 'Rabbie' which is Scottish for Robbie or Robert.

Chapter 139

By Jaq Cee

Never let bully's win,
you have to run and tell.
Never feel that afraid,
you have to shout and yell.

Tell a teacher or friend,
it's the right thing to do.
Don't be scared, shout it out,
make them listen to you.

If you're strong and stand up,
your days will be more fun.
No more time to feel sad,
only lots of smiles to come.

Chapter 140
5-7-5 (singing in the rain)

By Jaq Cee

singing in the rain

is where it's said I should be

where no one can hear

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 141

By Jaq Cee

melting moments
of desire
sweat trickles

afterglow of

arms and legs

Chapter 142

By Jaq Cee


When the light shows
at tunnel's end.
That's where you strive
to be.
For when darkness falls
as oft times it does.
That light can set us free.


It guides us out from
depths so deep.
Away from the eye of
the storm
It gives us hope of
brighter days,
from which our
Faith's reborn.


Author Notes Keep your chin up my friend. xx

Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 143

By Jaq Cee

As winter's blanket falls
and white turns to green
we usher in the flowers
vibrant colours, spring has sprung

Chapter 144
Tommy's Turkey Trot.

By Jaq Cee

Tommy the Turkey came to stay,
not too long before Christmas day.
Entering our barn he settled in,
secure in the fact that he was thin.

Happy was he to know his fate,
not enough meat to fill a plate.
Marching around with wattle flowing,
If he was a cock, he'd be crowing.

Pecking away at all that grain,
never thinking the weight he'd gain.
Strutting about, swinging his snood,
Thinking he won't be anyone's food.

'Til one day nearing Christmas morn,
The farmer said, "my table he'll adorn".
Up behind him he did creep,
Hoping the turkey was fast asleep.

With one eye opened to Tommy's dread,
he knew right then why he'd been fed.
Tommy took off like an arrow propelled,
ducking the cleaver before being felled.

Sad to say Tommy's turkey trot,
didn't help, for he was soon caught.
Wishing now he'd eaten less seed,
for now he'll be a tasty feed.

Chapter 145
Tumultuous Mind.

By Jaq Cee


There's a myriad of
running through my brain,
driving me insane.

How to stop them
I can't
Cut through the
shout and yell?


Will it add to
the mayhem
churning up my head.
Maybe it will confuse
me more,
leaving my ideas dead.

Meditation is something,
I really want
to learn.
To help me find my
inner peace,
I need to cool it
not burn.


Chapter 146
My Words!!

By Jaq Cee

Beautiful words, are important to me,
poetry is my great passion.
I love to see it all make sense,
Well, to me, after a fashion

Disillusioned I've become
from some negative powers.
They have beaten me down,
every day, each long hour.

I will try to create, once again,
words that make people smile.
I'll ignore the cynics, nae-sayers too,
at least for a short while.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture of cleansing negative energy.

Chapter 147
Mentally Imprisoned.

By Jaq Cee

Pulling on my
Playing with my
Muddling up my
You lead me to


You brought me down
to nothing
Stripped away my
You laughed as I
For every word of


There was a time
long ago
When I could look
in a mirror
Now I hang my head
in shame
The image serves
to sicken.


I was stupid to
That you could love
at all
I'm older but no
Your deceit I failed
to see.


Go now, get out of my life
Take your lies, please disappear

Author Notes Just a small release. Lack of punctuation and capitalisation intended. Thank you to Google images for the picture x

Chapter 148
Senryu(lies not truths)

By Jaq Cee

lies not truths
from their snake-like tongues
belief gone

Chapter 149
Friends and Angels.

By Jaq Cee

~ On a difficult journey
show up in the form of
a brand new friend
to help you
Heal ~


True friends resemble Angels,
who walk right by our sides.
They gently hold our hearts,
great solace they provide.

I have my Guardian Angel
it's nice to know their near.
I feel a presence often
which takes away my fear.

In my deep dark hours
indeed my faith may wane.
The giant wings encircle,
and take away my pain.

If your faith does lessen,
you feel your hope has gone.
A feather falls to earth,
to show you're not alone.

Author Notes Thanks to 'Angels among Us' for the picture.

Chapter 150
A wonderful feeling.

By Jaq Cee

love is a
which rocks the
infiltrates the heart
fills you with
it takes you on a
you fly so high
never seeing
except your
things can look
quite different
to someone
in love
all the bad times
when a lover
holds your

Author Notes Thank you SkyAngel02 for the picture. x

Chapter 151
Senryu (Bad politicians)

By Jaq Cee

Bad politicians
Forcing hunger on the poor
Feed off of us all

Chapter 152
Your body belies your words.

By Jaq Cee

I will whisper
soft kisses
gently down your spine
trace your body
with my tongue
feel your ardour

As your body
your temperature
my hands map out
erogenous zones
as into me you glide.

Whispered kisses
fluttering, alighting
onto gleaming bodies
entwined with
As you moan
at pleasures
begging me to stop
I know your words
belie your body
which clearly says
Don't Stop.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 153
In the dawning of the day.

By Jaq Cee

raw emotion
from every open pore
love flows unabated
eyes leaking
I want to hold you close
drinking in your smell
lie you down
with your body all aglow

come to me my darling
in the dawning of the day
stay with me my sweetheart
'till the sun sets
seeks slumber
take me in your arms
burying your head in deep
tell me that you'll love me
thrill me with your touch

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 154
Thoughts Awry.

By Jaq Cee

thoughts fragmenting
all asunder
noise in head
sounds like thunder
will it pass
like times before
I can but hope
'though never sure
battles raging
in my mind
peaceful minute
I'll not find
Like a cerebral
tug of war
fighting for space
no open door
mind awash
no sure ideas
flailing about
like stormy seas
torrential thoughts
rocking brain
with consternation
on the horizon
dawns the light
that gives me hope
of sleep tonight

Author Notes No punctuation or capitalisation deliberate. Meant to be read as in a turmoil. Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 155
Mother's Love.

By Jaq Cee

When someone hurts your child
it's like your heart is torn.
You've nurtured and loved them,
from the moment they were born.

The feeling deep inside me,
is driving me insane.
I want confrontation
to ask, what is her game.

You made my daughter cry,
that's a bad thing to do.
I'm not an angry person,
that may change just for you.

I may have to see you,
to have a little 'chat',
I'll leave you understanding,
there'll be no more of that.

So take your snidey words
and your nasty notes too,
you're meant to be an adult,
you've shown your colours true.

Back off now before I come,
to tell you how things are.
I'll hunt you down and find you,
no matter how near or far.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture. Just a wee rant after my daughter came home in tears tonight from her work looking after old and infirm people.

No real attempt at meter here people. :) Jaq x

Chapter 156
Summer Breeze

By Jaq Cee

Oh to feel a warm summer breeze
blow all my cares away.
Close my eyes as it whispers by,
calming thoughts come what may.

To live the life I've often dreamt
and have dreams all come true.
To see them today right here and now,
in everything that I do.

I want to live this gift of life
a blessing that was given.
To really live it, not just exist
my idea of Heaven.

Blow soft summer breeze through my mind,
waft calming, silk soft wind.
Release my dreams into today,
let my new life begin.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 157
A wordsmith extraordinaire.

By Jaq Cee

I dislike people
who hunt witches
where there are none to be found
People who cast stones
from houses of glass
may find a few cracks of their own.
Writing is subjective
to each their own
uniqueness is a trait to admire

True greatness is often met with derision
especially from those who have no vision.

No box to think outside of
only one that hems them in
they're the ones who miss the point
of metaphorical delight.

Author Notes No specific rhyme, meter or style. Just a rant.

Chapter 158
Do I believe? (Nonet style)

By Jaq Cee

love advertised as faithful and true
crept up devouring my reason
consuming all my senses
playing my fragile heart
cleaving it apart
do I believe
love exists?
for now

Author Notes I was ever the cynic about love, but I do have a glimmer of hope now and then that it will be as it seems at some point. :) Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 159
My Dad.

By Jaq Cee

Lying atop hospital bed,
is father looking half the man.
His colour is unhealthy red.
I almost ran.

It frightened me to see him there,
all huddled down, vulnerable.
If we can take him home I swear,
him, I'll cradle.

Author Notes Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 160
Who will weep?

By Jaq Cee

As the days
darkness dims
on a life
nearly spent
Lack-lustre thoughts crowd my mind

What have I left?
What is my legacy?

Will anyone weep at my grave?

Looking back through life's album
to the times I can recall

I did my best.
But was it enough?

The question still remains.

Will anyone weep at my grave?

Author Notes Couldn't sleep last night and jotted this down.

Free verse, intentional lack of punctuation. Just trying things to see how they look. All critique greatly appreciated.

Chapter 161
haiku(hear the keening wails)

By Jaq Cee

hear the keening wails
of hungry warty witches
round cauldron of fright

Author Notes In Rabbie Burns poem Tam O' Shanter my surname appears as the name for the witches that pulled at the horses tail.

Chapter 162
tanka (silent, still, clear)

By Jaq Cee

silent, still, clear
the sea invites us
it's all a lie
undercurrents await
to drag you ....screaming

Author Notes I have a fear of water, but love to look at the sea.

Slight edit thanks to sgalletti.

Chapter 163
Lantern of Hope

By Jaq Cee

As I sit and ponder
my sad formative years,
I know they hold me back
lock me in my own fears.

Now it's time to let go
to fly high and free,
now it's time to accept
what these things did to me.

It was never my fault
although that's how it seemed,
I beat myself up daily
my worth I still demeaned.

I must learn to love me
accept the things you did,
tell myself its alright
for I was just a kid.

No way to stop you then
but I can take charge now,
out go all the bad dreams
I'll live my life somehow.

I'll write the bad things down
on a lantern today,
I'll light it so it burns
and takes bad thoughts away.

When I've let it all go
and it's burnt out in the sky,
my life will start that day
just watch and see me fly.

Author Notes The catharsis will be complete. Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 164
My Love Hope.

By Jaq Cee

Smouldering looks which turn my head
Tongue flicking lips no words are said

Eyes bore through my sensual core
Teasing, tantalise, I want more

Pulling me tightly into you
lust pours out from every sinew

You confuse my senses when you're near
My battered heart so full of fear

Fear of feelings which seem pure lust
Fear of your words I may not trust

How will I know just what this means?
Carnal pleasure? Desired dreams?

Do I accept that lust will suffice?
My hope of love gone in a trice?

Deep inside my worn out psyche
I do want love that's just for me

I shall hold on to lasting trust
love will find me, no room for lust.

Chapter 165
senryu (what wondrous sight)

By Jaq Cee

what a wondrous sight
resplendent in striking red
my daughter my life

Author Notes Now she is 21, how time flies.

Chapter 166
I Feel Your Pain.

By Jaq Cee

I watch as your heart breaks
you struggle just to breathe
grief is a soul stealer
I've encountered that thief

I wish you'd never felt
that searing pain inside
it cuts you to the bone
tears your heart open wide

You feel so damn forlorn
like your world's blown apart
bestride lost hopes abyss
as your love does depart

I know how bad it feels
I've walked that road before
let me offer comfort
your hope I will restore

Author Notes Thank you to Google images.

Chapter 167
Hapless Thief.

By Jaq Cee

She didn't lock her door,
did not foresee her plight.
The key she'd left unturned,
on that sad fateful night.

In he came to her abode,
with mayhem on his mind.
Sneaking silently about,
for what loot he could find

With stealth he looked around,
his mind was on the prize.
Much too late he looked down,
he couldn't believe his eyes.

Snarling teeth shone so bright,
drool bounced off his denim.
Right there and then he realised,
that things could get quite grim.

Trying to escape Cujo,
he's wrestled to the floor.
Thought foremost in his mind,

Chapter 168
So much choice.

By Jaq Cee

Too many gifted people
to pick only the one.
Some write deep and dark
the others prefer fun

TammyGail, now there's a talent,
not oft' times found these days,
She weaves her silky metaphors,
as with her words she plays.

Earl of Oxford, our Ray,
he makes me smile so wide,
creating children's poems,
that are a fun-packed ride.

Rama Devi, the guiding light,
her words shine bright with peace,
her help has been phenomenal,
she puts me at my ease.

Jill Fuller's one strong girl,
her journey she has shared,
it hasn't been an easy write,
as her whole life she's bared.

ElizaM, so wonderful,
has helped me many times,
her writing is so gifted,
whether it's free verse or rhymed.

Now you see how this task,
is hard for me to do,
I can't pick only one,
nor even only two.

Author Notes I may get splinters from sitting on the fence :)

Chapter 169
One last time.

By Jaq Cee

What would I do for one last caress?
To feel your arms encircle me.
Your kiss still lingers sweetly.
My love, you are now free.
Slow the lifeblood ebbs.
Eyes so dim, dead.
Thoughts of you,
in tears

Author Notes Thanks to Ray for his help with the end edit. :)

Chapter 170
Yonder graveyard gate.

By Jaq Cee

Ghost & Graveyard Graphics

What's that I see lurking there,
yonder graveyard gate?
Could it be ghouls or ghosts,
as mayhem they create?

The ghoul appears with sickly hue,
eye sockets black as coal.
Ectoplasm spawns eerie ghost,
that chills your very soul.

Undead legions marching through
on this All Hallows Eve.
Creeping, crouching spirits dead,
our fears have no reprieve.

Demons, Devils, Ogres, Trolls,
are all one in the same.
They lay in wait on Halloween,
to feast on someone's brain.

When you see that three eyed form,
or ghostly apparition,
take to your heels and run like hell,
scaring is their mission.

Author Notes Thanks to Magickalgraphics for the picture.

Chapter 171
Tomato Gloop!

By Jaq Cee

I don't like tomatoes,
they make me feel quite ill,
the inside is so slobbery,
that makes me feel worse still.

Seeds mixed in with gooey stuff,
makes me want to puke,
people sneak them in some foods,
but I make sure to look.

Whether you like Oxheart ones,
maybe Cherry is your pleasure,
please don't serve them up to me,
I've never liked them, EVER!

Author Notes A little lighthearted poem. Thanks to Google images for the picture. :) Jaq x

Chapter 172
Narcissistic You!

By Jaq Cee

You used and abused me from the start,
Oh how you loved to play the part.
Mind so twisted, tongue of lies,
Never seen, your disguise.
Narcissistic man,
You killed my soul.
Stole my life,
Took my,

Chapter 173

By Jaq Cee

Apostles sent forth in fervent
Obscuring cruel taunts from
Satans lair
Teaching Gods love to many nations
Leading us to righteous

Chapter 174
Haiku(Rotting Fetid Flesh)

By Jaq Cee

Rotting, fetid flesh
undead corpses roam our streets
Halloween begins

Chapter 175
Dark Muse.

By Jaq Cee

Darkness rents space in my mind,
it's always cruel and so unkind.
I feel it's tendrils curling round,
strangled thoughts; beaten down.

Oft' times I've said, 'begone dark muse',
just to wonder, if my words I'll lose.
So stay with me my nefarious friend,
prompting, pushing, until life ends.

Chapter 176
Night Writer.

By Jaq Cee

I scratch my head and chew my pen,
and wrack my brain all over again.
The words won't come; they're so elusive,
My mind awash, thoughts inconclusive.

I sit and think 'til midnight hour,
while in my mind ideas still cower.
They hide from me yet still I try
to capture them as they fly by.

I go to bed and soon to sleep
where, in my dreams, ideas leap.
I'm half-awake and have to write
the poems visiting by night.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images, once again. :)

Thank you so much to Rama Devi for her editing suggestions. :) x

Chapter 177
Senryu (you watch me crying)

By Jaq Cee

you watch me crying
sobbing I take the knife
peeling onions is hard

Chapter 178
My love?

By Jaq Cee

Love lost, lovelorn
My heart is broken
Now you are gone
My love, my life

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 179
What do you see?

By Jaq Cee

Is your inkling just a blot?

Or wondrous poem fair?

Is it just an ugly smudge?

Or does it tell a story clear?

Does your ink scream artistic bliss?

Or a mass of seething envy?

Does it shout out filth and mire?

Or just to those who think it pervy?

Do you censor every verse?

Or just each sculpted line?

Do you draw red pen through words?

Or just those you deem a crime?

Censorship is wrong you know,
in every shape and form.
It dulls the senses so much so,
mediocrity becomes the norm.

Author Notes What may be unacceptable to one person may be acceptable to many more.

Like the Rorschach ink blot test, we don't all see the same.

Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 180

By Jaq Cee

What do you see when you look at me,
a hopeful spirit still young and free?
Or a life-weary soul haggard and drawn,
pondering daily where her youth has gone?

Author Notes I always wonder why, when my head tells me I'm not old, my body kicks in to dispel the lie.

Chapter 181
(Haiku) Autumn Leaves

By Jaq Cee

golden brown leaves fall
blanket forest and river
perfect autumn scene

Chapter 182
Ice Maiden

By Jaq Cee

Icy breath
Creates a chill
Even with the sun
My love is cold
A frosty tear
Is falling
Delicately down
Enduring winter
Natures own Ice Maiden

Author Notes A poem describing winter as an Ice Maiden.

Chapter 183
Voicebox Stilled.

By Jaq Cee

Night of the sharp knives,
Oh, how cruel you are.
Savagely you twist and turn
like a tornado in full flight.
Your razor sharp blades
tear through silenced tomes,
whose voicebox now lies ravaged.

Author Notes People fought wars for freedom of speech. Any censorship is a backward step.

Chapter 184
Bitter Quill.

By Jaq Cee

Slithering, seething,
spineless wordsmith,
with knife drawn not pen.
Using backs as papyrus scroll,
heavily bloodied not inked.
My reading light will dimmer be,
If your words are censored.
Disclose and be doomed?

Author Notes TG inspired. Thanks to google images for picture.

Chapter 185
Bleeding Heart.

By Jaq Cee

Chains around my damaged heart.
In place to stop it breaking?
So much to take, amasing pain!
My life is there for the taking.

Ripped and shredded, torn asunder,
Bleeding piece of meat still beats.
Unsure rhythm slows and ceases,
Losing life as beats retreat.

Cold, hard chains can't save my heart
Only aids its sad demise.
Tighter now drawn so much closer,
Killed by hating, cheating lies!!

Author Notes Edited thanks to Earl of Oxford for your gracious help.

Chapter 186
You died for what?

By Jaq Cee

You died for us all,
so we could be free.
The saddest thing is,
we were too blind to see.

Our lives didn't change,
mistakes stayed the same.
We gave up the chance,
to eradicate our blame.

You gave us free will,
that we didn't always nurture.
It was used and abused,
detrimental to our future.

We now live in sad times,
where the God-less hold court.
It could have been different,
had we used some forethought.

Author Notes Just a wee ditty that came to me whilst watching the daily news. What a horrible world we live in at times.

Chapter 187
Do you dream of me?

By Jaq Cee

Where do you go to my special one?
When you float off into repose.
What is it that concerns you?
Is it us you think of?
I hope that is so.
Into your dreams
we go, just
you and

Chapter 188
Stop! Now!

By Jaq Cee

Going round in circles, ever they decrease,
Pulled into a vortex, never finding peace.
It's dark in here, let me out, can't take any more,
Feeling my way blindly, seeking that open door.

They tell me things get better, talk it's for the best,
Why then are my thoughts chaotic? Never do they rest.
This 'cancer's' killing me, in some pernicious way,
Slowly, deftly infiltrating, it has me as it's prey.

Years spent talking takes it's toll, having awful thoughts,
Day's are long and very dark, no anger at my lot.
Still I feel I should have known, should not have let it be,
Mentally beating myself each day, laid bare for all to see.

Tell me where I go from here? I want it all to end,
I need some respite from this hell, from having to pretend.
The happy, chatty cheery me, is just a sad facade,
Inside I'm dying, failing to see, it isn't me that's bad.

Darkness falls more frequently now, no light is seeping through,
Pulling my hair, sobbing each day not knowing what to do.
I want to end this torment now, help me through this storm,
My eyes are weary, spirit's weak, a heart that's truly torn.

The one bright light within my life, sometimes I cannot see,
My beautiful daughter, so full of life but getting more like me.
This scares me so, no one can see how this becomes a thorn,
To think she'll end up just like me, sad, dejected and forlorn.

I have to make those changes now, I need to find the way,
To pull myself back up and fight, progressing day by day.
This is one battle I have to win, I need to see it through,
Thoughts of leaving this world behind, must not ever ensue.

Author Notes This is about how helpless and worthless I felt. Went into therapy and bringing up the distant past for the first time ever sent me into a depression. I knew that I had to fight it for my daughters sake. There has only ever been me and her. I'm happy to say it's better now.

I used 'cancer' to describe depression as I see it as a similar thing, one ravages the mind, the other the body.
Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Chapter 189
Darling Child.

By Jaq Cee

Smile sweet
My darling child.
You completed my world,
Gave my life meaning.
Bringing me much joy,
Your journey starts now.
Embrace each new step.
The world will love you,
As do I.
Smile Sweet
My darling child

Author Notes Just a few words to my daughter to let her know how precious she is as she get's ready to start her own life journey. Only 13 months until she get's married. :) xx

Chapter 190
Vortex of wind.

By Jaq Cee

Twisting, turning, curling with spite,
Violent winds rotate in mad flight.
Pulling, tugging, hauling out trees,
Winds screeching loud with manic glee.
Carnage cascades down our silent streets,
Wreckage occurs while scared people weep.
Tornado, gustnado, dust devil or twister,
Whichever it is, it will be your worst nightmare.

Chapter 191
Life's Wonderful Dance??

By Jaq Cee

Throwing in the towel now, it's time to go;
You thought I was coping, you weren't to know.
I had you all fooled, it really wasn't hard;
Last throw of the dice, last turn of the card.

All I ever wanted but never had a chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

How could you know what possessed my troubled mind?
Hidden for years, now I must leave it behind.
These sad lonely thoughts, all consuming, oppressive,
The Devil works with my mind, he's obsessive.

All I ever wanted but never had the chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

Sharp bladed knives, these thoughts shred my mind,
Tears fall like hard rain with rivers to find.
Spiraling downwards, falling so fast,
Quicker and quicker now, back to my past.

All I ever wanted but never had a chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

"Life is for the living", people always profess,
Never understood it, I have to confess.
'Living' means one thing to you, to me another,
Flailing blindly through 'life', eyes always covered.

All I ever wanted but never had a chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

I feel it's time to check out, go on my merry way;
My daughter wipes my tears away, thoughts start to sway.
Roles in reverse, as my child comforts me,
My reason for living may yet set me free.

All I ever wanted but never had the chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

Author Notes Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Many thanks to Rama Devi helping with the flow of the poem. Many blessings my friend. :) Jaq x

Chapter 192
Night terror.

By Jaq Cee

Darkened night, jump with fright.
Bats in flight, scary sight.

Chapter 193

By Jaq Cee

Falling into deep sleep,
gently now, don't hurry.
Let not those bad dreams,
cause you to worry.

Lay your head down now,
close your weary eyes.
Let slumber take you,
by sudden surprise.

Visions they come again,
your mind is so full.
No control over them,
there's no limit, nor rule.

Your dreams should be happy,
or tender and sublime.
Thoughts of sunny moments,
made in some other time.

Dreams are our memories,
that visit while asleep.
Cherish them, love them,
forever to keep.

Chapter 194
Skating along.

By Jaq Cee

sun glints on iced stage
as people glide to and fro
pleasure fills my self

Author Notes Thanks to Old Redeye for the gorgeous picture.

Chapter 195
Bodies of War.

By Jaq Cee

Too much hurt, abundant anger,
broken bodies recklessly strewn,
facing up to dangerous strangers,
mental images roughly hewn.

Nightmares constantly permeate,
fears of dying plague me now,
thoughts of peace our minds create,
that warring factions disallow.

Aching arms and weary feet,
eyes so raw with unshed tears,
heart breaking with every beat,
gut-wrenching screams fill my ears.

War is just the governments way,
of blinding us from the truth,
"We have to save the people" they say,
but where the Hell's the proof!!

This hatred of our fellow men,
forced upon us during wars,
an emotion alien to our ken,
manufactured by those lying whores.

Author Notes "If we don't end war, war will end us".
H. G. Wells

Chapter 196
Insidious Spirit.

By Jaq Cee

Dark, purulent, festering soul.
Oh how I wonder daily,
on what do you dine.
How do you survive?
Do you suck one's inner life?
You truly are Satan's spawn.
Sinful spirit, you lie dormant
until a glorious glimmer of hope
opens itself to your murk.
Then you pounce as a feral feline
silently sucking the good.
Feasting on hopes and dreams,
sending them forever hell-bound,
Into perennial darkness.

Chapter 197
Ability to care.

By Jaq Cee

My ability to care
has abandoned me.
Totally deserted
I am all at sea.
My feelings did hurt
at times so bad.
I used to feel happy
then sometimes so sad.
I'm bereft of emotion
which has now departed,
I can't cry for my father
I'm so broken-hearted.
People all around me
with tears in their eyes,
watching and waiting
for mine to actualise.
Will it ever return?
Can my guilt be set free?
Has my ability to care
truly abandoned me?

Author Notes My Dad has just had cardiac surgery and I just feel numb.

Actualise (British spelling)Thanks ro Leighcryan for the beautiful drawing.

Chapter 198
My plea.

By Jaq Cee

Dear God hear my plea,
made with heavy heart,
please listen close to me,
as my needs I must impart.

Help my Dad through this spell,
his health has downward gone,
in hospital he must now dwell,
until major surgery's done.

His heart has let him down you see,
his breathing is laboured also,
we need you now to set him free,
of pain, of fear, of tears that flow.

I do believe you hear me God,
my feelings you won't maroon,
please don't take him from us Lord,
even though he's in late bloom.

Author Notes Thank you to MinoYasue for a beautiful picture.

Chapter 199
Every last morsel.

By Jaq Cee

Seductive cuisine
Try not to lick my plate clean
Temptation supreme

Chapter 200

By Jaq Cee

Ethereal belle
Beauty radiates from you
Celestial being

Author Notes We all have one, but some don't 'feel' them.

Chapter 201
Image of Hell.

By Jaq Cee

Gruesome grovelling goat boy
He of the cloven hooves
Horns adorn misshapen head
Above eyes of burning coals.

Dragging carcasses under
Into the darkness below
Inferno licks broken bodies
Hades dark lights bright.

Burning flesh blistering red
Screams split dark night
Demons dance maniacally
Claiming another lost soul.

Legions of those forsaken
Caught in vortex of evil
Spiralling ever downwards
Into the cesspit of Hell.

Skin-stripped skulls lament
Of unrepented depraved lives
Writhe in pain, they agonise
As they straddle Satan's pyre.

Author Notes British spellchecker used. Some words differ. Thanks to google images for the graphic. As always please feel free to critique, all constructive criticism welcomed. :) Jaq x

Chapter 202
Without warning.

By Jaq Cee

so callous were you
no clear sign
you left
goal attained
my life has gone

Chapter 203
The Hangman Cometh.

By Jaq Cee

The crowds gaily gathered,
watching with sick delight.
Waiting for the gory show,
drinking in bloody ambiance.

Flailing arms, faltering steps,
knowing the end has come.
Out to the baying masses,
kicking and screaming aloud.

The hangman's noose,
knotted and tightened.
Sways as if a drunken man,
awaits the neck it has won.

Black hood encloses head,
fear engulfs his dark soul.
Grotesquely turning torso,
end of a rancid life.

Body hanging limp and loose,
swinging silently to and fro.
Hypoxic and hypothermic,
brain-dead, clammy and cold.

Chapter 204
Touching Love.

By Jaq Cee

Enchantment abounds
My heart rhythmically pounds
At last, love I've found

Chapter 205
Conditioned Love.

By Jaq Cee

The door slammed, echoing down the long hall! You could hear the reverberations along the dark, dank, dusty corridors. How did it come to this? Why have I ended up here?  What did I do that was so wrong?
The smell of mould and damp in my nostrils was putrid, I wanted to vomit. Tears were searing my eyes and the bile was rising in my throat. Dear Lord, help me!!

I wanted to get on my knees and pray. However, the fetid puddles on the stone floor made that impossible. Nevertheless I did want to pray, like I hadn't for so many years, since childhood really. I still remember those enforced Sunday sojourns, when the whole family was marched to the Chapel. We were scrubbed to within an inch of our lives. I remember the brush used to scour our skin, can still feel it mentally purge our sins. We had to be clean, none of the Devil's dirt on our blessed bodies. Anyway, I digress, those days were a walk in the park to where I am now. Where did it all go so horribly wrong?

We met over the internet.  He was 'perfect'. So loving, attentive and so very Christian. He put me at my ease immediately. The persona he had built up was a dangerous, deceitful facade. He sucked me in, made me believe in him. He was a consummate liar and total psychopath. I was in too deep before I realised any of this. From the first physical meeting he played me like an expensive Stradivarius. Gently gliding over my fragile self-esteem and plucking at my heart strings. Hook, line and sinker, I was caught. I drank in every compliment like I was thirsting for his validation. In  no time at all, I went from wanting to be with him, to needing to be with him. I must have been so emotionally bereft. An easy target indeed. All I wanted was for someone to see me, for how I am, to totally envelop me in pure, unadulterated love. For a few wonderful months, that's how I saw the relationship.

Suddenly I was being castigated for the tiniest wrongdoing. Undeservedly I was also lambasted for past relationships. I had opened up to him about previous partners. The thought that I had this open, honest and wonderful man to tell all my well hidden secrets to was absolute heaven. Little did I know that these same things were going to be the stick that beat me down. Down to depths that I had never plumbed before. I accepted this treatment, nay welcomed it! In my warped mind, if he was this upset about previous liaisons then he must really love me. He needed, not wanted, needed me to sleep with someone whilst he watched, then he could trust me again. If I showed him everything I had done sexually before we met, with another man, then I would have proved how much I loved him. It wasn't too much to ask. Was it? He'd been good to me, took me into his house and life, shown me what 'real' love was. This was just one small symbol of proof that I was grateful to him. Reparation for some perceived wrong. For the life of me, in my more lucid moments, I couldn't fathom what I'd done that had ruined the dream. It had been shattered into tiny little pieces.

Deep down in my psyche I knew what he demanded of me was wrong. A kernel of courage started to grow. I made excuses to put the dreaded deed off. Each day I tried to grab onto this sliver of bravado. How long I could delay the disgusting act was doubtful. Eventually it dawned on him that I was not going to do this willingly. I need to be punished, brought back into line. Maybe a stint in solitary would change my mind. Make me more amenable.

The door slammed, echoing down the long hall...

Author Notes I have never written a short story before, but had fun with this. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. All critiques gratefully received.

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